Stephen Wolfram: I PROVED IT FIRST!

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The second law of thermodynamics has been shrouded in mystery for a century and a half. Now, after building on the recent breakthroughs in the foundations of physics, Stephen Wolfram has finally provided a resolution to the mystery. But is he correct?

Stephen Wolfram is a computer scientist, physicist, and businessman. He is the founder and CEO of Wolfram Research and the creator of Mathematica, Wolfram Alpha, and Wolfram Language. Over the course of 4 decades, he has pioneered the development & application of computational thinking. He has been responsible for many discoveries, inventions & innovations in science, technology, and business.

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Q: Does Achilles catch the tortoise or does the tortoise avoid capture?

Wolfram: yes


🎯 Key points for quick navigation:

00:00 *⏳ History and Misconceptions of the Second Law of Thermodynamics*
- Exploring the historical context and misconceptions surrounding the second law of thermodynamics,
- Einstein's early attempts to prove the second law in the early 1900s highlighted philosophical approaches and challenges in understanding entropy.
02:19 *🧠 Philosophical Insights into Scientific Thinking*
- Discussing philosophical influences on scientific thought,
- Boltzmann's impact on Einstein's approach to scientific reasoning and the evolution of thought experiments in physics.
04:39 *⏲️ Computational Irreducibility and the Nature of Time*
- Defining time as a process of computational irreducibility,
- Time emerges as the sequential application of rules, where predictions cannot bypass the step-by-step computation process.
06:44 *🔍 Theoretical Insights on Temperature and Heat*
- Clarifying the distinctions between temperature and heat,
- Temperature is defined by the average kinetic energy of molecules, contrasting with the broader implications of the second law of thermodynamics.

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As much as I agree with Wolfram that time and entropy are progression of “irreducible rules based computational steps”, I wish you both had covered the mechanics  of  those rules and its corresponding unit step. It is possible it is part of his detailed theory — and so, I welcome those details, in case Wolfram sees this comment 

This is where we as a firm have gone a step further - and I would be glad to collaborate  with him as well 
In any case, under our TOE, it is a fine structure constant (FSC) and it’s flip sided golden ratio governed 2/3:1/3 rule driven least action  formula of our CPT(α, Φ) function as explained in my articles link below and exhibits 

In other words, our TOE is  a CPT(α, Φ) function operated cosmic  dance, where α ends up splitting the frequencies of QVF  as 137 dipoles using Riemann Zeta function( including its corresponding Fourier/Mobius transformations), in such a way that the electric field of each dipole gets rotated as nπ cycles (using Euler’s identity  eiπ  )   before getting rotated by their magnetic field (by 90 degrees) so that their combined least action (A) can be twisted to flow along the eigen-valued nodes of Ramanujan graph, using the 2/3:1/3 rule  of α (ratioed  by its flip sided golden ratio Φ)! 

Stated otherwise,   this idea of embedding CPT function within our TOE with 10+ META DUALITIES of the Langsland/Banach-Tarski paradox of our SOE/TOE engine is what differentiates our approach!

For example,

We imagine our Universe as the  Riemann Zeta function governed LMFDB universe (that is a motivic/metamorphic/Galois representation  based SU 2/SU3/SU4 symmetrical engine.

In other words, Z(1) is the fundamental frequency of this Universe’s TOE engine  that   is QVF/ZPE sourced,   Daemon governed frequency of Riemann's zeta function Ζ(S) with a singularity of S=1+0i, that is made up of his harmonic oscillating zeros(S=1/2+it stacked on his 1/2 critical line, before being transformed as a 137 frequency-spin momentum matched dipole, using our FSC(α)-GR-PLA+5 AITGE origin formulas(see exhibit)

In other words, our TOE/SOE engine is the one that is transforming the Riemann's zeros into an artistic unit charge SU2 dipole(see visual), by contracting/expanding its electric flux as the center of mass (as r = αR), before rotating its magnetic flux by 90 in such a way that it can be extended into the left plane as a paired unit charge, using the "only possible analytical continuation of Zeta".

