I built the same app 10 times // Which JS Framework is best?

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#javascript #webdev #top10

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00:00 JavaScript Frameworks
00:53 1. Vanilla
04:21 2. React
07:48 3. Angular
10:15 4. Vue
12:18 5. Svelte
14:16 6. Lit
16:11 7. Stencil
17:18 8. Solid
18:35 9. Alpine
20:17 10. Mithril

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Thank you for making this video, I always felt overwhelmed by all of these frameworks and you helped me come to realization that all of them suck, so I am going to create my own Javascript framework tonight.


This was the best video on JS frameworks I've ever seen.


This video will be extremely inimidating for beginners, so I hope to share my 2 cents.

1) Start by learning Vanilla JS. It will suck. It will be painful... but you will learn a ton about actually reading and understanding JS code, and will have a much easier time learning any framework that uses it.

2) DON'T try to learn all these frameworks. Pick one, and go with it.

Currently, React, Vue and Angular are by far the most popular. Pick ONE of those.

3) Become good at it. Stay updated on it. And commit to it to the death during your education phase.

4) Create a personal portfolio that uses your framework and provides anywhere from 5 - 10 demo projects. Try to incorporate some back end functionality on at least half of those.

5) Start applying to jobs hat use your framework. These are generally mentioned in the description. If the job description asks you to know other frameworks as well, apply to them anyway, and mention them on your resume because job filters will filter you out if you don't.

6) If you're selected, you will be asked for an interview. Make Sure to ask what frameworks would be on it.

If they ask you to know other frameworks for the interview, crash course study it then.
If not, ignore it until you get the job.

Only study the framework IF you ever find yourself needing it. Otherwise, you will spend your entire life studying frameworks, getting lost in the different methodologies and never becoming an expert at any.


My mind is blown on how someone actually decided to compare these tools in the shortest amount of time while showing all the important things along the way. Extremely well done and many thanks! 🙏


"You'll end up building your own shitty JS framework, and the last thing the world needs is another JS framework." -This is literally GOLD and I can't stop laughing.


After watching this video I have decided to create my own JS Framework where you will only be allowed to use 1 giant JS file. Once you pick my new framework, you will be too busy trying to figure out which line does what and will have 0 time to research other JS libraries. 100% developer retention. STONKS 📈


Interesting fact: 3 new JS frameworks were released while you watched this video


my favorite is svelte since it just feels very well optimized for ease of development and I like that its very forward-thinking. I think we will see much more work done in the build step going forward.


Thanks for introducing me to Svelte. I sat down and played with it for fun, remaking an app I already made with React. I basically got as far as I did with days of React work in a few hours in Svelte without even having any experience with it at all.


I started using Svelte the other night and was blown away with how lightweight and easy it was. I've always loved Vue and Svelte feels like an even more lightweight version of Vue.


Happily a Vue developer, but spending some free time with Svelte in hopes that it catches on! Thanks for the great overview!


For me, a back-end developer with c#. this video is really overwhelming. Hats up for JavaScript folks for dealing with all that mess.


This video has convinced me to never become a frontend developper.


The problem with JS frameworks is that most of them are plenty good enough to fill most needs, and it becomes really hard to decide which one to use until you reach and edge case situation much later down the line.


I like Svelte and understand why it would be considered the most loved framework based off of this overview. It looks like the best in regards to user friendly design for Javascript developers in general. Their compiler style design makes it so they can continuously improve performance under the hood which is pretty sweet.


This video is freaking incredible! Anytime someone asks "what framework should I use", I can just point them to this. Thank you for taking the time to learn and explain so many frameworks, It makes it really easy to make the decision and is just really interesting to see too. One thing to note though, is that if you're looking for a software engineering job rather than just building a hobby project, react might be the way to go because many companies use it and will look for candidates with react experience.


The audacity with which this guy says that this video might be outdated is the truth of JavaScript world 😂. Love your videos. Don't think we would've been even 5% of the developer we are today without content creators like you. Hats off 🙏


Myself spent a month creating a TODO list app using Angular Material, and I gotta say yes... The learning curve is kinda big but once I got used to it I can say it has an awesome and really organized way to do stuff!


Svelte is amongst my favourite, mainly because of how native it feels when developing, and also very performant.


Dude, I've come to love this channel on how it just gives you every tool you might need, and THEN teaches you how to pick one based on pros and cons
A very concise and extensive guide for JS!
