Beginner Snowboard Toe Side Turn Guide

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This are some really important tips that can really help you own your toe side turn while s turning on your snowboard. Here are the 5 secret tips!

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This are some really important tips that can really help you own your toe side turn while s turning on your snowboard. Here are the 5 secret tips!


I cant say how much this has helped me, all i did was stay on the heal edge. This actually got me to go on my toe edge🔥


This was SO helpful! I’m self taught, this is my 3rd season, I’m in love with snowboarding! But I hardcore favor my heel side, because I feel more comfortable that way, I catch my toe edge a lot, when switching. I really want to get better & have smoother transitions from heel to toe. I think my problem was not un-weighting my board when switching to toe side.
This helped me so much! I saw a world of difference implementing these tips! This is exactly what I needed! Thank you sm! 🤙🏼🏂


How do you handle speed when on toe edge and switching from heal edge to toe edge with that speed? How do you not catch and edge with a lot of speed and not face plant in the snow when your switching?


just started riding again after just over 11 years of not riding. i’m 36 now lol. like i never rode which is disappointing since i grew up as a skatepark rat lol. had so much trouble with my toe side edge yesterday at gunstock in NH. i can slide heal side stop heal side turn heal side but toe side !!???? i ended up screwing up my toe side turn catching my heal side edge and smashing my head lol. ski patrol gave me a check up and a curtesy ride down lol. needless to say i need some serious practice. just ordered my red helmet sticker though to remind me to keep going and to not give up lol. and it will look super dope at least as it’s bouncing backed the mountain with my head inside haha. thanks for all the content and tips brother !


Hi Jonathan, I’m still a beginner so always love seeing these videos (as well as you and Roman smashing it)! One thing I found helpful with my toe side turns was after unweighting the turn from my heels, focus on pushing my hips forward to lock in the new toe edge.


This helped so much! I’m goofy foot and am good on heel side but I always fall on toe side edge so thank you! Can’t wait for next year


So needed i always catch my heel edge when i turn so this was needed


last season was my first season and I never got good at toe side! This tip about unweighting the board might be the answer for me! I've noticed how people on youtube are doing a smooth gradual transition between heel and toe edge, and that step in the middle might help me have control. Somehow I manage to fall backward usually and it sucks!!


Sending this to my daughters, it's their first season and they picked it up quick but are struggling with toe side, I ve been pretty good teacher so far, hopefully this will help them get past the fear. Come ride Vail.


remember to lean forward because beginners and people learning to ride switch can get uncomfortable or scared linking turns so they lean back and that makes it harder to grab an edge


I watched this and after SO many failed trips somehow picked up the toe edge quickly today. Thank


This makes a lot of sense I can't wait to get on the slopes and try this! Ty!!


Would love more beginner videos! Thanks for emphasizing the need for practice and connecting all the body movements needed.


Thank you! I'm excited to try these tips out!


Ive come to learn a lot of it is not to be hesitant and trusting the action and reaction of the board when you go on your heel or toe edge. Going to try this the next time I’m off, good small pointers i was missing out on!


Man I’m struggling with toes 😂 I got heels down but every time I try for a toe turn I catch an edge lol, I’m on my first ever time boarding atm and it’s hard 😂 I still managed a red on my first day, I may have crashed a few times but I’m getting there 😂 I’m hoping this vid will help me out tomorrow haha


Im using these tips in Jackson hole right now. Very much needed.


I’ve been snowboarding twice and I’m actually more comfortable on my toes, it’s scary but I’ve learned speed is your friend


Great Tips! Been teaching my kids and these tips come in handy
