The History of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai: Every Year: 200 BCE - 1901 CE (4k Resolution)

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Special thanks to my team for all of the help!

-All art, video editing and animation by Jabari Walker (Myself)

-Base map, borders, and city locations expertly researched, dictated and created by Trenton Zylstra.

-Additional research by Arthur Tribble and Orlando Gilliam.


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An incredible amount of research and work went into this - Thank you From Nothing team! I love the colors and all the extra details. Also, thanks for participating in this collab and for hosting the playlist. Looking forward to our collab in November!


Great video man! I'm glad you decided to join us in this collab - your knowledge of Africa definitely contributed it to making this collab so great. I hope to see you in future collabs too. Merde!


I’m so happy you’ve decided to create a YouTube channel. You’ve brought African history out of the dark !


Nice working with you and everyone else on this collaborative project! :)


Great job! I can't imagine how long this must have taken to make. Nice to find out about Project Africa too.


Impressive work, I love maps and I love it when geography and history come together to present a picture of the changes that took place in West Africa. I look forward to the next video.


I am so glad more channels are highlighting more civilizations throughout Africa


Been waiting for this collab ! I might be biased but I enjoyed yours the most.


You have earned yourself a like and new subscriber


Great stuff! Watching the changes on the map is so interesting!


I am extremely glad I found your channel. It's so refreshing to find accessible content about Africa and Africans from a black source! Thanks so much for sharing your research, I hope you get more funding to continue raising awareness as you have.

Much love


Man the music in this video is cool!!!!

The info is really great too.


Excellent video. Very interesting, informative and worthwhile video.


I always find it so interesting how geographies and influence of societies change. Especially when looking at this video and seeing how a civilization rises and expands and and prospers only to fracture and diminish while another takes it place and the cycle continues. The rise and fall of civilizations is always inevitable. Sometimes I really sit and wonder at how at different points of everyone's history, they were either at the top or the bottom and that even reflects today. Its so crazy to think that, for instance, Iraq as we see it today was once the great and powerful Babylon, or that the Iranians once upon a time almost ruled the world as an iteration of being Persian or that the Greeks who we credit as the fathers of modern civilization are actually looked down upon today when it comes to European hierarchy. To think that a country like Norway supersedes Greece today yet at the height of ancient Greek civilization, the people that inhabited Norway were living as tribes or clans. Or Mongolia! History is so interesting. It also makes me think about how our societies and geographies will look like 500 - 1000 years from now. For sure regional power dynamics will be different and we may not even exist within the national borders we have today if we are to go by history. Or even look the same - there may be new ethnicities even in the distant future. Thanks for reading my long musings haha!


This was awesome to learn. Thank you for making educational videos about history. Particularly history that doesnt get covered enough


This is incredible, thank you so much for your hardwork 🙂🙂


The way you formatted this video was excellent. At first I thought it was overwhelming keeping up with all the different events, but then I realized that's kinda the point: A LOT happened in the 2000+ years shown here. This was a living world. And that would be missed if you skimped on the detail in favor of broad strokes.

It's crazy how something like the structural racism currently being protested in the US can trace roots back to the expansion of the Sahara. The drying of the climate brought war and famine, which destabilized the large empires, which led to smaller warlords fighting each other, which allowed Europeans to exploit their conflicts for the slave trade, and so on until we reach the current era. Obviously there's a lot more than that, but it shows how much our modern environment is the sum of what has come before.


Fantastic video this video deserves millions of viewers to educate people and displacing the idea of Africa not having no history


This is a great summary of African history which upon itself is key to understanding social studies.
All in all, excellent performance!
