Iranian President Raisi's Death Triggers Conspiracy Theories | Vantage with Palki Sharma

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Iranian President Raisi's Death Triggers Conspiracy Theories | Vantage with Palki Sharma

The death of Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi has flooded social media with conspiracy theories ranging from a Mossad plot to space lasers. Officials in Israel and the US have been quick to deny any role in Saturday's helicopter crash that killed Raisi. Iranian officials are still investigating the crash and are yet to ascertain its cause. While these conspiracy theories may sound absurd and baseless, the quick denial from Israel and the US show how dangerous the situation is. Some news channels also fell for the theories, claiming that the man piloting the crashed helicopter was an Israeli spy named Eli Copter. Palki Sharma brings you the four conspiracy theories surrounding Raisi's death.


Ebrahim Raisi | Iran | Conspiracy Theory | Chopper Crash | Iran President | Mossad | USA | Space Lasers | Politics | Succession | Firstpost | World News | News Live | Vantage | Palki Sharma | News

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Рекомендации по теме

Why didn't they have a Russian chopper instead of a US one if they were facing western sanctions ??


Helicopter was down because of weather conditions that is what Iran says, I don't understand why media is trying to blame some one else.


Iran is a beautiful country with beautiful people. They deserve better administrators, including the supreme command!


Iran is supplying lot of drones & A&A to Terrorists but it is unable to purchase a new Hele, hence all charges are to be denied 😊


She's 1 of the best news reporter's ive ever watched very informative.


I don't understand!!
Iran is capable of making very sophisticated military machines and is unable to have modern helicopter to fly their president!?


A fair and independent reporter praise the good work and raise question for the undelivered and failure . that is new Indian reporting trend and she is the best


In this type of helicopter only Rambo can fly and survive, Raisi shouldn't have...😊


The pilot was an agent named Heli Copter?? 🤣 😂 I'm dying from laughter. 😂


Constantly calling USA "The Great Satan", while flying American-made choppers... Bad karma.


Honestly, I love your presentation and analysis. Indeed, if this was an article, it ought to be published in an high ranked journal.


Death is death and no one is exempted even you're a king or a President.


Very well done. A honest and true journalism. This is the line to inform to follow for the rest of the media. Thanks.


Thank you Palki for your Professionalism in giving work news we Humans need the Real news to see what is going on in the world thank you so much, blessings from above


❤the balance in your reporting. Great Job Ma


They can only blame themselves for flying their president in a 50-year-old chopper in very bad weather conditions. Maybe the chopper was fit to fly in normal weather but disrespecting Mother Nature is what they paid for with the life of their president. They could have bought a civilian helicopter from Russia. I don't see any reason why they can't buy from Russia when they can buy SU35 fighter jets from them. Funds may not have been an issue for them unless they have it spent all in financing terrorist groups. Let us see if they buy it now and from whom. The first blame should go to the one who passed the fit-to-fly decision in such bad weather that too in a 50-year-old sanction-hit helicopter.


Don’t fly aircraft that you can’t maintain. Pretty simple


Wasn't the chopper flying in thick as "pea soup" fog? That's why it crashed into the mountains!


I'm just going to say this, yes it is a possibility that Raisi was "removed" however I am a pilot and all of us train to fly safe when flying. the pictures shown display the tail in an upside down position this means that although the helicopter can glide to a landing if it's power plant fails it did not. the helicopter fuselage rolled down the hill away from the charred zone. if there had been an explosion on board then the tail of the helicopter would have been 10s of thousands of feet away from the fuselage maybe even miles away. the fact that the tail is intact and upside down near the charred area means that the helicopter impacted the mountain at a high speed and ripping the tail off and flipping it past the point of impact. put another way the piolet saw the ground a second or 2 before impact and pulled up but to late causing the fuselage to impact first ripping the tale off and flipping it upside down in the direction of flight. this based upon the view of the crash that i have seen sadly this was piolet error. the piolet did not even see it coming until it was too late.


Ma'am Palki's has only one competitor in her field-herself. Her presentation of the helicopter accident that killed President Raisi is outstanding.
