AQUARIUS Temper || 6 Things that Make them Furious

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Each zodiac sign deals with anger issues differently; while some blast like a bomb, others fall back and stay detached. If you have noticed an Aquarius, they are cool, calm, and composed. It is often hard to make them angry, but once you cross the line with them, they explode, and their anger outburst is like an a raging tornado.

Here are the 6 things that can trigger an Aquarian's temper and make them fierce.

Based on Aquarius Sun Sign
#ZodiacTalks #Aquarius

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As an aquarius, one thing that we do is that we seek truth and understanding in everything that we do.
Love aquarius ♒


As an Aquarian this is 100 percent spot on. As a child my best school friend of 5 years crossed me, thought she had become the leader if the pack second year of high school, tried to belittle me in front of a group of friends. I turned on my heals and never looked back, not even when another friend told me the old friend wanted to mend the situ. If I feel I can't trust someone, it is over for me. My mantra is live and let live and I don't like judgemental people and I will and have over the years come to the defence of people, even strangers. You become a bit of a loner as people tend not to get us as we don't need other people if they are gossipy, judgemental, racist, bigoted etc.


_“..their anger is like a raging tornado 🌪️”_ lol so true.. one of the things that I hate hate HATE the most is getting my personal stuff tampered with without my knowledge. Another thing I absolutely HATE is being accused of something bad when I've done nothing wrong.


"Their outburst is like a raging tornado!" LOL that was perfect! ♒❤


I am an Aquarius... and everything that's been mentioned is so true


Aquarius hates being forced to something. Then we get mad.


Once you betray our trust, it could never be repaired. It’s done.


Can confirm this, i once got so angry it took 5 people to calm me down


My temper goes from 0-100 too damn quick if u do the following:
👊🏽Break your own promises or don't follow through with something you brought up. Bonus anger if I actually asked and u said I got u
👊🏽👊🏽 Gaslight me like I don't have receipts of anything I bring up as an issue
👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽 Try to guilt trip or manipulate me to do something. I'm not like u...I do wtfI say.
👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽 Say something stupid like I'm never gonna talk to u again or make an ultimatum. Look....we r the masters of ghosting for a lifetime....its a game to a lifestyle to us. Don't hurt your own feelings when u r blocked permanently


True am a Aries ♈️ my sister is a Aquarius ♒️ she doesn’t like what people tell them to do she doesn’t like manipulators everything is true what they say about Aquarius ♒️


I cant help it i have this wild beast God of darkness inside me every thing on here is exactly true about myself as an Aquarius. I don't play games period . It just some people in the world don't understand us. This is who I am


I am Aquarian.. qnd you mentioned all 💯


Wow, this is my daughter.. she's everything described here and is absolutely amazing!I guess I will now understand her better


I’m an aquarian. Exgf was an aquarian. We never argued for years. Until one day, hell broke loose. Things turned sour very quickly. We said things that burnt the bridge down. And we didnt regret it.


I'm Aquarius and you wouldn't like me when I'm angry... I hate people that lie. I don't think anyone is above the law. That mainly means law enforcement: I once pulled a cop over to tell him he made an illegal turn that almost caused an accident. Yes people were watching, but I let him know that he was not "above the law". NO one is. I am straight to the point and take things in a very literal sense. I don't like to tell you something more than 3 times. Stupid people really piss me off!!! I form very close bonds, but do not stab me in the back, or you will have lost a very loyal friend forever. If you don't like me, I could care less.


Aquarian rarely lose temper because we accept people as they are and because it's undignified and we abhor violence or loss of control ... cheaters, liars, thieves, manipulators or bullies will be abandoned no matter the upheaval or cost... our sense of loyalty and duty might prolong it. In private we will agonize over the loss of trust
.. we feel pain deeply, but when the last twig breaks ... it will happen so fast your head will spin lol


I have grown so much. I never read this about an aquarius. I'm actually getting with one right now. There is one word that make Aquarians loved: FREEDOM. If you make an aquarius understand how much you respect FREEDOM. You have a best friend forever.


As an Aquarian through and through then this video is cool and very, very true. And one thing i love is 'JUSTICE' and one thing i hate is INJUSTICE.

And i do have excellent control over my anger, it takes a lot to get me going and explosive something like 12 years of mistreatment for example...and very little sleep that is a very bad combination. Thank you for this video, all fact 😊


I'm Aquarius and I hate backstabbers and I get angry when someone wants you to do something that you don't want to do. They want to take advantage of you when you ain't got no money to buy them something for theirself.


An Aquarius can't stand it when we can't finish what we want to say
