'We're Getting Evicted...' Corporate Landlords Are Raising Rents, Have a War Against Home Ownership

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Anton Daniels
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When I lived in Atlanta years ago, I urged a friend to buy a house in College Park, She said she didn't want the responsibility of home ownership. Fast forward, when I reminded her about our conversation she stopped speaking to me. She now resides in a rooming house.


And that means your neighborhood is turning into one big apartment building.


Why when people have a way to make money… people scream that’s not fair??? Gain the skills needed and build your own home, you will find out that homes aren’t so cheap to build these days, especially if you have to contract out labor.


The guy opting to rent said if the place he's renting needs a new roof, he'll just call the landlord, and they will fix it... However, the landlord will increase his rent when it's time to renew the lease to cover that repair cost... As long as the tenant lives there, he'll get the increases for that repair or any repairs for that matter...


I just received a text from an investor in Mols, who want to buy my home, with fireplace, double garage, sunroof in bathroom, acre in a half, brought in 2007, never took any equity out. I responded back absolutely not! I looking to buy another home, and let one of my grandchildren rent from me and when they get on their feet, buy another for another grand. It makes good sense to me!!! Do they think people are slow and dont understand the game.
I pray Lord order my steps and he is, watching you is a plus as well, you definitely know the business. Thank you ✌️


I wonder how many people waited on the sidelines thinking that the market was going to crash. Did that help contribute to allowing corporate investors to step in and buy? There was and are still so many “crash” videos on YouTube that is encouraging people to wait in hopes of getting a property for a low price while companies are buying.


I have three tenants, and have great relations with them. We really need more private owners- and it makes a lot of financial cents for a retirement senario as well.


that mayor said, "build wealth." people aren't getting married, establishing families, and building communities.


It's crazy. $100 is nothing these days


The one thing that should be banned is FOREIGN ownership as almost all other countries do! That includes corporations who are foreign owned and operated.


its the corporate landlords that is the issue. Not the small mom and pops


People keep thinking they actually own something in this country 😅 When you pay off your mortgage trust & believe you're still paying RENT it just has a different name *Property Tax* Quit paying property tax and you'll quickly find out you don't own anything


As much as i prefer a free market, i think the answer is an extra property tax on holders of multiple properties. A tiered system of say a premium tax on holders of more than 15 or 20 properties. The reason is that you better believe those cooperate owners will be first in line to petition for special carve outs in all kind of areas.


I live in Paulding County, and companies are out here deep. The infrastructure does not support the growth in population. It is better than where I relocated from though.


I’m NOT letting any of yall forget TYLER PERRY AND YOUNG JEEZY. Both said they own half the real estate in Atlanta !! So what companies are these ?!


What are the odds that BlackRock is behind one of those front firms buying up the Atlanta housing? When you own everything, you eliminate competition, and then you control everything,


Corporate Landlords are everywhere in Tennessee, Arkansas, and Texas. Renters that qualify to buy a home are priced out or outbidded by big corporations that will buy up homes without inspections & close within 30 days. Renters are stuck and have to renew at inflated market rates. My home lease has increased $550 over 3 years.😕


Remember about a month ago on a live show Anton was talking about renting vs buying. He was definitely leaning more to renting as the better option. Well, once again here's another reason why renting is the worst of the 2 options by far. But y'all carry on listening to people. If there one single advantage to buy a home vs renting. There is ZERO equity or leverage in renting. That alone should have you getting out of renting.


This has been going on for almost 20 years, but it's only gaining attention now because this subject is what tge victim olympians have moved on to and the investors are putting way more money into it these days to hedge against inflation. I knew that this was happening because I spent my time paying attention and looking into things instead of worrying about the super bowl and Taylor Swift. My daughter will have a house for when she's an adult because I bought an old fixer upper before this craziness started. Start paying attention to stuff that matters instead of wasting away trying to impress people on social media.


No surprise. A few yrs ago wall street bought over 200, 000 homes In GA. They should have already knew what it was. Easy to make money in the stock market. If you can't beat them join them. Private market is much more sophisticated and gains are even better
