Nikon D810 - Still relevant today? Plus D850 comparisons

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We take a look at the Nikon D810 and compare it to the Nikon D850 in light of it's lower price point.

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Great review, this reinforces my love for this camera. I've owned one for 2 years now and its performance still blows me away. Thanks guys


Excellent presentation! I own a D810, D500, D2XS and Z6. The D810 is my personal #1 prefer body!


Still relevant? This 9 years old camera is still damn amazing.


I bought my Nikon D810 in July 2014 when it first came out. I have used it continuously ever since and as yet, I have no reason nor desire to trade it for anything else. It just keeps on churning out gorgeous images year after year. That's all I need!


They hired Steve Buscemi to do a review? D810 all day long. They can keep the 850, and yes I shot with both.


I stuck to my D810 for one big important reason: the built-in flash. Who wants to lug an SB5000 around everywhere when all you want is a small fill-flash.


Great video. I shoot D4s and D810. I think these two cameras not only pair well they cover each other’s week areas. I’ll never upgrade. If either dies I’ll replace with same unit !!!


Of course it's relevant! It's amazing how fast many are to abandon perfectly good gear in pursuit of the sugar high of the "next best thing". Technological fetishism at its worst. Time to re-focus on the basics.


You can find them under $1000 on eBay now. Looking to get one really soon. I want it to compliment my d750 which I love...


sold my 810 to get the 850. If I had it to do over again, I would have just kept the 810


I just purchased the D810 because it is an excellent camera and it has the pop-up flash that I use in the commander mode to activate my four SB900s and two SB910s plus off several brand flashes that support the Nikon units. In addition, it can alternate between FX and DX settings that allows me to use my D7200 as a landscape backup camera when out in the field.
The camera is selling on Adorama for under $2, 000, as a Nikon factory refurbished camera with a 30 day guarantee plus there is additional extended warranty plans are available at a reasonable price range of $50 to $70.


I am a little biased having owned one since 2015 but I think the D810 is the best DSLR Nikon ever produced While it does not have the tilt screen on the D850, it has a pop up flash, a smooth quiet shutter, and a rock solid build. Mine still functions flawlessly despite a lot of use.


2023. The used price is down to $1000. Video in low light is very good, but lens focusing motor intrudes on audio. Shutter noise is a dull clunk, which makes it OK for event photography. Fast autofocus with inexpensive 'D' lenses. Lots of pixels for the new software programs to work with. Make sure to AF-Fine Tune your lenses to get the most accurate focus using the camera's internal calibration.


I saw one selling for $1600 Canadian dollars with the 24-120mm, is that a good deal o wat ?


I have a D800 which is about the same camera. The image quality is awesome but it is a slow camera. The D810 is slightly better in some areas. You can get a used D800 or D800e dirt cheap these days


The d810 is an EXCELLENT camera, I love it, shit i still love my d7100 🤷‍♂️


I came to this review video because I recently purchased some photos of my daughter in a figure skating competition and the photographer was shooting the D810. I did take some shots myself, but did not have the ice-side access the hired photographer had. Once delivered, I was not impressed with the image quality. I was absolutely shocked with the amount of noise and the images were shot at ISO 1600. I shoot a Canon 6DMKII mostly and my shots with an ISO of 3200, shot from the stands with the same focal length lens (70-200 mm) were cleaner by far. Like... not even comparable. Not sure what's going on there. I honestly like Nikons as well and have shot with a D750 so I am just really surprised by this. The 6DMKII does have extremely good high ISO performance (and actually not as good low ISO performance), so maybe it's a sensor / processor issue? Not sure, but surprised.


After mastering my 80D, i think i need to try out my skills on a full frame body...i own the following lenses : Sigma 18-35, Canon 85mm f1.8 and the Canon 135 f2.
Which one of these full frame bodies do you recommend?
D810, A7r2 and the A7III.


I am owned d810 d3x d4s but today when I saw my camera d3x with d4s is in archive the says they will never product in the futures only especially order can sell it . so I don’t have more money everyday to buy new brand Nikon .


Pretty soon we will have 100mp and the D850 will be seen as a POS. Im still using D700 and D300s. But will buy a D810 soon.
