Election According to Jesus

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Dr. Leighton Flowers presents a short explanation of Jesus's parable of the Wedding Banquet in Matthew 22.

There are several divine choices made by God to bring about redemption.

1) The election of the nation that the king ruled over in the parable (representing Israel)
2) The election of the servants from that nation to deliver the wedding invitations (representing prophets/apostles).
3) The election of those who would receive the invitations (representing the message going first to the Jews and then to the Gentiles)
4) The election to permit those properly clothed in wedding garments to enter (representing those clothed in Christ’s righteousness by faith)

The moral of Christ’s parable was, “Many are called, but few are elect” (v. 14). In other words, many are “unconditionally” invited by “unconditionally” elected servants from an “unconditionally” elected nation.

- The nation was not chosen because it was more moral or more deserving (i.e. “unconditional”)

- The servants from that nation were not selected because they were more moral or more deserving. (i.e. “unconditional”)

- And the invitations were not sent to people because they were more moral or deserving. (i.e. “unconditional”)

- The invitation (WORD) was brought to the world through a nation (and individually selected servants from that nation). This is what Christ is referencing when he says, “many are called.”

What does Christ mean by “few are elect?” Clearly, this is in reference to those conditionally permitted entrance into the banquet based upon their being properly clothed in the right wedding garments. The King elects to permit those rightly clothed to come in while the rest are cast out. Likewise, God will only permit those clothed in the righteousness of Christ to enter heaven. The “few” who are “elect” were clearly conditionally chosen based upon their garments (the righteousness of Christ). This is the foundational understanding of “corporate election to salvation.” We are elect only insofar as we are connected with Christ (clothed in His righteousness).

This parable, like Romans 9, includes all of the King’s choices, not just the last one. In other words, the parable involves not only the King’s choice to grant or deny an individual’s entrance into the banquet, but also the King’s choices in fulfilling his purposes through his own nation and those individual servants selected to deliver the invitations. Likewise, Paul, in Romans 9, has all of these divine choices well in view.

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Chosen because they are clothed in the righteousness of Christ, not clothed in the the righteousness of Christ because they are chosen. Thanks Leighton


I am loving these short and to the point videos! Keep making more!


Such clear teaching! If pastors 20 years ago spoke clearly concerning such matters than I reckon there would be very few Calvinists around today.


I have to believe God actually really truly wants and desires wholeheartedly for everyone to believe the gospel, or else i cant really have any assurance. Because there are people who fall away or are tares among wheat(false converts). If God chooses some to believe and others not to believe then it would stand to reason he chooses some to be false converts. With all the doubts and backsliding ive done, and my serious thoughts of wanting to not believe sometimes; if thats coming from God then there is no hope for me. But if God is actually truly for me, and He truly desires for me to believe, then i actually CAN admit my own wicked heart of unbelief in departing from the living God, and it means that i truly am able to repent and believe. Im not fighting God to get to Him, He's striving with me to get me to realize that i really do need Him.


I was set free from so much inner turmoil concerning this… cause of this. Video. THANK YOU


Yeah! More short videos! 10min or less nuggets.


Wonderful!!! You have such a gift for pulling together the totality of scripture and synthesizing in a way that makes sense. You don’t have to appeal to “mystery” to explain “contradictory” verses regarding soteriology. When read in context, there is no contradiction. 👍


I think the main message of this parable is how Jesus is the only way to God


The “ elected” is the “ invited”, not the “ entitled”.


Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.


Love this one! This is the God I serve! Anyone can come but not all are willing!


I understand and appreciate the longer videos that take the words of other teachers and directly juxtapose the alternative interpretation. I think these are fruitful for seminary students and when lay persons recognize their need to understand this doctrine more clearly and are ready to invest an hour plus to understand the teachings. But, Leighton you are hitting he sweet spot with the short videos that give clear teaching and allow the "Average" person who doesn't even recognize or question the TULIP teachings they are hearing from others. These are critical and important part of your teaching ministry. Both are needed.


A lot of souls will be saved with videos such as these.


Loving these short, pack-a-punch videos Leighton! Do know that you indeed are not only teaching, but also edifying the Body by showing us how loving our God truly is.


Simple yet so informative. I would like to see more of theses videos in the future.


Magnificient from a fellow bible teacher and servant. God bless you richly sir.


Thank you for this short and clear videos. Precise and concise. I love them.


Clear, Simple, Awesome Gospel Presentation


Almost at 20K subs Leighton. Great to see the steady growth! When you hit 25K it will get a lot easier to grow.


I didn’t know Leighton could do anything this just. Just teasing with you Leighton. I really appreciate your work.
