Why Dragons Can't Fly Over The Wall Explained (Game of Thrones ASOIAF Theory)

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In this episode of our series discussing all the magic in A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones we discuss dragons and the wall. Given the building blocks we have put down in previous episodes I think we have all we need to figure out why exactly dragons can't go over the wall. Once the clues George RR Martin has laid out are put together we get a very good reason explaining why Silverwing refused to fly over the wall when the good queen Alysanne.

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Daenerys was able to fly over the wall in season 7 because “she kinda forgot” about the wall’s magic


This morning whilst making my coffee, I was wondering why Dany's dragons could pass the wall but Silverwing couldn't (as one does lol) so this video is timed perfectly, so thank u!


Found your channel at about 4am today, and have listened to all your game of thrones videos sense. To my excitement, you immediately drop another. Keep up the good work; I can’t wait to see this channel blow up.


I wonder if Melisandre genuinely thought that the Lord of Light really did burn the eagle. She's a tricky one though, that I often find difficult to really get a grip on.


Obligatory GRRM wordplay observation comment: if you're right, it's as if the Weirwood Wall is, indeed, a wooden weir which is functioning as a "net"/filter-out/separate the souls from their host organism, like a fish from water. Perhaps, Coldhands has a some sort of a similar bond and knows if he passes through the Wall, he'll be "filtered" too. I assume the Black Gate is the "exception to the rule" that lets magic folk pass through without being filtered, but only very few people know about, or can access it. There's an LML stream this evening (11/8) at 6pm EST. Come on by!


You are the first ASOIAF YouTuber whose theories I enjoy as much as LML's! Great job, excellent content! 👏🐈


You mentioned eagles as an allegory for dragons is interesting because the Winged Knight supposedly rode a giant falcon and commanded eagles. Perhaps it wasn't a falcon but a dragon since there are legends of Westerosi dragons before the Valyrians. Also, the Arryns who descend from the Winged Knight are also obsessed with blood purity, like the Targaryens, and are also inbred. Interestingly Rhaenyra, the dragon hatcher of her generation was 1/4 Arryn. The fact that the Targaryens at the height of their power would consent to marry the Arryns is telling. The Arryns don't have much fear of heights. Robert Arryn is a bad example because it's very likely he's actually Littlefinger's son. The last Arryn King Ronnel Arryn was quite at ease riding on dragon back with Visenya Targaryen. The Arryns are also mostly blonde haired.


I find it strange that Melisdanre has never thought about or mentioned dragons ... Like, youd think it would be brought up that she might have asked for eggs when she lived on Dragonstone, the place where multiple dragons used to live, and was said to thave caches of eggs around the place. Strange she dosent ever think about or meniton the power of obsidian either, huh


Dude, I continually think "nah, you're just reading way too deep into this" but then you proceed to present such extremely convincing evidence that you sway me to your side. That's how almost all your videos are. The evidence is so well-thought out and it all seems to line up. You have the best collection of unique yet convincing theories of anyone I've watched


I binge watched the 7 hells out of your videos and you have become my FAVORITE ASOIAF theory channel.

Keep them coming dude!!!


The sacrifice required to tame a dragon and with drogo being in drogon ties nicely to sacrifice of nissa nissa


This is actually a much more interesting idea on how the wall functions rather than just being a barrier. Essentially a magic disabling barrier. An off switch. Not blocking magic from coming through but nullifying it.

Explains why the others refuse to go through. It would turn them and their wights off. And depending on how their souls work, cause them to burst into flames 😂


Just a random thought: the only tangible beings we see in the story that have long fiery talons are dragons and firewyrms. So just another connection between Rhllor and dragons


One thing not mentioned here that i think backs up the theory is Dany's change of character after the dragons are born. Varamyr tells us it works both ways and Orell whispers to him, so the same should be true of Drogo's soul blending with Dany's through her bond with Drogon. And she does become more confident, but also more belligerent, after the Dragons are born, crucifying people, sacking cities, becomes much more interested in conquest, etc


This isn’t just a good theory on why dragons can’t cross the wall but it’s the best argument I’ve heard for the meaning of “the dragon must have 3 heads”… I think that’s exactly what it means.

It would also mean that bloodraven is able to travel beyond the wall with the ravens aswell because he said to bran they all have souls of children of the forest in them.

Amazing content man!


14:10 it’s also interesting that the eagle bursts into FLAMES when trying to fly over the ICE wall


My theory is that Dan and Dave only read the first 2 books and used google and reddit to get the rest of their GOT knowledge. This explains why they seemingly didn't understand some basic parts of the world and lore but somehow guessed the parentage of Jon. It also explains why they didn't realize how the magic increased or what it was outside of Mel.


Great theory, especially considering Euron's horn that should bind a dragon and kills the blower. I imagine it would replace the soul of the person in the dragon with one that you would hope is loyal to you. The parallels of bodies catching on fire internally when a soul has nowhere to go is striking.


Another great theory video! This one in particular is so interesting!! Can’t wait for more!


Really loving all your videos. Idk how you can be this sharp
