React.js vs Angular vs Vue

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ReactJS vs Angular vs Vue - it's that old debate. How's the current status of each framework/ library? How do they compare?



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React (Blue) vs Angular (Red) vs Vue (Green)
It feel's like I am choosing my starter Pokemon.


When you see one of the many videos that exist today comparing React vs Angular vs Vue the conclusion is always the same: "no conclusion, depends on you and you should decide"... The best framework/library for front-end development is the one you know best how to use to build the best experience depending on your needs. If you have a "final word" at this time, definitely you need to learn more and you need more experience + more problems to solve.


Thanks for this info. I always learn something that's valuable that keeps me deciding the direction I'm wanting to go in programming. I'm an older Magic PC (now Magic XPA) programmer.


Love these videos Max!
I am loving Angular at the moment and I want to learn Vue soon :)


Thanks for the update, Max. And as always: great talk!


We have a strategy to keep as thin as possible (and make it easier to switch framework If needed) by using standard web components av presentational ui components. We are building these web components with StencilJS. These components is used in our Angular projects. For us it makes sense to invest time in a component library with the possibiblity to use it in whatever framework that comes up or use it in no framework at all

Thanks Max for your Angular/React/Vue courses on Udemy


Thank you a lot Max for this Video. Always a pleasure to see new videos from you. Personally, I learned Angular from your UDemy course and now I work for a company, building massive application, which will take years to build. Working with Angular is fun. Bundling the application with Electron as part of the build process is kind of nice as well.

I do not know any of the other frameworks, but for me, as a former c# Winform and ASP developer, getting into Angular was not that hard. Typescript is absolutely amazing and helps a lot when we need to develop core features where as with JavaScript without types, it is a little harder to do, especially without all the JS background others have.

Finally, it would be great to see Angular Unit Testing videos or courses. A lot of what we can find on the web come from some other times, fundamentals has not changed in Jasmine but Angular TestBed implementations changed a lot lately and what we can find by looking on the web is not always up-to-date.

Thank you very much Max. Keep up the good work!

P.S. I like your accent!


I learned all three libraries/frameworks (angular.js and vue.js from Max, thank you Max!)

I haven't used react in production so far.

I used angular in 2 projects with excellent results.
I used vue in 1 production project so far with excellent results but
better productivity than angular.js
(I am a full stack developer, mainly in windows with node.js or dotnet core for back end)

My opinion is that Vue is possibly the best solution for small teams (or for "one man show" as I am)
You can do everything with it: SPA, PWA, SSR, electron apps, hybrid mobile apps, or enhance a multi page app using vue as a library, very fast without
sacrificing anything.

And for even greater productivity there is the Quasar Framework a component framework for vue that has
almost everything you will need and it's free!

Angular seems more suitable for bigger teams.
Cannot speak about react, since i havent' used it in production.


I learned React and worked with it for some time and about 4 months ago switched to Vue and am quite happy to stick with Vue for the foreseeable future. Really enjoying the new Vue UI with Cli 3.


I like vue a lot. But for getting jobs it is react for me.


Thanks for the information, Max! As always; great stuff.


Thank you for taking the time to prepare this video and for providing a really good explanation of each.


You have a great talent for explaining things in an honest fashion. Thank you for your time and effort.


Best review sir....I am still working in react and react native and going good...I started my career with your videos one year back...thank you max


im still deciding what i would use for my next project, and i think im going for Vue, looks promising and i love the simpler syntax compared to the rest


Thanks for explaining. Feels like my research on whether going for a PWA or a hybrid / native app will take way longer than expected


I like react (with typescript) because one of the key features with react and typescript is, that you get full intellisense even on the "inline" html code in tsx files.


that is the second video i watch from u, i really like ur videos, that is why ur earned my sub.
i have to laugh about ur german accent but still Tapfer of u, u talk very well


For me, it is Angular, and when coupled with Angular Material - it is smooth cruising to decent app dev. Difficult to learn? Na... not after your udemy courses Max, they demystified it all. Using it with NodeJS, REST end points, NoSQL dbs... it is wonderful.


Big complex projects - Angular
Others: react or vue
Do u like js too much? Go React
Simple and organized files? Go vue
