The Fight Flight Freeze Response

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The "fight or flight response" is our body's automatic and primitive, inborn response that prepares the body to "fight" or "flee" from perceived attack, harm or threat to our survival. Sometimes, though, we perceive threat or harm when in reality, things are totally fine.
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Does such thinking as "not try to understand now but will work out everything later", during a college math lecture, belong to some kind of fight or flight response? Especially it fits into "freeze and forfeit" in this response.


This is what I have. I want to make friends with this certain group of people but whenever I try to go over to them to join them in basketball or something I get these symptoms.


Isn't the adrenal gland involved as well?


Why did you use the minecraft trailer music?


Some sexy lady in the commercial is trying to force me to use the power of my bowel movements to help me loose weight fast, but I don't want too.


I suffer complex ptsd, And get all of these apart from the fainting feeling, I done research for natural medicine to help me with the anxiety, It actually hurts physically in my legs, I learned how to make my own cannabis oils, Rosin, After buying the press, I was sick of the anxiety and Nightmares, Nightmares I have had are disturbing really disturbing, So I started pressing cannabis to make rosin, And started getting my sleep back, And anxiety reduced, I will state cannabis is not a cure, But it helps me get the ability to relax without pacing my flat, I've walked thousands of metres without even leaving my flat, My watch told me, lol, Still CPTSD symptoms are horrible, Feels like my mind is being destroyed by my own thoughts, I went through a long time of violence inflicted on me during a class A drug addiction, I got clean and is now on my own, Don't bother with nobody anymore, I'm focusing on sim racing instead, It helps with anxiety in my legs, I think it's coz you doing things with your legs driving, I got a sim rig, But yeah sim racing and rosin is what have helped me get better, Tho I still got a long road to go down, I still got phobias from the torture I went through, Some things I will never get passed, It's why I don't understand anybody who watches violent films and think it's great that someone shoots up a room, Causes mass death and thinks that is great, Same with the computer games, Way too violent, Another reason why i sim race, Nobody gets hurts even if its pretend the intent is still there, Violent PC games should be banned as far as I'm
Yeah cannabis rosin is a good treatment for CPTSD in my personal opinion, Oh and sim racing, Plus with sim racing you get a sense of achievement that helps PTSD sufferers, It's helped me anyways...


Hide before people start screaming about a man that loves eating hedgehogs
