Ikigai: The Secret to a Purposeful Life | Emily Bidle | TEDxYouth@ASIJ

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Emily is a junior at ASIJ passionate about educational innovation and encouraging students to explore their passions. She is particularly interested in enhancing the learning experience within her school community through the use of cutting-edge technology.

Emily highlights the struggles of having a shy personality and the inability to confidently express herself. After stepping out of her comfort zone and getting accepted into a program called FutureHack, she was able to shift her mindset from viewing things as obstacles to opportunities. Realizing that her opinions do truly matter, she developed a great drive towards making a real impact on society.
Grade 11

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Absolutely amazing. Thank you for sharing your journey. I wish I understood everything as much when I was in 11th grade. It would have saved me a lot of tough life lessons, lol! Sending love, light and positive high vibes to all. May everyone find their ikigai.


What a lovely soul! May God bless her!


Emily, what an amazing job, very well written and the whole FutureHack family is so proud of you and thank you for telling the world about your experience at FutureHack. We are so happy that you’ve found your Ikigai - and we’re sure your Ikigai will shine and inspire many others to find their own true passions and purpose. You’re already changing the world, we can’t wait to see more ! Thank You!


What a blessed sweetheart and sincere soul as well. God bless you Emily and thanks very much for sharing this true and deeply valuable blessed information! Peace girlie!


Brilliant. Thank you Emily!

It does take courage, and when you spoke about detaching from your fears and overcoming your 'perceived' shortcomings it really resonated with me and how I feel right now.

Your message is vital


what an incredible talk!! I've heard of ikigai before, and I'm trying to figure mine out while giving myself space and opportunities to find myself. I'm really grateful to be introduced to this method


Thank you Emily!Love your apresentation❤


Beautifully said. Love your enthusiasm and bravery! You will go far!


Though Emily has shared her own journey about discovering her Ikigai, her talk does little to help viewers discover theirs. IMO, schools should help kids find their Ikigai early in life, so that they can hone their natural talent over the years and lead a successful and fulfilling life. Far too many people live all their life not discovering their calling or Ikigai, which is such a waste of their innate talent. Parents ought to focus on identifying the natural talent and passion in their kids from a young age and then do whatever they can to help their kids leverage on their natural talent to become successful in life. Alas, this too doesn't happen very often, as even in this day and age, many parents want to thrust their own unfulfilled ambitions on their kids and try to derive a vicarious satisfaction if their kids manage to fulfill their (parents') unfulfilled ambitions. This may work for some kids but won't for most, esp if the kid isn't naturally talented or has the aptitude to help his / her parent realize their unfulfilled ambitions through them. It's a disaster for such kids, as they are neither able to live up to their parents' expectations, nor able to identify and hone their innate talent, which often vindictive parents (lived experience) nip in the bud out of vindictiveness ("you didn't realize my unfulfilled ambitions, so now I won't allow you to fulfill yours" kind of mindset).


This is dynamic content. A book I read on this topic was also lively and engaging. "Mindful Mastery: Living Intentionally in a Chaotic World" by Kyle Ash


Amazing job! I enjoyed your presentation and really appreciated that you shared your own personal journey of building yourself which allowed you to start unlocking your potential. Thank you!!


Good Job Emily. Explanation on IKIGAI was really nice.


Thank you, Emily, for opening up my mind to become happy and focused again. The book is incredibly amazing!


Well done Emily Bidle. I felt your passion as you shared about how you worked through your shyness, self confidence and fears. Thank you for this great message and framework for living a more meaningful and fulfilled life.


Steve Jobs died young even if he had his Ikigai. I am just contemplating, what if our real-life mission is to become ascended masters and to be able to surmount disease, disharmony, poverty, hate, this is not for everyone I sense it is mine though.


I have found the reason for my being, my ikigai


Good at, loves, need, rewarding! Great great talk inspiring. Engage your life and slowly steadily n surely. Finding our purpose. Thank you, bless you. All your dreams come true.


Great work emily
Really helpful
Thank u


It was very empowering and valuable 🥰.


I went to Okinawa - never saw so many chain smokers addicted to slot machines in casinos.
