False Claims in the William Branham Campaigns

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When leaders of the New Apostolic Reformation proclaim receiving the “Mantle” of William Branham or present their ministries as extensions of the greater movement that Branham grandfathered, people attracted to those ministries are often unaware of the deception. Not only is the alleged “mantle” fiction, the overall “movement” Branham grandfathered is also fiction.

Like his prototype, John Alexander Dowie, Branham advertised supernatural power to heal that “never failed one single time”. While doing so, Branham advertised claims of people being healed while concealing examples of people who remained sick and even died. Still today, his cult following brags that William Branham healed young Donny Morton, and uses Morton to recruit members into the cult. Not only did Morton die of the disease that brought him and his father to the “healer”, Morton’s own family denounced William Branham as a fraud.

The most outrageous examples of these fictional stories are found on the website. Staged healings – people claiming to have been healed multiple times – are documented. Branham’s claims to have raised people from the dead in his hometown of Jeffersonville were debunked by the local newspapers, yet this information never made it to his crowds with itching ears.

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I followed the message for 23 years here in Brazil, I left this year and it's amazing how there are lies and inventions in the ministry and character named William
Banham, which even the surname we cannot believe!


I feel so bad for the people he deceived.


Unlike Christ Jesus The Living Word Changes Not
Many imposters, False teacher's & False prophets that continue to be exposed


The most interesting thing is that the Bible is not enough to prove WMB wrong. And never Bible is used to prove him wrong.


I live in Kansas City, IHOP believes that Mike Bickle has Branham's mantle, however, Branham preach a Pre-tribulation rapture, and was not really a Dominionist in his teaching. The teachings of the NAR did not line up with Branham's teachings.


Just startedreading your book about john Dowie, did you get anyone to proof read the manuscript because there are spelling errors, wrong dates written like 1988 instead is 1888 and words mixed up or left out. If so I hope they didn't get paid


And William Branham used Phineas Quimby the secular humanist and Phineas' teacher as well.


Answer to Cornelius:
With all due respect
Cornelius, this argument from Don't confront discrepancies, I believe it's because people don't have arguments, so they don't!
The disappointment with William Branham is indescribable.
Regarding his quote from Luther, Wesley and the Pentecostals, this does not validate that a prophet was needed for the Christian church. Jesus has already brought the final revelation (Hebrews 1:1-2). Our faith has come ONCE FOREVER:
"I felt the need to
To write to you, exhorting you to fight for the beautiful faith, since it was once and for all given to the saints" (Jude 3)".

|Brother Branham's applications of these "messengers" is an understanding he copied from
Charles Taze Russell, in the works he left called: The Study of
Scriptures.(seven volumes). Every introduction to the apocalypse and there is a messenger for every age, William
Branham copied it from him. And we know that this institution (Watchtower) is a sect, full of false prophecies etc.
Maybe that's why William
Branham also set the date for Jesus' return to 1977.
God bless your walk.


Hey brother, did you happen to see the reply Lesie Wells made under Luis Aliceas comment regarding your posted video titled William Branham fortune tellers. She was in the message for 28 years and married to a abusive husband for 22 years, she said William Branham never condoned abuse on women. Sounds like she finally got divorced and got out of the message. She blamed it all on WB instead of her husband. She said Brother Branham discouraged divorced...of course that was her choice. Found that interesting to come accoss so know your posted video about WB being abusive and she after 28 years and even now at 60 says WB didn't condone abuse, notice also, she mentioned having friends that went through the same thing, she never said anything about her friends believing WB incouraged abuse. So I wanna know who is telling the truth between two fallen message believers, can you help me with this, I'm confused?


After you listen the message of William Branham you’ll never be the same in your life I clearly see it in you!


99% Truth is still a lie. Gen3:4, 5...same old spirit...1kings22:22...why you tell the whole story? Why not mention WB’s instructions for operation and how God told the father’s boy all about him?
