How Can I Help My Pregnant Wife | Dad University

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One of the most commons questions we get from soon to be dads is "How can I help my pregnant wife? Men want to help their wives during pregnancy but often don't know how. In this video, Jason provides some advice on how you can assist your wife to help her out while she is pregnant.

A soon to be dad's role is that of support. We are there to make sure she is comfortable and is her best for the child. Sometimes this is emotional support while other times it can be physical support (doing work).

Let us know the due date of your baby as well as anything you are doing to help her. Put your feeback in the comments section below.

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Any man that looked this up is an amazing person and going too be a great dad!!!!👍👍 big ups too you


She took a pregnancy test yesterday and it came out positive. First instinct is to search up how to better support her 💙


I genuinely tell my wife everyday. "I love you, thank you so much for carrying our kid"


Lmao I’m 22 and I don’t even have a gf, but I aspire to be a gentleman and a better man than I was yesterday. Really good info.


I made my wife a "Preggo Pouch" it's a lunch box with snacks, thermometer, toothpaste/toothbrush, wet wipes, gum, Tylenol, Gatorade etc... Everything I would need if I felt sick all day. Also make sure to stop her when she starts going into overdrive and give her a 10-15 second hug to make her chill. Works everytime. I also make breakfast every morning and when I'm not able, I leave options on the counter, easy for her to prepare, with all the utensils and bowls she could possibly need.


I'm crying at the same time jealous to all wives whose husband is here to watch this 😞


00:00 intro
01:24 be empathetic
02:04 massage
02:34 reassure her
03:09 participate in the process
03:35 do more around the house
04:08 ask her what she needs


We found out 2 days ago that my wife’s pregnant, first child. We’re 26, and we’ve been married for 6 weeks, so this was definitely unexpected. She was frantic, worrying about her career, where we are financially, and if we’ll be bringing life into the same place she grew up in. I reassured her, and brought up promises we made to each other over the last 7 years. I’m nervous about what this means for her, for us, for me, but right now being there for her and our baby is the only place I want to be. Promise to do whatever it takes as a father.


I wish my fiancé was more supportive and would stop complaining about me feeling sick 24/7 😔


Let my pride go and started Dad University.


Yes! Help more around the house is definitely ON POINT!


My wife’s pregnant with our first child, our first son. Already I agree, I’ve been giving her foot and leg massages, she’s got swollen feet and legs, I constantly rub, kiss, adore her belly, I’m picking up chores and stuff at home, so I agree with you. I’ve just listened and picked up on what she needs, I’m 26, she’s 24. Everyone watching, listen to this man, he’s right about everything.


I wish my husband gave me more time …to understand, to talk, to share feelings etc


This is such a great video🤍I’ve been wishing my partner could be more supportive and present during our pregnancy, it’s nice to watch your video


Even when being empathetic or compassionate might seem like the last thing you want to do or should do in the situation always do it! It’s definitely hard for mama to express her feelings exactly how they are so sometimes it might come off as rude or grouchy, never treat it as such ! Never take anything personal no matter how much you want to, Always be loving and do what the big man says and listen and ask what she needs and reassure her that the emotions she’s feeling are normal! Serious tips for dads who are in the early stages with their first this will come in handy later on!


I really like the "what do you need" versus "what do you want?" Those are definitely different questions. I'm looking forward to taking care of my wife while she does this, but I'm also pretty nervous. Thanks Dad University! I'm going to be the non-bio mom, but your advice is still really helpful!


I played this for my husband and got really good massage💆‍♀️
Thanks 🙏


These suggestions are good, I will add:
1.- Help her with calling insurance about what exactly is covered. This takes an incredibly amount of energy and so stressful. Offer to call and deal with some of the calls, trust me takes several phone calls to get the actual correct information.
2.- offer to take on some of the research so she doesn’t have to worry about everything! Like diaper service, the FMLA, Short term disability stuff and if you are in washington the other benefits that she needs to enroll in. Offer to research daycare options! Hospitals, doctors, There’s so much that is involved in having a child and Your wives need you to pitch in and help!


Even bro gives her a healthy diet and positive vibes make her laugh so baby will be beautiful


PLEASE do a video with specific examples of how to VERBALLY comfort and support your wife- more than “I love you”, and “you’re beautiful”. My husband is a man of VERY few words and I’m dying to hear...”I know I will never fully understand 100% what you’re going through, but I know it isn’t easy for you and you have my support 100%.” “You are gonna be a fabulous mom!” “I love your pregnant belly!” “ I’m sorry you feel so lousy today, is there anything you need?” Etc. My husband does do different things for me to show his love, and actions speak louder than words, but that doesn’t mean we don’t need reassurance through words. Actually, for me, constant reassurance is perfectly fine and WELCOMED!
