Gale lets Tav ascends to godhood - New Gale's romance ending

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I'm so happy Gale finally has some decent endings for his quest! I still prefer the "good route" for him, but knowing that if he tries to ascends he just dies was absolutely disappoiting, since Astarion can ascends he should be able to do it too. And now he can, and he brings us with him! Thank you again Larian!!!!!!! #baldursgate #larianstudios #gamingvideos #videogames #bg3 #gale #galeofwaterdeep
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Tav becomes the god of fulfillment, just to keep Dekarios the Divine's nonsense in check...


I feel like a Good Durge would become the God of Redemption and Hope. Living, divine proof that you can be BETTER than what you were before. That even the most foulblooded Bhaalspawn can be more than their blood.


I wish I romanced Gale in my Shadowheart run now. I find the idea of her spurning Shar and becoming a goddess herself so satisfying.


Yes, I became the god of save-scumming!


This is beautiful omg... My boi ascended you to godhood without a second thought, so you didn't feel as he did when with Mystra.


This is so beautiful and perfect... I thought for sure that if he ascended and didn't get killed by Mystra, that he'd forget about his mortal lover and never return for them.


He really is the Counterpart to Astarion, huh? Unlike Astarion he keeps his promise. Sure his Ego is beyong reach but he does it to make you happy and even ascents you immedeately.


This is so damn romantic wow. I started an Astarion Origins run where he's romancing Gale and I'm so freaking excited now lol.


This is making me regret not romancing Gale on my current play through 😂


It’s so weird how I used to hate Gale. Thought he jusr wanted to eat all my stuff for his orb and why would you love Gale as he is too much in love with a goddess. Recently changed my mind a week ago and seeing these new endings with Patch 5 is just…. Wow. He has the most beautiful and best endings. Was an Astarion girly, only spawn not ascended, but I think I start to like Gale more. He keeps his promise and he seems to truly and genuinely love you on his “bad ending”. But, It doesn’t seem like Gale in general has a bad ending unless you make him kill himself with the orb and I say bad because he’s just gone.
I wish I could romance him though because no matter my approval and how much good stuff I do, his romance scenes get overshadowed by other stuff for me.


Omg, that's cute!!! 😭 I thought he forgot about us for ever when I saw another video


Выглядит мило. Но я помню, что в игре была книга, где говорилось про любовь богов, что они как бы со стороны смотрят и отыгрывают роль, не давая настоящего отклика. 🥲 Возможно, сейчас Гейл ещё помнит, как чувствовал себя, будучи человеком, но боюсь, что он со временем все сильнее станет подобен остальным богам. Хотя бы любовь свою тоже обратил, это уже не так грустно, как отношения бессмертного и смертного.


Ok, but what I really want to know is if Gale becomes a god why tf has he done absolutely nothing to help his other companions that desperately NEED some divine intervention... Karlach could probably use some... same with spawn Astarion


Gale: what drives you we have yet to discover
Tav: im the god of silence everytime you say something stupid i can shut you up


"I still prefer the "good route" for him, but knowing that if he tries to ascends he just dies was absolutely disappointing."
Oh, does he really die here though? 😥
I know that he dies in his Origin if he challenges Mystra, but I thought that in this route he doesn't really challenge her but instead becomes a new god instead?


⁠ Can confirm just beat the game with this play through, i encouraged gale to usurp the weave from mystra & i got him the book of karsus (supported his ambitions) and he is alive and present as the God of Ambition & offered my durge a seat alongside him, I know the game is done now but i’ve been waiting on writing an elaborate backstory based on the scarlet witch and ending with her metaphysically destroying bhaals throne of blood and reforming it into a tree of Life and Death; Bhaal was her Cthon and her fate but now she has broken away to become a goddess of Destiny, Chaos & Rebirth. and she proves to be an anchor to the God of Ambition, Siphoning his divinity through the infinite branches of life and death that make up all the life she strives to safeguard; For what good is a God of Death that does not appreciate the intricacies of Life.

