Digitakt VS Blackbox // 5 Big Differences

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I get this question all the time. Should i buy the Blackbox or Digitakt? The answer is heavily dependant on what you want to do with the machine in the end. Are you Looping? Sampling? In need of a Drum Machine? Backing tracks? These all play a factor. But on top of that, there are 5 other things that i think matter a lot when trying to decide between the two.

00:00 The Problem
01:07 Track Limitations
03:32 How I Use Them
05:24 Using Them Dawless and Live
06:45 Elektron Workflow VS Blackbox
07:54 Blackbox and Digitakt Song Mode
10:10 Storage and Ram
12:10 Sample Management
13:00 Overbridge
15:36 Conclusion

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// Everything I Film With

If i was stuck on an island i'd take this..

EnriqueMMusic at gmail dot com

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#Digitakt #BlackBox #DigitaktVsBlackBox
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Hey everyone, So i realized... i forgot to mention another MAJOR point about about the Blackbox and that is its USB Hosting capabilities. Its insane, and super easy to use. Plug in pratically any midi controller over USB, and then select a parameter and hit 'learn' then turn a knob and you have mapped that knob to the blackbox.. Crazy!


i really appreciate that you mentioned "redoing your studio/setup" before saying anything more about buying anything. :)


I went the Blackbox route for the following: sample loop player and use as a drum computer; the ability to play loooong samples; the 16-track option; standalone DAW when an opportunity arises in a very compact form factor. Interesting exploration of both platforms!


Blackbox is the best thing I bought in a long time. It's a sketchbook, powerful sampler, production tool... like any other gear it has some limitations - but it can do many many things very good.
The newest firmware is awesome. It adds trigger %, velocity and unquantized recording to the sequencer


The key to the blackbox workflow is your midi controller of choice. I use an old akai MPD. With the pads I can trigger all the BB 'pads' and launch sequences + play some chopped samples. I also have the knobs and faders for all kinds of parameters. can take the BB with me and make beats everywhere.


Honestly the biggest thing between these two pieces, at least for me, is the following;

The blackbox is a beautiful, powerful, tool.
The digitakt is a beautiful, powerful, instrument.


Maybe others have commented, but on a Mac, if you have multiple audio interfaces you can use them simultaneously without Soundflower or any other 3rd party tool.
1. Open "Audio MIDI Setup" on your Mac.
2. Open the Audio Devices window (⌘+1)
3. Click on the + symbol in the lower left of the window and select "Create Aggregate Device".
In that window, you will see a new audio device, and you can check the boxes next to existing ones that you want to have in a single audio "device". You can then organize the channels into an order that makes sense to you.
When you select that device in your DAW, you can now use any of the channels on any device you enabled in the aggregate device.


This would be an interesting video to re-examine now that the digitakt has a song mode and the blackbox is on its 3.0 firmware. 🤔


Man, literally yesterday I was asking my friend what should I buy, Digitakt or Blackbox and today he sent me this. Nice timing xD


5:08 They do! It’s called the bluebox, it’s a mixer in the same form factor as the blackbox


I hooked up my midi gear to the blackbox. if functions reasonable well. One big pro for the blackbox, they still keep adding new features to the firmware!


Blackbox - A super quick, super simple to learn logical workflow, thus more musical output. Regularly updated firmware too
Digitakt - Deep sample mangling, with a quirky Elektron workflow, thus little music output

That's my take from owning both. The first 6 months of owning a Digitakt I created a few cool sounds, but I spent so much time shaping sounds, that I didn't create much with it, but the Blackbox is so fun to use due to it's simplicity, it encourages music creation. It amazes me when I revisit it the crazy amount of music ideas I had with that thing and how good it sounds. Purely my opinion though from owning both, but for people that don't want to read a hefty manual, the Blackbox is also the better option as it's ridiculously easy to use without a manual.


The Blackbox is amazing as a musical sketchbook on the go.


You are a very good gear reviewer, man. You don't waste anyone's time, yet the vids are not dry either. Big up!


Great comparison Ricky. I am blessed to own both as I imagine some others do here and they are both very powerful, but I feel that the Blackbox has the edge for me. In short, I love the instant inspiration and fun factor (most important), the streamlined approach to menu diving, the many ways I can bring in and use samples, access to 32 chops directly on screen (without banking) and 88+ with a midi keyboard controller, awesome filters, envelope control and granular to manipulate each sound and finally...the large storage (via SD) and portability (via USB power & form factor) that integrates anywhere within my home studio while allowing me to power up and bang just about anywhere.


This was great, and helpful as I’ve been looking at both these boxes. I like the try rearranging your studio for inspiration before buying something new tip. 👍🏼


Just get both. Let the Digitakt handle all the Drums, make amazing baselines, loops and melodics on the 1010.

I'd like to try this instead of the Digitakt - Digitone combo here.

Stay safe! We need more of these videos.


This duo deserves an update. So much was added with firmwares for both over the years …


Let’s get some more compact creations!!


That intro will never get old! I find your voice so soothing always end up watching your vids late at night getting me chilled out 🙂
