Do Guys Ignore The Girl They Like

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If a man ignores me, I ignore him even more. Whether he hates me or has the hots for me, I don't have the patience or inclinaction to play detective.


Ignoring me just turns me off the person.


Either shy, or because we don't want to make it obvious that we want them.


If I get ignored I let go & move on. I feel any woman that accepts being ignored is showing her desperation.


I feel a woman wants to be pursued, if a guy/man ignores her long enough- she’s moving on, I know I would


Alternatively, he is angry because he is not getting back the affection he wants from the girl.


you can only ignore a girl so much if the plan is to attract her. it's a fine line between ignoring her to gain attraction and ignoring her to the point she just thinks your not interested and moves on to your best friend who just had balls and was direct about liking her. lol. a lot of guys just try to over complicate this thing...they are also the guys who are the biggest douchebags.


Third situation: The guy is aware that this girl likes him and is ignoring her to send the message that he isn't interested. I know I personally have done this to try and convey disinterest towards a girl that is being flirtatious. I do agree that the first two situations are common though.


I ignored a girl I liked and it did not turn out that well


i broke up with my ex and ignored her for months, because of the first reason. I put her in such a high regard and I didn't think I was worthy of her love. Even though she loved me, I didn't love myself. now she's moved on, and despite knowing how i've felt about her all this time, she won't take me back. I just hope others can learn from my lesson before it's too late. Always always always love yourself, or at least value yourself first.


A lot of it is to protect their ego and vice versa. No one wants to put themselves out there because they will get hurt. What can you do? It's a game of cat and mouse a lot of the times. I don't know about you guys but I have no time for games. My calendar is already booked and there is literally no time for playing games lol


May also cuz he's not into you.. I think that's my situation ): Ahhh it's horrible..


Dude! You hit the nail on the head. I was shy at one time and I ignored a girl that I like, but was afraid to talk to her. Kind of shy! I don't know how you got this information but you are absolutely right about this topic.


The other reason we ignore girls is because of her not reciprocating or seem uninterested.. I personally try to get the girl I like by giving her hints and stuff but if it seems as if she is uninterested or if she likes another guy. I would rather spend my time on a girl i would have a chance with than wasting my time on someone who doesnt know I exist ...


When guys ignore me it’ll just leave me hurting inside and not want to be with this guy. How can you get a girl you won’t even talk to?


If I ignore a girl I don't like her


I'm very shy and if she is around me I become very quiet and try to avoid any eye contact with her but at the same time I try to take care of myself make sure I smell good have a good outfit and I just wait for her to notice me sometimes I'll accidentally make eye contact like the other day I was walking down the hall at school I saw her so I just looked straight forward and tried my hardest to ignore her but she stepped in front of me when I was looking forward and she and I made eye contact and I handled it pretty well sure my heart skipped a beat but I didn't run or cover my face I actually just kept walking and that was that and sometimes when I gotta go outta town I can't stop thinking bout her and it completely distracts me from everything else and honestly I can't wait to be back at school so I can see her again and trust me there's been times where I feel suicidal but then I think about my best freinds they mean the absolute world to me idk what I would do without em and I also think bout "Her" and then I think bout all the things I wanna complete in life and then I feel alot better I try to be around her as much as I can but I still completely ignore her but she ignores me too and trust me it makes me think about her alot more on the inside I wanna be with that person forever and ever I would give up anything to be with that person she is the one who brightens up my day everytime I see her and there's no way I can pay her back


so there's this guy who likes me.(I can feel it. 😂) Every time I'm around he's ignoring me and not even making an eye contact but when I'm not looking and when I finally go out from a room or somewhere he's stare is with me until I'm already at the door. I really hate it when he does that because I like him too. 😞


I really like your videos. I like your advice and how you deliver it in such a calm way. I also like how theyre short and straight to the point and not dragged out into 10 or 15 minute long videos.


im currently ignoring this girl i like because im trying to stop liking her ...i dont know if this is the right choice 
