Modeling a poisson branching pattern in R

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Question: Branching Processes R Code Tree Diagram
Code: 1) Write an R code for a function that simulates a branching process of a Poisson progeny distribution with mean 𝜆 and for number of generations n. 2) Then run the simulations for several values of 𝜆 like .5, 1, and 2 for a reasonable number of generations like 3, 4 or 5. 3) Make a plot of the resulting tree. (Think about placing the generations on concentric circles and make line plots between coordinates of the parents and their children).


Answered By:

Matthew A.
Fluent in Fundamentals of Chemistry


Written Explanation:


#creates amount of leaves specified by poisson distribution
name ‹- node$name
children ‹- rpois(1,lambda) #pulled from poisson distribution
if (children == 0){
for (i in c(1:children)){

#searches siblings for available leaf, if not moves up a level
sib ‹- node$siblings
temp ‹- node$parent
for (i in c(1:length(sib))){

depth ‹- 3
lambda ‹- 4

parent ‹- Node$new("1")
node ‹- parent$children[[1]]
if(node$name == "X"){
node ‹- parent

while (node$name != parent$name){
if (node$level›depth||node$name == "X"){
node ‹- node$parent
while(!(node$isLeaf) & node$name != parent$name){
if (node$level‹=depth & node$isLeaf & node$name != parent$name){
if (node$leafCount › 0){
node ‹- node$children[[1]]



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