Spiritual Meaning of Aquarius & the Age of Esoteric Knowledge (Series)

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Learn how the Age of Aquarius is currently governing our planet and how to better take advantage of the spiritual direction humanity is being pushed towards. There are currently two forces struggling against each other, and those who choose to awaken their consciousness have to understand the amount of radical psychological revolution it takes to walk the authentic spiritual path in a practical way - completely obliterating all forms of outdated dogmatic systems of belief. This video also covers the Aquarian astrology zodiac in general with its specific influences, as well as an esoteric practice for this sign.

0:00 - The Sidereal Year, Age of Pisces & the Water Bearer
8:58 - Inner Revolution, Transmutation Knowledge & Ego
18:17 - Social Revolution, Leo & the Intelligent Rebel
29:44 - Moral Compass of the Heart, Altruism & Weaknesses
35:28 - Knowing Thyself, Descending & Dissolving Ego
42:23 - Body Intelligence, 7 Kundalinis, Calves & Fear
50:23 - Gnostic Zodiacal Practice of Aquarius


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As an aqarius with extreme intellectual and logically thinking i couldnt agree more it just feels like we constantly have this higher self talking to us


This is a confirmation of all the things I've been thinking I need to do for my personal growth as an Aquarius- I have to "go within" and do a tremendous amount of inner work, especially as it relates to the shadow and subconscious. My ego is ruling me in the worst ways😔

Anyway, happy birthday my fellow Aquarians!💙💛


Please don’t make your videos shorter! I love long videos! So much juicy content to dive into.


I really appreciate the length of these videos actually you don't need to worry about making it short; I'd rather have a content packed long video than one shortened to fit time constraints


I love that I'm an Aquarius and I do find I need time to recharge myself often. I enjoy being alone thinking through life but I also love people and all the different personalities and beliefs.


As an Aquarius who is heavily influenced by Gnosticism and buddhism, this hits home big time, awsome vid bro keep up the good work!


For my fellow Aquarians
Carl Jung may be an ideal mentor for you as he is a Leo which is an important influence for us
Furthermore it was said inner work is important for our growth and Jung is very instrumental when learning about looking inwardly
Peace out guys


Most of generation Z has aquarius in their Uranus and Neptune... So the way we evolve seems to be in alignment in a unique way compared to other generations. I personally don't think that the world will become worse, since we have that energetic optimism/guidance built in us. In fact, I think certain parts of the planet will become more unified and positive than ever, but this will take time. Just wanted to mention that 💚


I am an Aquarian born at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius (1961)…and my mother is a Leo. Now our volatile relationship makes so much more sense 😂🙏💕💕


Im an Aquarius i just recently isolated my self idk what it is but i just feels like my soul needed it, it kinda feels like I’ve accomplished waking other souls to start thinking different and not how the satanic elites who’ve been brainwashing humanity for decades to not think within our minds, i just feel like age of Aquarius is the age of souls waking up and more truth of who we are and the purpose of life is, i also got in to Chakras and more spiritual stuff it feels great it a way for me to connect with my higher self and God our creator.


Grounding the nervous system. That sounds like something every humanoid could use in the coming days✨ thank you Gene. I don't always comprehend these lessons, but I'm always grateful to listen and learn. Blessings to you


I am so grateful for this, I have so much Aquarian energy and learning to be in my body has been life changing. I read that book “power of now” many years ago and I remember the first time feeling my own inner energy, I was confused and amazed at what was happening. I find that when I don’t have this inner body practice, my nervous system feels completely out of control and fear takes over. Your teachings are so deep and transformative.


as an aquarian, these traits really do resonate with me, i can be too much in my head be too headstrong, impatient, and i over think things, analyzing too much, but i am getting better with being more aware of exactly where my consciousness is and becoming more present, living in the now ❤🙏❤


I've never told anyone this, but I fly a lot in my dreams. I hear a lot of people have not experienced this too, and it started when I was little with me gliding for long periods of time. Even Angles have grabbed me and flown me out of paths, temples, or building of knowledge I should not go down (weird to describe but I was at a point of almost joining freemasons in 2021 and this angel revealed truth to me of why it wasn't needed). After this I started having dreams of actually floating in my grandfather's current back yard I had not seen yet, clear as day (Floating is a lot different than flying, like having an invisible clear disk under you). I was above dog level because a dog was following and barking under me, and when I entered the home, I was able to hug loved ones like sensing where they were at mentally (Its wild because my grandfather always owned a lot of dogs, but I knew in the dream, which didn't feel like one that he only had one small dog at the moment). I met that same dog shortly after, feeling the need to actually see my family and the new small dog did bark at me the whole time😂. As an Aquarius I never knew this was an element for us and am curious to know what type of dreams others experience and does it involve loved ones a lot, maybe we Truley are awaking to not only our own but consciousnesses of all those around us! The reason words are more important than ever! (Found I was also born on the 33rd year of Aquarian based on this video - literally a cusper, born directly between Millennials and GenZ) Thank you for all the insight into self, feel energized for the mission of tomorrow and now! Things will get better in places least expected and neglected, that part has been prophesied as well!


I haven't heard anyone describe the relationship with the calves this well. I am an aquarius and I'm often finding myself shaking my legs furiously when I'm extremely focused. This shaking is totally driven by my calves repeatedly flexing and it happens most often when I'm stressed or deep in thought. Very helpful for me to see the significance of this behavior.


I'm struggling every day with being in my own body. My sun is Aquarius, my moon is Aquarius and my rising is Taurus. I haven't had the option to do anything material as of late. My body and mind are being forced to learn and expand my inner spirit. It's been a ride to say the least! I really enjoyed your video, it feels nice to know I'm not crazy like everyone always says. I've been the "crazy, risky, fun, helpful, drop everything" friend my whole life, to a fault. Although I was and still am labeled those terms at 26, everyone I know always confesses that I helped them or enlightened them through my ways (not the norm). I'm very excited to see everything slowly change over time. I've been yearning for our society to know experience and truth without unsourced outer influence. It will feel nice to finally feel a sense of belonging and rediscover the minds of the ones I love as they face their journey in this age <3.


I am Aquarius and you are talkin facts


We often got misunderstood for our younger exterior, younger than our actual age, but inner interior we're very old souls.
I am February 1st 1984 = 1+2+1+9+8+4 = 2+5 = Yin and Yang (numerology 7) Aquarius Sun in its own Aquarius House the 11th House, Aquarius Moon in X MC, Aries Ascendant/Rising, etc.


It’s nice to meet you and be here in your community
“I know” is definitely something I say often.Aquarius here (February 15 1994) with Pisces in my chart. Age of Aquarius hallelujah!
Paramahansa Yogananda emphasizes Self-Realization and Christ consciousness

February 4th 1962 age of Aquarius what a great discovery brother!


This feels like a university lecture, very comprehensive and valuable. I am glad i found this channel, thank you for this content.
