William Branham Rejected the Bible
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When Christians engage members of William Branham's cult of personality, attempting to reason the Scriptures with them, they quickly learn that the Bible has very little effect on persuading cult members. William Branham rejected the Bible, both the Old and the New Testament, and manipulated members to believe that it had been replaced by something better.
Cult leaders today, following Branham's example, refute the Gospels and claim that it is of very little value. The "Word of God", for Branham's cult of personality, is the "Spoken Word" -- not the Bible.
Cult leaders today, following Branham's example, refute the Gospels and claim that it is of very little value. The "Word of God", for Branham's cult of personality, is the "Spoken Word" -- not the Bible.
William Branham Rejected the Bible
The Rejected King (William Branham 60/06/10)
60-0515M - ENG - The Rejected King - William Branham - Visual Read Along
The Rejected King (William Branham 60/05/15M)
The Message Believer: William Branham vs. the New Covenant
Why William Branham Rejected 1 John 4 and Deuteronomy 18 - Message Cult Theology
60-0515M The Rejected King | William Branham
The Galilean Wedding: Rapture & The Homecoming
60-0610 The Rejected King | William Branham
God will not permit | William Branham
William Branham's Capstone Doctrine
But if you only realized, that it's death to reject that Way! - William Branham (60-0604)
Whosoever will | William Branham
60-0610 - ENG - The Rejected King - William Branham - Visual Read Along
The Blemished Lamb That Was Slain For Hell - William Branham Cult Theology
#williambranham #branhamtabernacle #christian #jesus #apologetics #theology Get your tract!
William Branham: THE REJECTED KING
God's still got a David somewhere! - William Branham (60-0515M - The Rejected King)
Christian Tests William Branham With the Bible
I'm going to press the battle by the grace of God! - William Branham (The Rejected King)
The Bible Said So | William Branham
William Branham's Anti Biblical Rapture Theology
Branham Fails the Biblical Tests?!?!