Can Girls Ask Guys Out?

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There is no Scripture verse or Catechism reference that answers the question, “Can girls ask guys out?” because it’s a morally neutral issue that may vary from culture to culture or era to era. But Jackie and Bobby give it a shot!

Traditionally the man initiates relationships with the opposite sex because he’d rather assume the risk than have the woman do so, but it’s just not that simple anymore. Especially in our culture, courting has gotten strange. There’s a lot of ambiguity and as a result many young adult men are aloof. Sometimes guys just don’t know what’s OK anymore when it comes to pursuing a lady, so in those cases a guy may appreciate the girl initiating.

Especially when meeting in a young adult setting, you may never see that person again, so there’s no problem giving your number to him or asking for his.

There are limits to this kind of initiation, though. If the lady does clearly initiate the relationship and then the guy does not pursue, he is not husband material.

So, ladies, there is no harm in asking a guy out if you’re looking for clarity and closure. (The same goes for men, by the way.)

One last piece of advice on this matter: Ladies, if you do ask a guy out, make it clear that it’s a date.

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As a very anxious guy, my mind will come up with every reason why a girl is just being nice and isn't interested in me. A blunt "I want you to ask me out" is a huge stress relief and not at all rude. It's very much appreciated


I think there is truth to a man being aloof. I been in situations where I thought a women did not like me and found out later that she was interested. And other situations where I thought a women was in interested in me and she was not. And everything in between. So I've come to the conclusion that If there is a woman I'm interested in I just pursue no matter what impression I have. And of course in a respectful manner.


I just did this to a guy whom I'm interested with. We txted for a year until I couldn't bear it anymore so I told him that I like him and wants to us to move forward, but the feeling isn't mutual. So, I moved on. My confession of interest for him gave me clarity and peace. Indeed, honesty is liberating.


I went over and asked a man if he wanted to dance, and a year later we married. We had 3 children, and stayed married until he passed away.


She asked me out and now we are married. 22 years...


As guys we can be quite clueless at times. Girls, if you like a guy let him know! He might like you back too but has no idea you're in to him


Girls don't tell a man 'it's cold', tell him 'I'm cold' than he knows there's something you need and want him to provide for you and if he likes you then he will. Cause otherwise he'll just sit there trying to figure out how glue works


Absolutely yes!
Because i've done it, and just like what Jackie said, we just want clarity, and that's true. After we know the truth, it would be easy for us(girls) to move on. And, to my surprised i move on very quickly, and we're still friends!
So girls, you gotta be brave, it's hurt if you got rejected but trust me it worth it than keeping ur feeling for too long which will cause more damage if it's not mutual at the end.
All the best! God bless!


My wife messaged me first over CatholicMatch. We've been married for 10 months now and I wouldn't want to imagine my life without her!


If anyone wants to ask me out on a date, I highly encourage it


Even if the guy isn’t interested in you, asking is super flattering to a guy and if he isn’t a bad person he will let you down gently


"can I have your consent to pursue you? Is that okay?" 😂😂


It's better for the man to ask the woman out imo but it's not a huge deal for a girl to ask the guy out first. Especially since so many guys are afraid they'll come across as creepy if they ask a girl out and/or can't tell the difference between a girl showing interest and just being nice.


I asked my husband out, couldn't date at first because we were in different parts of the world. A couple years later started dating because we were a couple hours away from each other and now been married almost 7 years.


Jackie's "you're beautiful" meant so much coming from her ❤️ such a gorgeous woman. Thank you both for the advice!


I have asked guys out and that’s mostly because they took too long asking me out. Yes!!! It’s very stressful but do it, because if you don’t ask them out it’s the same as a no anyway. Life if short and if they say no it’s their loss. I have been rejected and yet I’m still alive.


Wow!! This is a great video🙏🏼 Thank you for the insight.


Love from Costa Rica Ascension presents!!! ❤️


I guess it all comes down to being clear and honest. Yes, it might be scary. Yes, it might be embarrassing. But anything is better than wondering or losing opportunities! Be brave!


Well this just gave me a new perspective.
