The Difference Between C-Grade And A-Grade Students

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"An A-grade student takes full responsibility for what shows up in their life. There’s a whole load of problems that show up daily in our lives that we have no control over – the weather, the economy, the government, illness – a lot of that we can’t control. However, would you not agree that becoming the best version of yourself, upgrading your skills, obtaining the best qualifications you can, would that not put you in a better, stronger position to deal with everything that gets thrown at you? Do you think that upgrading yourself and becoming a wiser, smarter, more driven and successful person would benefit the people around you that you love? Your family, your friends, everyone that crosses your path? Of course it would."

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#struggle #stronger #students
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The worse thing is seeing someone who doesn't put nearly as much time as me do as good or better that me
Makes me feel stupid and not able to get to where I want to


whether you are an F student or A student. Your knowledge is never controlled by your grades. you know what you know.


You must always remember:
You're braver than you believe,
Stronger than you seem,
And Smarter than you think.


I’m the type of people who study hard but still get “normal/ average” grades :’D


In dutch we say: "beter een 6 zonder stress, dan een 7 zonder leven" (in english: "better a 6 without stress, than a 7 without a life)


Still I am D STUDENT but I will change it INSHAALLAH.


I barely study 3 hours a day but I always get A+ or As..the point is, you should always play attention to whatever you're studying for however long you want


Is this video telling us to only study even if we are tired or feeling not good? Actually i dont agree with that. Firstly i am a human not a machine. When i am feeling down or smt like that, i know that i need some space. I cant focus on my work in that way. So, as a medical student, I should say that; study smarter. Not harder. and give yourself a leisure time otherwise studying long hours would be inefficient. Brain needs sleep, relaxness to absorb the topics.


And, after all this, "A grade students work for C grade students"


teacher: “do you study?”

me: “what’s that! who’s he?”


I hate myself right now, i was so disciplined, but now i lost my path, i am trying to get better, but i don’t know...i feel so lost..


6 months time?
Me: **watching on the night of the exam**


If anyone is reading this

B A B Y S T E P S !!!!


I am a A grade student when I want to be.


I began as someone who used to fail in class. My lowest points for math in 10th grade was 13/100. I was struggling with my life but I had no motivation to study nor did I know a technique. So I got into 11th grade and made my mind to study. Before the year started, I got myself motivated. At first, I took more time than other kids. If others took 1 hour, I took an hour more. It was also difficult to keep my mind concentrated for long period of time. So I started slowly. At first I simply read and read for long hours and I got around 63 points out of 80 for all. I slowly started understanding new techniques I could use to study. By the end of the year, I got 93%. When I got into 12th grade, I got more used to these techniques and new methods of studying naturally came to me. I did not take such long time to study anymore. Every month, I time I take, became less. Now when I dont feel like studying, I know how to get myself in the mood to do so


Always wasting my time on watching YouTube videos...


I want to be the better version of myself to myself

Not to anyone else like grades...


For me life isn’t about grades I care about the classes I care about and I work my ass off for the near future, I put more time in investing than my anatomy and other classes


after watching this video I feel like only A-grade students learn and succed.
Hey, not-A-grade students. It's absolutely ok, if you give 100% and get B, C or D. Your grades don't really show your knowladge. Just keep going.


One piece of advice for you hopeful students:
Set your dream in front of you, and simply walk toward it without stop. There will be all the obstacles in the world in front of you, and there will be all the assets in the world with you. (like these videos). That won't change.
The only thing that can change is your view of your dream. Don't lose sight of it, and don't be clouded by how bad things are around you. The world is already taking so much from you, don't let it take your dreams.
Wish you the best of luck.
