What I Learned After 7 Years Of Growing Fruit Trees In My Garden

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Their are some important things I learned from growing fruit trees, and I hope some of them can save you both time and money, and maybe a little frustration too. :)

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You’re like me. You can’t stop planting stuff. 🤘🏻plant on brother!


🌸🍒🌺 I learn so much from you James !!!! My hands are itching to go buy those cheap fruit trees ( I think, ,, wow 10 of those fruit trees would fill in my forest real nice ) and then I hear you “ don’t do it, learn from me “ ... I’m Irene, the old lady who is following your 1 yr food Forrest !!! And by golly, ,, I will listen because I love what you do !!!!


Beautiful trees and such a wide variety of them! I am envious! Can’t wait until I find some land and get to start my journey as well. Thanks brother!


Thank you James (and Tuck im sure he was there somewhere) I really appreciate you sharing the good the bad and the ugly. I try and research what I can but getting the info from someone who has tried and tested these things is priceless and has already saved me work and money. I look forward to your videos and love seeing your forest evolve :)


Hey James, love the channel. You are my number one source of info for the food forest I'm starting. This year I have ordered a nectarine tree (live in zone 5). Why are you getting rid of your nectarine tree?


James, I'm so glad I found you! I love your philosophy. It just makes so much sense. I planted 6 trees last year. 1 didn't make it. So because of you, I'm putting in a food Forrest. I've got an order in to ChipDrop for chips, and I called the fruit orchard near me (Jaemor Farms) and I'll be heading up there to purchase trees and berries that have been grown in my climate. So excited.


Im in the process of planting a 40-60 tree orchard in my back yard. I have 5 acres btw. I really hope it goes well. Im planning on having about 15 apples, 15 pears, 15 peach, and a mix of plum, pecan, and persimmon trees. Also a bunch of blue berry, strawberry, and black berry.


I planted an avocado seed in a pot yesterday and I hope this one comes up. The mango is about a foot and a half tall now and the moringa I just cut back last week and there are all these new sprouts on it now. One of the lemons is going through a growth spurt finally and getting its 'big-boy leaves'. I will wait until I have a fence and live on-site to plant them out so nothing gets carried off. I love watching all your videos.


you inspired me to start my own food forest James :) right now i alread had few pomelo, lemon and rambutan trees and counting :) im starting to cut down invasive trees in our long neglected property and it sure is not an easy task, there are times when i almost want to give up, but watching your videos pushed me to work harder .thanks man :)


Always get lots of good info from your shows. I really like your personality you are really centred and balanced. Usually it takes old age to do that. Kudos to you but I still think you need a small farm so you can live up to what I think your capable of. This for you is much more than YouTube. It could become a place where you could actually explain and teach new gardeners. Think about it. I don’t know what you do for work but this is your passion and should not be ignored. Great job. 👍🏻💪🏻🖖🏻❤️🐾🐾🐾👩🏼‍🌾


Looking great! I'm excited for some of my new fruit trees to arrive in the spring. Got a new food forest area to plant and an existing food forest to expand :) plus got a bunch of berries to plant and several hundred native trees and shrubs for my hedgerows. Always more to plant! :)


Thank you for all your videos. You have been a wealth of information and inspiration. Ive been spending time in my little back yard figuring out how l can plan my own food forest. Im going to build that soil and plant in the spring for sure. Who knew that research could be this much fun?! Take care.


hey James big fan the stuff you do is wonderful and you got me hooked. I've been a small time gardener over the years but this year will be a little bigger. I am curremtly spreading 18 years of wood chips in my years (using your technic). I've leaned from your mistakes lol and I want to ask you for a list of fruit tress and bushes you feel are appropriate for Long Island. I am not to far from Port Jefferson so we do get high humidity in the summer. Love your videos and thanks for any help.


I agree 100% no 110% about buying quality trees from the beginning, it's just that walking through the box store seeing all those trees and plants with prices slashed, practically giving them away this time of the year....man it's hard to walk by. But been there, done that and won't repeat. Thanks for all the great info James, keep up the good work! Hey Tuck!


I see you as a person that would be doing "bad" things if you weren't doing positive things. That's the real miracle of gardening.


So glad I found your channel. You have inspired me and I’ve planted 10 fruit trees and two nut trees this year. Two didn’t make it but the rest are doing great 😁. Thanks James!


Im glad your channel doesnt have all the comercials like others thats why your is my fave...


-James thank you for your consistency of posting videos. It always makes my day and inspires me to continue building my food forest. -Dave


I just planted the onions. Will put the garlic in within the next few weeks. We're in South Central Texas, Hill Country


Thank you for all the inspiration you provide for us. Do you net your fruit trees? So far I haven't seen any netting in your videos. Also do you have problems with fruit fly and if yes can you recommend some advice on managing them. Thank you.