Sure enough, this engine function is nothing  but universe's wave function only, transforming itself from position/time space into frequency/momentum space, using the Fourier transform operator --

ψ(k) = ∫ ψ(t)  e^-iwt  dt    -

This  brings us to our next point about CPT function 

This "one & only allowed analytically continued/functional equation allowed symmetrical  dipole" is what limits/constrains the ∞ pole of Riemann sphere to a value of 137 cycles( per Laurent/Cauchy residue including the α=r/R, =fe/fp=we/wp logic of our CP function as explained in my post  and attached one page exhibit for details

lim t→ ∞ CP(1/2 + ti) = 1/α cycles of dipole 

Turns out, this is what also makes our TOE as the best candidate (compared to all other TOEs), as we visibly  see the signatures of FSC and golden ratio throughout nature

Simply put —

Ours is the only TOE that is anchored on this FSC/golden ratio governed CPT(α, Φ) function mechanism!

In other words, for any TOE path to become a final TOE, it must be anchored on this FSC/golden ratio governed CPT(α, Φ) function mechanism end to end  (in one form or the other)! 

This doesn't mean that ours is the only path — and the classic example is how we have integrated Ads/CFT duality of string theory with  these 10 dualities of our CPT(α, Φ) function mechanism with the hypothesis that they toggle between  CFT-boundary of the lower CP1 plane to & AdS-Bulk upper CP2 plane!

This is where   we want to extend it to all the other best in class features from all other TOE paths using this integrated program — which brings me to the list of our “top 10 CPT(α, Φ) function caused, META DUALITY PROOFS”, including our recent additions of  Ramanujan graphs  & Jones/Khovanov homology knots, as summarized below  

1. Riemann zeros of dipole/quadrupoles(1/2+ti)
2. Hodge hyperbolic structures(H3 quotioned by K&A L-functions 
3. Hodge P-adic parabolic structures (P(N) quotioned by  K&A L-functions )
4. Thurston structures(T(N)  quotioned by K&A L-functions )
5. Polytopes(PT(N)  quotioned by  K&A L-functions 
6. Spectral vertices of Ramanujan graphs G2xK2 Q by Ramanujan L-function
7. K knots of Jones polynomial (&Feynman’s paths/Riemann surfaces)
8. HK knot states of Khovanov homology 
9. Prime square roots of Knots theory 
10. Irreducible representation of Poincare particles 

Similarly, if I may summarize the manifestations of these 10 CPT(α, Φ) caused dualities by mapping the lower CP1 plane to CFT-boundary & upper CP2 plane to AdS-Bulk

1. Imagine, as the CPT(α, Φ ) function starts limiting the “Riemannian ∞ quantum spherical universe” into a compact polynomial region of the lower plane (whose WF is modeled using a metamorphic/automorphic Riemann zeta function with a SU2-3-4  symmetry) -- it is automatically cut into infinite slices of irreducible diploid circular spheres at an exact moment when the Zeta function starts crossing the origin. of CP1

2. Also imagine, as these infinite slices get squeezed (1 & 4 at a time) into an exact radiused symplectic geometric asymmetric taurusized cylinder of the  CP2 plane (folded from the unit square of CP1 plane)", acting as the Hilbert’s countable infinity hotel.

3. Now, as they get squeezed into an “exact radiused symplectic geometric asymmetric taurusized cylinder”, the electric field starts getting rotated 90°(by the magnetic flux), thus transforming it into an “domino effected ellipsoid”.

4. Now as we analyze the cross section of each “domino affected ellipsoid", we can clearly see these 10 geometrical dualities.

5. Turns out, our CPT(α, Φ)  function is the one that rotates these 10 geometrical dualities  “galoistically and knotistically” before reassembling them in CP2 as a classical sphere. In other words, CPT(α, Φ) does it all in real time by the particle as soon as zeta function starts crossing the origin in CP1 plane, so that it can shift it into the next lattice of CP2. This simultaneous shift is what gives us the feeling that these dualities are orbiting smoothly like the frames of Muybridge’s Horse in Motion.

