React vs Angular vs Vue vs Svelte vs SolidJS | E2 Code & Curiosity Podcast

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Join me as I explain which key decision factors could be considered when choosing a modern frontend JavaScript framework or library.

I compare the most popular libraries / frameworks (React, Angular, Vue, Svelte, SolidJS) and also share my personal favorite.

I also created separate videos on the current states of React and Angular:

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00:00 Intro
01:01 Key Decision Factors
01:53 Comparing Library & Framework Philosophies
02:21 React’s Philosophy
03:24 Requirements of modern frontend libraries & frameworks
04:49 React Limitations & Solutions
06:04 Angular’s Philosophy
07:07 Vue’s Philosophy
08:00 Svelte & SolidJS Philosophies
08:30 The Importance of (Fullstack) Metaframeworks
11:39 Angular’s Metaframework: AnalogJS
12:31 Vue’s Metaframework: NuxtJS
13:15 Svelte & SolidJS Metaframeworks
14:09 Library & Framework Ownership as a Decision Factor
14:46 React Ownership
15:54 Angular Ownership
16:36 Vue & SolidJS Ownership
17:51 Svelte Ownership
18:28 Popularity as a Decision Factor
23:12 Performance as a Decision Factor
24:21 Syntax as a Decision Factor
25:13 React Syntax
25:31 Angular Syntax
25:48 Vue Syntax
26:08 Personal Preferences Matter!
26:22 Explore all popular frameworks & libraries
27:16 Ease of learning as a Decision Factor
31:01 Max personal favorite
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Using NuxtJS frameworks on all my projects which is using VueJS under the hood, loving it.


Most of React projects have messy project structure! A lot of people start to build something with React without any guides and knowledge how to create well structured architecture. In Angular you have solid style guides and project structure which will be similar in different companies. I switched from Angular to React because so much popularity and a lot of job opportunities it has but after working in several React projects including on Nextjs I am want to switch to Angular again! PS: In React you can create an art but did you thought about how difficult it will be to support and add new features for other developers?


Great video as always but, just my opinion, the second camera angle is unnecessary and odd.


Oh man. This guy's content is amazing. Best courses I've ever taking.


Svelte is very good for small projects. Its the most easiest to learn according to me. It has built in support for animations(CSS animations). It gives better performance than other popular frameworks or libraries. The code you write will be readable compared to other frameworks. In my company, I develop apps for TV's(Android and Linux TV's). I was doing it with reactjs before and it was very difficult to implement animations with reactjs. Then I moved to svelte and everything became very easy. Svelte IS REALLY UNDERRATED.

I use svelte 4.


This guy did svelte and solid so dirty 😂 why even include them in the title if you don’t even cover them and just refer to them as “other smaller frameworks”


Hi Maximilian. Hope you are doing well. Your svelte course used sapper instead of sveltekit. Now that svelte 5 will have runes and sveltekit instead of sapper. Have you considered remaking this course with the new methodology? Richard Harris said the old way of writing svelte is now deprecated (it will be available as historic documentation) and the state management will change in svelte 5. Your expertise would be very helpful when transitioning to the modern way of using runes etc. Plus every svelte course on udemy is version 3 or 4 of the framework (old methodology without runes).

PS: I never really understood sveltekit if I can have another e.g. go/python (litestar API framework) backend inside of it to handle APIs and let sveltekit handle SSR/SSG/page rendering. So could be worth discussing if meta frameworks are meant for polyglot or simply svelte (without kit) for UI if you want to have polyglot backends.


Too bad the Vue.js 3 repository stars are taken into account here, not the Vue.js 2 stars (206k)


My personal favorite is Nuxt - the cleanest syntax of them all.


You can't work as PROFESSIONAL with all of them. You can play and try all of them but you can be pro only in one.


It is Vue for me anytime, everytime. For me, simple basic things make big things tick. 😊


React is simple actually... you have a component you set state with useState fetch things with useEffect, render html and access the dom with refs and share state between components using context and props
thats 90% of what ull be doing, if you need optimizations you can use other hooks for that but react router will soon do it for you ...


There are a couple misconceptions about SolidJS in this video. I'll focus mostly on the ownership element. Solid has been around for as long as Svelte and has had a similar ownership history. Ryan Carniato is employed by Netlify as a Principal Open-Source Engineer and works on Solid and broader ecosystem tooling full-time. This is similar to how Svelte is supported at Vercel. Svelte does have 2 additional paid core members. Solid is not a one-man show as it has Ryan and Alexis and is supported by 3-4 other active core members (including myself, Milo, Nikhil, Sarah, etc.). Its team is smaller compared to other frameworks. Lastly, Vue has been around for much longer than Svelte and Solid (about double the time) so it's far more mature.

What was also glazed over is that Solid has fundamentally impacted front-end frameworks. Its fine-grained reactivity is being adopted by Svelte 5, Vue Vapo, Preact and Angular in different flavours. Solid however is the smallest of the major 6 frameworks. Its adoption hasn't been as great mostly due to the fact that SolidStart is still in beta and likely to hit 1.0 in Q1 or Q2 this year. 🙂

I hope this positively contributes to the dialogue surrounding Solid's perception.


Since Angular, React and Vue has been around for a pretty long time, I really don't understand the idea behind the heads of other smaller frameworks's creators. Why some people dedicate months and years to create and maintain newer frameworks/libraries that only a few people will care about.


When you scale applications I think performance really matters, that's why libraries like Million.js exist. And Svelte and Solid are some of the frameworks that perform the best, this is also the reason why Vue is moving away from the VDOM and building Vapor :)


Dude, you've been posting a bunch of awesome videos these days. Thank you a lot for that!


I really hope SvelteKit takes off, it is my favorite by far.


19:00 it is important to notice here that Vue has two separate repos for v2 and v3. The v2 alone has 206k stars and the 43k is for the v3 alone. :)


Very Max. Your these new Podcasts are very much informative. Please share your knowledge on the following topic.
How these libraries or frameworks earn money? For example, how Next js is earning money, how JavaScript, or Vue etc are earning money, I am sure that only making the developer life easy will not be the case, there will be monetary term involved, which I do not really understand.


I swear half of Next.js’s popularity is using easy to understand routing.
