Can Christians judge each other?

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Matthew 7:1 is one of the Bible's most popular verses, and it apparently tells us that we shouldn't judge anyone. Pretty neat, eh?

But no, things probably aren't that simple. Today, we're going to talk about what judgement means for Christians, so stick around to learn about this interesting Biblical topic.

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We can judge are they great character or evil? We are not to condemn.Plus the bible has judges in it to uphold the law & not be lawless.


Almost, but not quite. Jesus taught from the old testament scriptures. Mote is H4131, you can go look it up. Beam is used many times in the old testament, H4500 is merely one of them. Both of these definitions will inform you in the verse. And as far as judging...Jesus said that we are children of the light. In Psalm 82 it says so. It also says in Psalm 82 that we are gods/angels (H430-(elohiym) gods OF the supreme God) that will die like men. The only way angels die like men is to take on flesh, which is why God is no respecter of persons. Jude 1:6 attests to the fact that the angels which kept not their first estate are in chains, and chains in that verse means "ligaments of the body". And even in the Book of Revelation, most likely because nobody got the fact that they're angels in flesh (like when the apostles wanted to call down fire from heaven and Jesus rebuked them telling them they knew not what kind of spirit they were), He just outright SAYS SO in the first chapters of the each type of follower in one of His seven churches. Most people will say they belong to the church of Philadelphia....completely bypassing the fact that Jesus called them angels. "And to the angel of the..." So we are all angels in flesh. A huge no-no. That is why we must be converted before the flesh dies...because if we die unconverted our soul goes to the pit. And, guess what....every single human you see walking around...did this. And that is why we are not to judge. How can you address someone's behavior, dress code, etc...when you fornicated with the devil to come into flesh? We all sold our inheritance of eternal life to get here. Jesus, our Father manifest in flesh, was the only one who could save us, and He HAD to come in order to do this, because only He could overcome the enemy because only the Supreme God could rescue the kids He Himself cast down because they kept not their first estate. When you turn back to Jesus by asking for forgiveness of your sin of embodiment, and all the sins you did while in flesh, He forgives, turns that falling soul from down to UP, covers you with HIS covering (because the flesh covering we wear belongs to satan) and when your flesh get to go home, which, by the heaven. The only purpose of the earth is to kill EL's children. Jesus made a way for us to return home. But anyway, knowing this, you can correct with love instead of pointing fingers thinking you're better than the next person. Jesus is coming for his ark-angels....and we, those who have been born-again, ARE ark-angels, because Jesus IS the Ark of the Convenant. He is coming for us! Yay!
