baby accidentally ingested the ecstasy pills may fall into a deep sleep #movie #shorts #video

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The baby accidentally ingested the sister's ecstasy pills and may permanently fall into a deep sleep.#movie #shorts #video
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He’s not being mean . She needs to hear it


I remember this episode so vividly.Years later, when I was a first year resident, we had a 10 year old come through with a stomach full of Rohypnol he’d found in his brother’s room and all I could think about was this scene.


This is from the ER show, season 8 episode 13: Damage Is Done. The girl, Rachel, is the biological daughter of Dr. Mark Greene, the man shouting her. The woman, Elizabeth Corday, (who is also a doctor) is his wife, making Rachel her step daughter and Ella, the baby, the daughter of both doctors (Elizabeth and Mark) and half-sister of Rachel. At the age of 14, Rachel started becoming rebellious with drugs, alcohol and smoking. But in this episode, Ella accidentally overdosed on ecstasy that Rachel had in her backpack which landed Ella in the hospital. Fortunately, Ella didn't have any problems and is saved. Elizabeth wanted to press charges against Rachel for drug possession, but Mark refuses, making them just to split up.


“She’s okay though” is not the point. Accountability is important. TEACHING empathy is important. You do not get to run away from your feelings of guilt and sadness when you do something wrong. Because the person who was affected doesn’t get to run away from their pain and confusion in the moment or ever after. This is what is missing in the world. Empathy and accountability.


I know the older teen is still a child but I think the father was too forgiving. They don’t have to press charges, but she sheds only one tear and all is forgiven. Like he said, the baby could suffer the rest of her life because of that careless and reckless decision.


As a toddler i injested pills from my moms bag. I was lucky in that i only have some nerve damage that makes my hands shake. But it distresses my grandma so much to see it. I am 46 now. (And yes I was taken away from my mom and raised by my grandparents)


I hate to say it but the biggest danger to my babies are their older siblings. I keep the house safe and baby proofed and the second I’ve turned away the older ones are doing something to make it dangerous. It’s like living in constant hypervigilance. I remember the first shower I took, the baby was sleeping so I went into the shower. Big sister knocks on the door “the baby fell!” and hands me a hysterical infant. How?! She had went and picked him up and decided to jump on the trampoline with him and he “flew from her hands” 🫣 It’s constant.


I started locking my adderall, subutex and my headache medicine (which is a barbiturate) up after watching these videos but now I’m even locking up my prenatals and high blood pressure meds it’s ALL dangerous


This is why lionesses give birth away from their pride. It’s the younger cubs that can do the most harm. Even just playing too, rough.


Why is no one trying to figure out what is wrong mentally with the older sibling? Why is she doing drugs? Who gave them to her? What is she hiding/running from internally that she felt she needed drugs?


to all of you people bashing the mother, please check yourselves before commenting. the mother was sick with a stomach bug and could barely do anything without throwing up. they discussed the father not going to work in order to watch the baby in place of the mom, but rachel (the teenage girl) offered to watch the baby so her dad could work (rachel is not the mothers daughter) her dad immediately agreed despite the fact that the mom was visibly hesitant because they were both suspicious of her drug usage. the baby found the girls drug bag and consumed it and almost died as a result. The father shouldn’t have gone to work if his wife was so violently sick at home with a nine month old baby. the girl LIED about her drug usage and then didn’t secure her bag from the baby, the girl is 100% at fault and the father was WAY too comfortable leaving his baby in the care of a minor he suspected was using something. this was not the mothers fault and she did NOT neglect her baby, she could barely focus and speak at one point.


I can’t even blame the mom, I would’ve wanted to press charges as well. The fact that she wasn’t even sorry, would’ve pissed me off. I understand they’re both his children, but one almost killed the other. And then she had the nerve to say, “it was just one pill.” Yeah, if I was the stepmom I would’ve left too


I’d want her put into a drug program. Yes she shouldn’t have had the drugs, but at the same time it was an accident and if the parents was watching their baby this wouldn’t have happened. If your baby swallowed a small object on the floor would you blame someone in the house or rule it out as an accident? Accidents happen. But the teen still needs to have an intervention. And therapy.


I’m proud of DAD. Her world is about to be turned upside down, especially if the baby doesn’t make it. She’ll face guilt, legal trouble, resentment from her mother and possibly others, and feelings of self-hate. The teen is already dealing with drugs, which brings more problems, and now there’s the added stress of the baby. That hug and her father’s unconditional love might be the only thing stopping her from feeling like sui cide or going deeper into the life of drugs.


As someone whos dealt with mental health, being a rebellious teen and had friends who did ecstasy-
Why would you trust a troubled, young teen to watch a 9 month old? Even if she promised to not do drugs, if they were both doctors, they could afford a professional babysitter.
Its clear that girl had some issues and shouldn't be watching her stepsister.


Honestly, I wouldn't have pressed charges against my daughter. At most, have her go to a drug program or drug test her for a while. But it was an accident ultimately that could have been prevented by the parents actually watching the kid. Why? First of all, the ecstasy was not out in the open. It was in her book bag and in a Ziploc bag. What does that mean? You can replace that ecstasy with any small object that toddlers are not supposed to get their hands on. You want to know what's a similar size to an ecstasy pill? The eraser in a mechanical pencil. You want to know what can cause a child to suffocate to death? Swallowing an eraser. Are you going to Tell the police to arrest your daughter because the toddler went into her book bag that was closed and took out the eraser and swallowed it? No you're not. It was an accident, and it could have been prevented by the parent actually being present as opposed to expecting a child to take care of a younger child.

Mind you, and going to a drug program, she's definitely going to do some learning about the importance of safe storage of medications, illicit or not. However, ruining her life for an accident is not the way forward. If anything eats the exact opposite of what you want to do because having what is essentially going to be a felony on her record at that young of an age has ruined all prospects for her and when people are in that situation, they do in fact turn to drugs and alcohol And you might as well kiss your daughter goodbye


Can nine months olds open a backpack tho? And the plastic bag pills were in?


This was heartbreaking. Especially knowing what happens later. I loved Mark and and Elizabeth together.


The funny thing is, people have medicinal drugs in their house all the time. And whenever a baby gets into that it's not their fault. But if someone is taking a drug it's not prescribed to them because it helps them in some type of way, even if it's a destructive way that helps with their trauma, it's automatically their fault.
Im not ssying this is the case, but obviously, she is struggling with something. You can tell just how the dad acts and she reacts


From what I'm gathering the woman is the girl's stepmother & the baby is her half sister. That girl is 14, & that baby is clearly just that, a baby. Apparently the parents also split after this because stepmom wanted to press charges & dad didn't. Personally I think mom is a piece of shit & both parents are neglectful cause no matter who in these comments say a 14 y/o child is old enough to watch their younger siblings, no ADULT should EVER be leaving a baby alone with a child who ISN'T EVEN OLD ENOUGH TO DRIVE YET. When you're 12, you help look after your 10 y/o sibling. Not a toddler, not a baby. Which honestly even that shouldn't be happening if you can help it. Two doctors should be able to afford a babysitter. Trying to criminalize a teenager for trying drugs is a shitty move & shows just how little she cares about her own stepdaughter, likely because she didn't birth her herself, so I'm glad they ended up splitting cause that would've been an issue their entire relationship. & if she wasn't babysitting then the parents are especially neglectful cause how does your baby get into your older child's backpack & ingest drugs while being supervised. That's right, they don't. That being said daughter does need some serious discipline for being so reckless, but there are also two adults in that household that are way more at fault, & if that asshole of a mother tried to press charges she would've been in a lot more trouble than the kid I'm sure
