pov : their parents were arguing so the older sibling tries to comfort them #siblings #relatable

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one time when I was little(er) someone asked me this and I said "silent" since at the time my parents argued a lot and I never got any silent time. it's no wonder why I'm the quiet student.


As the oldest of 5 children whenever my parents argue I’m always the one comforting them it’s so wholesome but scary


“Come on I know a place where you love”
*both go in opposite directions*


my older sister was always there to make sure i was okay and had headphones or anything else i needed in my life i couldn’t know a better older sister


my parents fought a lot with my grandfather and i was really young, barely 10. I never realised till now that I got so traumatized by it.

I used to go to my room, close the door and go in the bathroom and close that door too, to prevent the noise.

a few weeks back my parents had a kinda big fight so I was traumatized but i hid it cuz i have a younger brother and he would obviously might accidentally anger them more.

people think children aren't hurt by these events, but it hurts. my parents keep pressuring me to get food marks, loose weight etc.

it hurts like shit to the point where sometimes i just wanna unalive myself 😭😭


I had to this for my little brother when my parents would fight, he was very sensitive and would start crying, it broke me so much and I hope he never has to go through that again.


Sadly, in this world, I've been kind my whole life and it's brought me nothing but grief


My parents always argues
So Im always distracting my younger siblings
I'm the middle child (2nd parent) since my older siblings moved out


I remember once my parents were arguing and fighting and i was downstairs in the other room so i just started crying and i decided to go upstairs to my brother and i just sat there and he knew what was going on but didn't brought up the topic. I still remember that day and it sickens me


I only have step brothers that are way older than me and they dont give a f..k about me.(They moved out a lot of time ago and i dont even talk with them) So whenever this shitty situation happens i just go to my room and cry.(sometimes call my grandma) I love my mom and grandma so much bc they raised me since my first breath. Obv i love my father its just that some mistakes, even the smallest ones, remain as a mark in my heart. I love my family and i should be grateful theyre healthy. *Gladly i hang out with my dad a bit more and things are starting to be atleast a bit better* !


For world book day at my school this was our theme..so we read the book and watched the film. Me and my teacher were balling our eyes out and my bsf looked at me like “girl…it’s just a film” though she was a bit teary


My parents don't fight but my sister cares for me most of the time even tho sometimes she makes it seem like she wishes she was a only child


Damn that fact that you did this by yourself makes it 10 times better 👏✨🫶


Where was the older sister touching at the start😳😳


i wish, i grew up blasting music in my ears because my older brother couldn’t care less, my parents fought almost every night and still do and now i’ve lost 30% of my hearing because i played my music to loud trying to block their yelling out.


When you have a sibling but they never comfort you my parents hav lots of fight sometimes I even cry at night thinking about they getting devorse


Something like this has actually happened to me, and in this situation I'm the younger sibling. My sister instead asked, "If you could be anywhere in the world, where would you be?" And we talked and dreamed about nice cottages and beautiful meadows with flowers, trying to muffle the screams of our parents. I'm so grateful for my sister.


As an older sibling I always find Ways to distract my 2 years old sister from my parents argues. They argue almost every day and I can't imagine that in a few years I would be in college and have to leave home without her...


Someone that loves themselves, with no insecurities..


I used to do this for my younger cousins, we would hide in a corner, and talk about things