She Strives to be her Father’s opposite, and she has the scribe of the end of everything as her advocate.

Since the beginning it was the destiny she had strived towards, even if she hadn’t yet known it, for even in the darkest moments she had a glimmer of Hope for a brighter future, a future emancipated from the God Of Murder; In all of their travels they have become not just the Heart of the gate, but that of fate itself. Some companions persist on with the memories of the Scarlet Sorceress, following destiny towards their greatest ambitions; while some ever still have a greater connection to their friend/Goddess beyond the planes, given extra aid and inspiration in the pursuit of their ambitions and the following of a path of their own forging.

Even as a tidbit my character has always had a red yggdrasil tattooed on their face, with her sacrifice every individual she has wished to help has become her roots for a new purpose of being; Through herself do the infinite roots weave and grow through her: the trunk.
Its through her that those otherwise dead roots find circulation and life, through the heart of the gate/Tôril,
and it’s at the end of the trunk where she relinquishes authority if the endless tide of fate;
From there she allows branches to grow in any and all directions, each branch signifying a thread of destiny: a path in which an individual may walk.
These branches will forever grow in separate directions but they’re all anchored to one trunk of life, through that point of origination; no matter how far a branch diverges eventually it will connect with the others: and with it Leaves of opportunity, seeds of rebirth.
Where the leaves and branches all meet & connect they form purple fruit contained of pure potential and ambition; a chance at renewal & the culmination of a path walked.

From the Dead crimson black roots arise and weave into an ever flowing Scarlet/red consistent solidified trunk, weaving life into a singular connected path and then allowing each infinitesimal strain to branch out in any in-numerable direction; the branches meet and so grows the blue leaves of a connected ambition & the Purple fruit that signifies the pure potential and nascent power formed from the weave.

allowing freewill and giving mortals the chance to forge a path of their own choosing.

To be a true lady of Death itself is to give the agency of mortals to walk their own path of life, to find the true meaning of existence & to find a satisfaction/personal growth in that life;
For all blood eventually returns to the tree of Life & death, but death itself is no mere end.
It is but a new beginning that Shepards the creation of new life/branches

And With herself (Aurora Astrea/Scarlet Sorceress) out of the mortal equation she poses no risk of siring any new Bhaalspawn at her own hand (As it is evident narrator states even being free you can still pass on the tainted seed if Bhaal),
A last selfless act of Sacrifice to undo all the damage she had wrought in her previous life, a last act of defiance against her emancipated Father & and attempt to forge a livable future, To destroy the corrupted divine sphere of murder and turn it into a Neutral force of nature that Death is supposed to be.

For each single life is of infinite value & therefore merits sacrificing everything for.


Although this is cool, I do feel like it nullifies the 'theme' of his character? 🤔Which was essentially the fatal flaw of hubris. His ambition was very much framed, and demonstrated, as a flaw of his. He chases power because he feels he isn't enough as a person, and he's very much compensating for his poor self-esteem. It feels a bit weird that this flaw gets 'rewarded' with exactly what he wanted, when his arc is very much a lesson of "want vs need". Of course he should be able to go either way, but I mean, were all those warnings of him destroying himself with Karsus power just... hot air? Were they empty? Was there never a threat of consequences for this "fatal flaw" of his? At least I thought that was the source of tension in his story. Either he'd not be able to resist the temptation and be destroyed, or he'd find peace with who he is, or he'd fail to reach godhood AND fail to find peace with who he is... or possibly continue to grovel to Mystra for redemption. Idk, man. I've not gotten to the ending yet, so I don't know the explanation as to how/why he even survives the power of the crown. Just the concept has me kinda quirk my eyebrow a little bit.


Now I kind of want to do this option on my bard... I feel like she would become a goddess of joy and inspiration for Drow that spurn Lolth.


i feel like god gale is going to be canon..


Can We just say his ending is probs the most wholesome. X3
If i have to choose my end: Neutral goddess of life and adventure
or if you want to help withers cuz withers be best friend:
Goddess of Reapers and guide to the afterlife xP
