You've Been Eating Spinach Wrong... And This Could Harm Your Kidneys!

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Have you ever watched Popeye cartoons?

If you’ve ever eaten spinach thinking that it would make you as strong as him, you should know that this vegetable can actually bring you more harm than benefits, if it’s consumed in the wrong way. The spinach myth started a long time ago, in 1870, with the American researcher Dr. E. Von Wolf.

One of his articles was published with a typo: the number that indicated the amount of iron present in spinach was missing a decimal point. It made it seem as if spinach contained ten times more iron than it actually does. The typo was fixed after a few decades, but by then the myth had already spread.

Iron is a very important mineral for our bodies and when we don't eat enough of it, we may get anemia associated with an iron deficiency. It’s a disease that normally makes people lose their appetite, feel tired, look pale, lose their desire to work, and have difficulties learning.

Not only does spinach not contain as much iron as people thought, it also has a substance called oxalic acid, that keeps your body from absorbing iron, causing it to be eliminated through your bowel movements. A large quantity of this acid in your blood could even contribute to the formation of kidney stones, and other disorders—especially in your liver. So anyone with kidney problems or rheumatoid arthritis should avoid consuming large quantities of this acid.

Apart from this, some nutritionists say that cooked spinach should be consumed immediately, because if you keep it in the refrigerator, it may start to produce toxic substances.

Now that you know the truth about spinach, you may feel tempted to cut it completely out of your diet, but we aren't through yet. Popeye's favorite food contains anti-oxidant substances, as well as several vitamins.

A cup of raw spinach can give you your daily intake of vitamin A, and half of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C. You still need to be careful when you eat spinach. Consume it in moderation, and don’t overdo it— especially with small children.

In order to better benefit from spinach, eat it raw or lightly steamed.

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In today’s world, the issue isn’t Whole Foods/real food of any kind. It’s processed foods and refined sugars that are a problem. I will never shy away from a whole food. I once got into a debate with a health coach over eating corn on the cob over the summer and whole eggs with the yoke. I politely told her that I wasn’t unhealthy or over weight from eating the entire egg or corn on the cob. I was unhealthy and overweight because I was drinking soda every day, no water and Cheetos and Burger King...Anybody complaining about what inside of a leafy green vegetable is insane in my opinion.


I just ate a big bowl of uncooked spinach as salad don't care if it's good or not good I like it so I eat it, everybody is a doctor I just eat everything that is healthy but not too much of the same thing.


They would post this when I'm eating a big bowl of spinach lol


Weird cuz other science says cooking it makes it easier to digest and activates more nutrients. And reduces food illness


nonsense, we Indians consume cooked spinach twice a week. Never heard of any pronlems. In dact as someone mentioned, doctors priscribe it for iron deficiencies.


Ok I don’t know what to eat anymore, Im just going to photosynthesis my nutrition instead


I just ate fresh raw organic spinach out of the refrigerator and now I feel like hiking up a mountain!! 🌿😃🗻


Nothing is perfect, but at least Spinach is leaning more, towards 'good'.


Won't lie, this made me want to eat spinach


So, like with any vegetable, one should eat it "raw" or "lightly steam" to get the full benefits?? Over cooking and eating the "leftovers " should be avoided.. Good to know~


You realize that "Popeye" is a cartoon... huh?
And the spinach he consumes comes out of a can... really?


Why does live gotta be so complicated?


Bad for you?.. perfect that just means I can replace chips with spinach


I love fresh uncooked spinach in a salad and on subs


Weird tho. There are videos saying cooking spinach or any kind of green is very important. Atleast cook it awhile to kill bacteria such as salmonella


And I just watched a vid on why eating spinach raw is bad... Fucking world..!


I had my kidney stones biopsied aaaand I can confirm. I drink spinach smoothies all the time and need a green alternative


Ok so what I have learnt from this video is that it only harmful when taken in excess and not to refrigerate it


Eating shouldn't be this difficult...


And How do you eat it wrong? Isnt that more important to tell?
