How Guys Act After a Break Up

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Break-ups are a complicated thing and can lead to a roller coaster of emotions. How guys act after a break-up goes from the realizing stage to the break-up blues. Here are the five different stages of how guys act after a break-up.

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Background Music: JDSYN

Outro Music by: L-Fresh The Lion
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''You never know what you had, until you lose it'' this is true. Men are the one who seem to move on faster than women but in reality they become emotionally depressed after realizing they lost their girlfriend.


So pretty much the backwards/reversed version of girls lol


Good luck to everyone finding your dream husband or wife .


Damn I hope my ex boyfriend doesn't take that long to come back because I kind of still hope he will but I think when he finally gets to this stage, I will already be over him...


if a man truly loves his girlfriend, the pain will last for years godamnit! not weeks, not months but years dude


This was the most satisfying thing i watched since i broke up with my boyfriend 5 days ago.


When she start to forgot him he start to love her its always like that


It’s so weird, when girls want to patch things up at the start, guys aren’t into and by the time the guys realise and want to patch things up, girls have moved on and long gonee


I think the biggest issue with losing your ex is if she was a quality woman and you got lucky landing her in the first place. So now you're thinking man I don't have options and I was lucky to get that one girl who liked me for who I am and now I will never get that because all the other girls are just mediocre or bad. I don't know how any pep talk or spirituality could rectify that.


My ex come back after 1.5 year when i just moved on with someone, y he realise so late . So dear guys come back before it's too late .


Before you can love anyone, you must first learn to love yourself


That's true after I moved on it was around after a year, he came back asking if we can go back to each other(he's the one that left me from the beginning). I was like who are you again? I totally had a different life and some other special important person in my life.😅 At the beginning of the break up I stayed around 9 months depressed and sick. I even stalked him and tried speaking to him to come back ( he left with no meaningful reason) I tried around 5 to 6 times. Later after a long time, I gave up seeing there's no hope and that he has totally forgotten about me. I snapped out of my misery and moved on. I started accomplishing all my goals and wishes. I loved myself and lived my life to to the fullest. My life was going on all as planned and good till one day he sent me a text message saying hi and for two weeks trying to open up conversations then it ended with can we go back to each other. 😅I was like listen bro we can be friends not more. My feelings really have changed towards him. It's like I never even loved him. I guess because I got so much harmed that I've turned null and into a selfish person. I really do love myself.


My boyfriend broke up with me 2 weeks ago, it still hurts and I miss him so much. I’m trying to move on, but for some reason I can’t let go. He was never a bad boyfriend and treated me so good, it’s hard letting go of someone you love so much.


I feel like I am an outlier on this stuff. When a girl breaks up w/ me, I cry a lot. Usually for a week at most.
I don't hide my feelings.
When people ask if I'm fine I say, "No, but I will be. Eventually."
This works so much better than just going out and pretending everything is ok.
Then after about a solid month I'm back to normal.

Edit: completely forgot about this comment. Hope you are all doing well w/ relationships and life overall.


“I thought I heard a noise outside”
*Goes outside*...

Who goes outside? I would close the blinds and hide under my blanket.


I and my boyfriend were dating for two months when he said he thinks we should break up.
It was hard for me because we were happy together. But i accepted because there's officially no relationship when one of partners wants to leave.
Anyway at that Sad, gray, rainy, mid-december day i cried and cried. I was upset for a month. Then i realised life continues, and i must enjoy it because it won't be given twice... After another months he showed up out of no where and ask me to give him a second chance. Because we were separated respectfully, i agreed.
We're still together. It's been six years. When i asked him what made him come back he said:" I was sad, i just missed you the day after break up. I couldn't believe i have lost you, and that you don't care about me anymore. I was struggling to come back to you, but i was afraid of being rejected".
Honestly i had no idea guys do miss anyone, all they keep saying is how much they love to be single and free (joking, joking 😅😅)


and girls begin with crying and end up on party's😅wauw..


No matter who moves the ex will always come back when it’s too late.


Hahahah it is awesome bro but u forgot the alcohol stage and gym stage


5 months after the break up, my ex basically texted me the same thing he tweeted. LOL