Simply put,

Similarly,  how about I expand its scope to the productivity challenge in the business dimension that has been developed by the very same TOE principles(& synthesized as 1 sentence below and in exhibit)

Welcome complementary POVs


I finally understand something about 2nd thermo because of Wolfram work and his team.


Thank you for taking the time to interview all of these great minds about such fundamental questions, while keeping people up to date in the latest advancements in physics! Please do not stop doing so, your content is extremely valuable! You should interview more mathematicians on the podcast too. Thanks!


“Dark matter is the caloric of our time” - great statement from a great mind!


In my mind, time is a coordinate. What Wolfram is describing would be the passage of time. Which is something different.


If the ability to communicate complex subjects to regular people like me, is an IQ multiplier, Stephen Wolfram is probably the smartest guy on the planet. Always a pleasure to listen to him.


Isn't the definition circular? The sentence "Progress of a computation" in itself contains the element of time, because the word "progress" is defined as something that happens from the past into the future. So he defines time using another concept of time.


Oh a Relief. Stephen Wolfram had to write a Book just to understand the second law. so we good on that page. Thanks Doc.


Dr Keating, the link in the description does not point to the complete interview with Dr. Wolfram.


To recognize the second law, first they had to recognize time.


One question for Mr Keating; 'What happens to entropy at 0 deg K'?


I remember bring my Wolfram book into my philosophy grad work in the 90s. They wanted nothing to do with it. If you spend a few minutes with his mind, agree or disagree, i cant imagine not thinking “this guy is onto something.” Its almost existential.


Ok, so time is the application of rules by a computing process. But a process needs time in order to proceed (hence the name). Time is expained by time. Sounds like a circular explanation to me. But I am only an engineer and not a scientist. Otherwise: Good stuff!


Is there some way to tie in Gödel, Turing, Chaitin, and chaos with these ideas?


Dammit, I figured THAT out when I was a commercial HVAC technician.
Heat’s the problem, but, it’s a sign of life, too.


Don't think in terms of a 'big bang' think in terms of a embryo transitioning from a singularity to a fully formed being.

Inwards, not outwards...

This puts the 'big bang' at the end of the time line. Except that it is so infinitesimally small as to be indistinguishable from another point and as it is the end result of the process, it occurs at every point within the original embryo... And they exist at all moments in time, all the time. And they act as one, point which is free from the restrictions of transition that os present at other, more 'middle ground' reference frames. There energy and actions remain within thier own reference frame ad the adjacent frames are not sensitive to the transitional sequence and transitional movements velocity. Ie-the interfacing synchronisation of the two frames is extremely difficult to force into engaging and requires large amounts of energy to force them to remain engaged. There is one other frame which is readily able to engage with it, the original embryo. This engagement is easier than it is for the tiny point to secure enough energy to split any further. The original reference frame is ideally suitable for integration with the point in nearly every transitional moment of its sequence....
*'the very beginning determining the how the end will take form and the end sustaining the beginning with theb perfect form contained within its innumerable other forms that vary from wildly incompatible to nearly perfectly incompatible.
(this is where nature receives the intuition for setting up every possible combination of order and allowing nature to run its course and find its own way, with the perfect coherence presenting itself at the end and beginning of 'time')
This perfect form is not a perfect balance or divisible denomination. It is the perfectly balanced imbalance. If this one form did not exist, the machine wouldn't make it to the end, and therefore it wouldn't start....
And the process is starting at every instant in time, all the time. *But the abstraction of time does not apply to all references frames within the system in the conventional sense that entropy eludes to. Our reality is like a slither within a vast spectrum...

The prefect imbalance also means the configuration is not identical at each 'return to the beginning.' Its incrementally different, in a determined way but one that makes weather predictions seem like counting to 2.


Time together with distance and the amount of gravity determine the rate of causation.


"According to Ramsey theory, pure randomness (in the sense of there being no discernible pattern) is impossible, especially for large structures. Mathematician Theodore Motzkin suggested that "while disorder is more probable in general, complete disorder is impossible"." Wikipedia
