Whistling in surgery? 😙

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many patients arrive to the operating room with anxiety, fear, and sometimes even panic. fortunately, there are many things we can do to help diffuse that anxiety. humor, laughter, and joking are just some powerful, non-pharmaceutical approaches to helping diffuse that emotion before patients go under anesthesia. that is important, because the more comfortable patients are before going under, they were comfortable they may wake up.
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This is a fantastic doc I'm so sorry that we can't clone him for many many many other states lol


Back in 2001, I had both knees replaced, 8 weeks apart. I knew my team, as I worked in hospital. My PT guy asked if he could come watch the surgery, as he had never seen one done. I asked my surgeon, we all signed off and he was there. I woke up a little during surgery and asked if Tom was there. The anesthesiologist stroked my check and said do you hurt? Who's Tom. I said my PT guy. He said, you're still in surgery, you'll see him soon enough. I told him he was supposed to be there, we have permission. Tom..tell them. He responded back he was there and we'll talk before you leave the hospital. Dr told the anesthesiologist to put me under quickly and deeply...2nd knee tale will come later!


I have been put under many times. I am a Thalidomide survivor! Digits removed and re-attached, tongue snip and other surgeries. I sure wish this kind and compassionate Dr. Could have been present back in the 70’s and early 80’s. This Dr. Rocks!


Honestly if I was on the table and I heard someone start whistling, my heart rate would spike. because I only hear people whistle in horror movies.


Mine was serious and not friendly. So as the medicine kicked in I said you get to see the inside of me without buying me a drink. I laughed so hard and next thing I know I woke up laughing bc I didn’t realize I got knocked out 😂


I have found alot of healing from your videos I have had 18 surgeries and over 50 medical procedures in my life (I just turned 17). im allergic to Propofol and I was diagnosed with CPTSD about 3 years ago. Anti anxiety medications that have tried on me haven't really worked.Being put to sleep is extremely triggering for me, and haven't had a caring anesthesiologist since my diagnosis. Thank you for reminding me I do have other options.


I have extreme anxiety when it comes to hospitals and doctors in general. I normally have a fight response if any doctor comes near me, especially with IVs.
So, I voiced my concerns to the anesthesiologist working with me during a throat examination. He was super helpful and said that he could put in the IV after I passed out due to this weird gas, normally used by dentists. He didn’t sing or whistle for me but he had me tell him jokes. My mind was so occupied telling jokes to the nurses and the anesthesiologist that I didn’t even realize it when I passed out due to the gas. For my first time being put under anesthesia, the whole experience was less stressful due to the kindness of that anesthesiologist. I wish I could have told them “thank you.”


World’s best anesthesiologist right here.


I had an anesthesiologist & surgeon ask what kind of music I like before being"knocked out". Very calming experience.


My eldest daughter had to have major surgery when she was five. The procedure is called dega periacetabular osteotomy. They used cadaver bone, rebuilt her hip socket and put her in a body cast for 7 weeks. She had to relearn how to walk. Anyways, they let her choose her scent for her anesthesia. She now detests grape scented items.


My whole team sang strawberry fields to me. I was really anxious and it took a few doses of the anxiety meds, and I was shaking uncontrollably on the table and wasn't passing out when the mask was put on my face. I just remember my nurse pushing down on the mask, singing, "let me take you down" pushing harder every couple of words til I passed out. I made it to the second chorus 😆


I think, you have a lot of wonderful ideas for your patients.
Please keep on practicing these 🙂.


Never had a doctor actually seem to care, I had surgery once and never saw anyone after but a nurse


I'll never forget the anesthesiologist rubbing my cheek as I was nodding off and crying. I kept nodding my head too, not sure what that was about


All I remember from one of my surgeries is the anesthesiologist telling me to count and all the sudden I just stopped and it felt like the entire world around me did too lol all I could see was a blank silhouette of the doctor and him saying half chuckling “come on buddy keep counting”


I had teeth surgery before I started kindergarten, they gave me soms night night juice before got into the OR room, it was raining that day and there was a full glass window in the back and the nurse pointed out what a lovely day for ducks. I think there was a few ducks, I have this image of the cement patio beinging flooded and ducks swimming. That's the last thing I remember.


I remember when I had my Hysterectomy. My Dr. had asked for the operating room to be set up in a very specific way. Obviously, it hadn’t been because he had some pretty harsh word for the nurses, just before they wheeled me in they gave me something for my anxiety. As they wheeled me into the operating room the last thing I remember was seeing all the stainless steel instruments. My very last thought was, why did they put me in the kitchen? Then the lights when out! I’ll never forget that.


Thank you so much for your videos. I’m in the approval process for an SCS for CRPS. A CRPS spread or second CFS leak due to the trial and implantation surgery is lower on my anxiety list than giving up control of my body to the medical team. Binging your videos because you’re diffusing my anxiety by modeling the care level of care I should expect from my team.


So true I remember when I was having my first baby and he had a prolapsed cord and they took me straight away into the operating room and I was scared to death because I thought he had already died because the nurse said they'got a cord and there's no pulse and she's like trying to scream for somebody to come and help her and they came in will whisk me off to the operating table the anesthesia guy put the thing over my face told me to breathe in and I have claustrophobia and I punched him so he grabbed my face and look into my eyes and said in a really soft voice sweetheart look we need to do this right now for the sake of your baby and you so please let me put this mask on you take some deep breaths and count backwards from 100 I was out before you know it and my baby was okay because they got the C-section done in time but it was very terrifying had it not been for that man in his things could have been a lot worse


Brilliant method! Makes for a better and smoother recovery! 😊
