5 STRANGE Things God Will Do When He Does NOT Want You with Someone

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How will you know when God does not want you with someone? Are weird things happening randomly or is this God telling you not to be with someone? Here are 5 strange things that often happen when God does not want you with someone.




Please note: Sadly, due to the large amount of emails I receive, I am unable to respond to everyone. I’m so sorry about that! I truly wish I could! The shorter your email is to me, the more likely I will be able to respond. Thank you so much for understanding!
In Christ and with love,

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” -Ephesians 3:20-21
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Every time I have asked God to remove a relationship, he does. Almost immediately. That’s the one prayer request that happens quickly.


I'm in love with this quote:

"When you get what you want, thats God's direction, when you don't get what you want, thats God's protection."

God's plan is always the best.🙏

- new subscriber here.😊🥰

Thank you so much for sharing this video, it was very informative.😊💓

God bless you...


God protects and looks out for His children.


God spoke to me immediately after my prayer, asking God if this man was right for me. God said clearly in the silence of my meditation, He is not the one for you. Very clear. My heart was already given to him before my head even knew who he was. Had I listened to God, walked away, not pursued this man, even as a friend I would not have been heart broken when he started dating and living with a friend. Listen to God, he knows what's best for us.


I was just praying "God, give me confirmation on if I shouldn't date this person"

This video came out


I had an actual dream that My ex confessed that he's seeing someone else. In the dream he sat on the couch and told me. A few weeks later, he came to my house, sat on my couch and told me everything.


I was dating a man for 7 months and always felt like I needed to keep asking God if this was the man for me. I loved him and knew he had a past with addiction but thought that was put behind him. Then one day something was just off about him and I kept having this gut feeling something was not right. Days went by and I could not shake this feeling for the life of me. I kept praying and asking God to please reveal what it was that he was warning me from. The next day I woke up and could not find him anywhere (he had slept over). I went into my bathroom and found a syringe on the floor and blood on the toilet seat. I finally found him in his car passed out from being high off heroin! That was the end of that relationship and I thank God that he had saved me from a relationship that was not meant for me. Keep praying and always trust that little voice telling you something is not right. God is with you! Xoxo


I know God has someone for me. God gave me confirmation to move to Florida to help make a change in my life. I prayed for a new school, church, job, friends, and possibly a relationship. And God has decided to move me all together!


1. God will confirm your concerns about someone - things occur at just the right moment - can often occur when you ask God about your desire for a certain person.
2. Correct me in your justice.
3. Apply to morality and living right for the Lord.
4. The idea of this person is found to be more enjoyable than actually spending time with him or her.
5. The idea > the reality
6. Connection together is absent
7. Better a small serving of vegetables with love than a fattened calf with hatred
8. 2 people can have (their time is spoiled by miscommunications)
9. Can't seem to enjoy their time together (personality traits clash too much)
10. World views opposed to one another
11. When you can't enjoy time together
12. When he does not want you with this person
13. Some want to adopt children, some people want to support missionaries
14. Some feel passionate about going to a kind of denominational church
15. They don't need to serve in the exact same ministry path as you
16. Putting God first
And his righteousness
17. Nagging inner doubt about this relationship that will not go away when God does not want you in this relationship
18. Not always a biblical command that shows you what path to choose and what path to connect.
19. Don't force it if your desire for someone is not there.
20. A sign you should not date them.


I'm sorry for ignoring God signs. I married my spouse, thinking if I loved him where he were and if I stayed connected to god and church. God would change him. He won't stop sleeping around and playing mind games... I'm so sorry God.


"Unless the LORD builds the house, they labour IN VAIN who build it..." Psalm 127:1


#1 is on point.This happened to me this past week. First let me note that I am abstinent and have been for yrs.I was dating a guy, seven months into the relationship we just couldn't get along. We were hot and cold then hot again.Finally, I asked God to please tell me what to do because I didn't want to remove him from my life.Well, the next day while scrolling through my feed, I came across another one of my favorite pastor/You Tubers and he was basically pointing out the characteristics of a Godly man vs an ungodly man's (which I already knew).That was the first sign.The next day, I became busy and didn't call him all day. When I finally called that night, I kid you not, he yelled at me, called me selfish, and accused me of all kinds of things. That was the second sign. Later, he apologized and we made up. In my heart I knew it was over but I, hopefully, hung on for a little longer. Two days later we got into another argument over something so ridiculous. And then we go into ANOTHER one after that. That was it. From that point on I'd been walking on eggshells. I knew in my soul that God was telling me to walk away and I have. Now, this video pops into my feed...🙊 Confirmation much???
If you ask God for help in leading you in His direction, He will. If you seek His ways abstain from sin and listen to His voice, He'll talk to you. God will never leave you confused 💯


Wow, all of these happened to me when God didnt want me with a certain person. Amazing.


Again another sign is this video show up in your recommendations. Lol.


Some of these chracteristics are also present when Satan attacks a relationship already confirmed by God. In that case, God has allowed the attack as a test of faith in Him and His blessing.


God has given me sign after sign about this guy. I kept trying even though it was a fluke or something So I ignored it. I was about to fly out to see him then Covid19 happen and something said don’t go don’t do it. Since quarantina I have barely heard from him. It just clicked in my head right before seeing this video that he wasn’t the one for me because he belongs to someone else. I’ve been sooo stupid and careless with my heart but I thank God for his mercy and his grace.


Wow, I experienced all 5 of these signs with the last guy I dated! There were also a lot of weird coincidences that I could not explain! Thank God I ended things sooner rather than later 🙏🙏🙏


I kept seeing a guy at my church and we had been eyeing each other for weeks. I started looking for him when I attended and served at church (having idol 101.) And we never met each other! Then this coronavirus happens, church stays closed and God confirms through his mysterious ways that this man is NOT my portion and husband based on his acquaintances at church after reflecting and seeking him in prayer. God Will Do It! He gave me strong revelation for a better man who will be more fit for me too 💜💜 I love my God and His protection as his daughter 😊😊


This applies to friendships. Had to cut off and cut the soul tie of a friend who ive had for over 10 years and knew them since childhood. I have no peace when thinking about them.They put my life in danger numerous of times. They seem harmless but have no regard/respect for others.This nagging feeling when i think about ever meeting them again with other friends. I dont ever want to meet up with them again


This video made me realize that God loves me and care about who I get married to. He alone knows everything. May He continue to keep me in his love..❤️ . This is an answer to my current situation. Praise God. I am free ♥️
