👍 Private Investigator Surveillance Tricks | Private Investigator Training Video

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Conducting Private Investigator Surveillance is always tricky, and having a few special sneaky private investigator tricks up your sleeve will always be helpful. From stationary surveillance to mobile surveillance, from covert hidden spy cameras to regular surveillance cameras, the private investigator stories in this private investigator training video is sure to help you with your private investigations business. Learn how to become a private investigator with the many PI Guy training video series below.

Private Investigator Sneaky Tricks Video Chapters
0:00 Intro
0:35 Private Investigator Surveillance Trick #1
1:50 Private Investigator Surveillance Trick #2
2:25 Private Investigator Surveillance Trick #3
3:20 Private Investigator Surveillance Trick #4
4:35 Private Investigator Surveillance Trick #5
5:40 Private Investigator Surveillance Trick #6
6:27 Private Investigator Surveillance Trick #7
7:12 Private Investigator Surveillance Trick #8
7:35 Private Investigator Surveillance Trick #9

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Рекомендации по теме

Did a surveillance 2 months ago and the claimant claimed she couldn't lift anything and the doctor backed her claim. Got good video of her at the residence, driving and lifting the kids out of the car above her head as if it was nothing. All I know is the client was very happy to get something.


My secret camera hide is a hollowed out hard cover book that fits my video camcorder and a juice box for extended power. When I put it behind a piece of plexiglass then I can reverse your screen and I can see what I am recording. The camcorder allows me to quickly check the quality of the video without having to download it from a micro SD card. I coated the whole thing in tuckbox liner and added places for Ping-Pong balls so now the whole-thing is dry and it floats.


About window tenting. If your SUV has factory 20% on the rear windows think about having mirrored or bronze 5% tent installed. When you do this it makes the windows look like it is less tented by being a lighter color. We have had this done on four Chevy suburbans and have never been stopped.


Can PIs in a divorce case where there is an order of protection be allowed to see what the husband is looking up on his laptop after he has been removed from the home?


Great tips and insights on private investigator surveillance! What do you find most challenging about surveillance, and how do you overcome it?


Except. .if you are working in NV or AZ ...where tint and shades are the


I was put under surveillance for several years and the things that made them obvious to me was a typical hat and sunglasses look theyd try to pull, the dark window tint, or how they would suddenly alter thier pace or stumble when i suddenly changed directions. I built a very fast car and overall would proceeed to drive like a maniac some times. It was easy to see who was following me because id look in my rear view mirror and basically see people chasing me, speeding up and attempting to follow me. Another thing id do to frustrate them is suddenly stop or drive ridiculously slow because they had to pass or give themselves away. They hated whenever i did that. Id also buy shirts with just the right pocket size and put my phone on record and put the phone in my pocket. When id spot these people, id purposefully come up and take a selfie with them in the background and photobomb them on purpose. Or id pretend i made a call and was put on hold and actually have the phone recording with the camera facing them.
When i was 100% clear i got one of them id follow them for a bit to let them know i was on to them and would make it clearly obvious and even turn the high beams on get right behind them like the police would. Usually theyd retreat to a parking lot and id drive past them and blow the horn when id finally retreat.
What they did made me feel terrorized because i could feel them watching me, i knew they were, and i was getting tired of it. One time after caching them at the airport filming me trying to look slick i went to the greeter and asked if the 2 men had any business here, the 2 guys with thier phones filmimg us, so we filmed them and watched as the guy approached them, gave them the bad news, and saw them get up with frustration and begin to leave. When they came out i put my hands behind my back and got right in thier face and began asking questions. They tried to act like i was crazy and "who are you?" Im like "WHO ARE YOU!?". They left so quickly...😂😂😂
I eventually over time even installed 2 vibrant ultra quiet resonators that made the modified car quieter than stock. You could only hear the supercharger whine if i gave it more than 3 1/3rds throttle and was 2.5 straight through and had the same performance.
Another thing i got really good at was driving through dense traffic without slowing down. It became like a fine art to me. Also known as " cutting up" or "swimming through traffic". That tactic worked EVERYTIME as these people were very good at driving fast in a straight line, but not so good at weaving in and out of traffic at 100mph. 😂😂😂
In my instance they used a team of people to surveill me, like up to 30 people sometimes at a time, late at night, they were reduced to a skeleton crew.
This went on for years 24/7 365 days a year. They even moved people in the apartment above me to spy on me in my own home. Occasionally they would destroy my property or do things to harass me or use it for intimidation. Rumors were spread about me. But people began to talk. The people living above me were informants for the police and selling drugs. Police were allowing it for thier information. They were never busted. They were some major lowlifes. All clues of who these people were lead back to government. And i think it had everything to do with a judicial complaint i filed against a corrupt judge and the sheriffs office, sexual harassment in court with my wife. I became like a detective after years of dealing with them, 4 years of nonstop surveillance and harassment. It was like... a war. Eventually i had to leave town because of it all. When they couldn't terrorize me out of town they began playing even more dirty. The threats escalated. I was threatened with a gun on several occasions. You couldn't go to the police because they refused to do anything, they were apart of it. The dmv began targeting us, the cops, the entire local government there. They even broke into my home and did things to let us know we were there as well as my vehicles. My phone was hacked into. Its really scary that government has the power to do all that. It was like we were under investigation but we didnt do anything, they were just doing it to bully us out of town.
Now we live in virginia beach, this was upstate ny, and weve seen many people from that town that suddenly wanted to take a vacation and come here. Some suspicious behavior here as well here and there but not nearly what i endured in Jamestown N.Y. There they had an upstairs neighbor(the drug dealer/user informant literally follow me around my own apartment room to room. She was always home and if she wasnt, they had a huge family and someone was ALWAYS home to do it. We come outside, they come outside. Frequently wed come home to them seemingly waiting for us and leaving and vise versa. My friends and family thought i went crazy at first, well theyd come over and see it for themselves. At one point we went on vacation and came back and our garden was filled with bags of trash. My mom came to the door upset and said she couldn't get her bags out the car before some peurto rican guy pulled up, threw a to go container in my yard to join the rest of the trash, and pulled away. She thought i was crazy too but definitely believed me after seeing that. Jamestown N.Y.


How do you know when they have appointments?


I clicked the link and it said page not found? Could you send me the link for the dash cam you were talking about


Just a brief Query John. Do you have any contacts in Ireland?


Hello! I am a female just getting into the business in Florida. I tried to find the link for that covert camera as well as the dash cams. Can u please respond with those links. Thankyou!


I like to stroke my mustache and look at my subject with crazy eyes.


What is your work radius? How far do you usually travel for work??


Ii believe their is a P I who keeps standing close to my att / box power meter I’ve caught him there 3 times, . what is he doing at that spot .. Any Ideas?


Good info. Thank you.
Bell irritating! Sorry!
