How to Make a Pregnancy-Belly Cast

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Immortalize your pregnancy by making a cast of your belly.

Step 1: Lay down a tarp
Lay down a tarp or some newspapers and cover a chair with an old sheet. Making a cast is a messy job.

Step 2: Get materials ready
Set a large bowl of water on the tarp for dipping the strips. Cut the preplastered gauze into strips 12 to 18 inches long, and snip three small squares to cover the belly button – plus six more for the nipples if you're including breasts in the cast.

Step 3: Prepare the mom-to-be
Have the mother-to-be strip down to a pair of underpants she doesn't mind getting ruined; then rub petroleum jelly or cocoa butter on all areas you plan to include in the cast. Have her sit at the edge of a chair or stool.

Remind the expectant mom to use the bathroom before the casting begins because she won't be able to move for about an hour.

Step 4: Begin plastering
Put on a pair of latex gloves. Begin dipping strips into the water and patting them onto the mother's chest and belly. Use the small squares on the navel and nipples, pressing them gently so they conform to the surface. Avoid covering these areas with larger strips; you want the cast to preserve those shapes.

The cast will be sturdier if you overlap the layers in different directions.

Step 5: Work quickly
Apply at least three layers. Work quickly! The plaster starts drying within minutes.

Step 6: Let it dry
Let the cast dry, which should take 20 to 30 minutes.

Step 7: Remove gently
Gently pull the cast off the mom, and wipe off any excess plaster. Place the cast on the newspapers or tarp, belly-side up, and let it dry for another 48 hours.

Step 8: Even out bumps
Even out bumps with a piece of sandpaper until the cast is smooth.

Step 9: Seal it
Seal the cast by brushing on gesso, a canvas primer you can find in art supply stores. Voila! Your pregnancy belly is preserved for posterity.

Did You Know?
Did you know? Bobbi McCaughey's waist measured 55 inches when she gave birth to septuplets in November 1997, and her belly was about twice the size of a typical full-term stomach.
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Quick tip. Use sandpaper directly on the pregnant belly before casting to even out the surface even more.


Love this !! and thank you to my dear friend Patricia  for sending me this link! My daughter is expecting her first baby and my first grandchild and she is in love with her belly growing and Im gonna send her this and I can assure you she is goin to go mad and I can already see her making one every week LOL!!! she loves her belly!! Aww thank you for sharing this video! 


Some of you are so immature it's sad. This is something very special to a lot of mothers. Not for little punks who have nothing better to do then talk ignorant. Grow up and go watch videos that you can relate to. 
It's fun to do the cast and then have your loved ones sign it at the babies shower ect. Then you can hang it in the babies nursery 


Doing this in a few weeks! Super excited and wish I would have done it with my son


I want to make me one of these once my belly is about 35 weeks or so along because it's such a beautiful thing. I don't know why people that it is creepy. They are trippin'


i want to do this when i get pregnant with my children, to show them how big i got with them and to look back and think about the excitment i felt with them inside me and ready to see them for the first time


I'll definitely do this if I get pregnant, I'd include the hands holding the belly, though.


Did not get around to doing this until pregnant with baby number six. Surely wish we did this sooner.


Does it matter whether the water is warm or cold 👀🤔


Can you please tell us what Plaster did you use? Cause I think it's called DAP Plaster of Paris Dry Mix. But I want to make sure.


does anyone know where to get preplastered gauze?


oo this is so beautiful what a nice way to remenber\


I want to make one of these lol. This pregnancy has sucked majorly, but I do adore my bump. looks really odd without the breasts. It just doesn't look right without them.


you know you can put putroleam jelly when your cast is done just put it on top of the cast


You can order this online. Take a look on Amazon.


i was wondering where i can purchase the preplastered gauze??? like what type of store


Hello all, just wanted to post a video on items i would recommend having in the home before you have your bundle of joy :)


LOL! What would happen if the guy waited until the last minute to do this and the mom went into labor while the plaster was hardening?


Oh, i thought this video would teach me to make a fake one if I need it for a short film or something like that.


I’m 20 weeks along. I am not trying this. It seems a little weird. I’m not trying to affect, but i don’t see the point.
