Love, Survival, and Escape: Returning Home Under the Shadow of an Uncertain Fate

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In this emotional and suspenseful documentary, we take you deep into the life of Roghieh, a brave nomadic mother whose only concern is keeping her daughter, Asmah, safe. This morning, Roghieh receives news that is both joyful and frightening: Goli, Mersad's mother, has been discharged from the hospital. This gives Roghieh hope, as she can now return to her mountain cabin with Asmah. But behind this good news lies a hidden danger. Is Roghieh finally free from her troubles, or is she still being pursued by Mersad and the law?
In this thrilling and intense documentary, witness a mother's relentless struggle to escape injustice and protect her daughter's future. Will Roghieh succeed, or is a different fate awaiting her? A real story of love, survival, and escape, where every moment will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Watch this gripping documentary now and join Roghieh on her perilous journey. #FleeingForSurvival #MaternalLove #NomadicLife #FatefulEscape #love #familyresilience #youtube #cooking #new #nomadicmother #vlog #new
Рекомендации по теме

Нужно заявить в полицию.надо что-то делать а плач ничего не даст.Рукия буть сильной.


Не мучь ребёнка, живи и работай спокойно и разведись, не надо перекладывть на кого то


Ruqiya, you must face this fact: You LEFT, you DISPLACED yourself. It was a bad idea, because you missed an important court date, and compounded your problems!


Ajde Rukija nemoj stalno sebe sazalijevati i plakat nego malo budi cvrsca i pobrini se za sebe i Asmu. Moras se suprostavit starij vjestici i njezinu sinu. Lp❤❤❤ ❤❤❤


Que maldad, Rugy debes separte de ese mal hombre y poner alejamiento no te haga más daño ..
Deja de sufrir busca un trabajo y sal adelante con tu hija esta no es vida para nadie, busca ayuda con los ancianos de la tribu explica tu situación..como alguno no te ayudará.


😮😢я ведь давно вам писала, почему не читаете комментарии, Не вставляйте стекло в дверь и Есть же пластик прозрачный, так вы не слушаете умные советы, почему? Говорила вам, что побьют эти стекла все, вот вам результат,


Рукия, разведись со своим супругом ...И пусть тебе платит алименты за дочь.... 100/%


Оператор вы что с ума сошли!, за что она должна платить? Это они к ней ворвались в дом без приглашения и напали на нее, или в вашей стране подобное считается НОРМАЛЬНЫМ? Подайте встречную жалобу и покажите все видео, где они ее избивают каждый день ❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗🔆


stop winging, of course they broke the glass, your house is still standing. Put Asma to bed, sweep up the glass . Make a cup of tea. Thank God you have still got a home. Thank the viewers for their support. Plan your visit to your solicitor and the police. Most of all, STOP WINGING!


Оператор, если вы играете драму, то обеспечьте ребенку полную безопасность и хорошее питание, ребёнок не игрушка для ваших развлечений


boring too many problems create, never ending drama 👿👽🤪


Esto debe ser obra del adicto, y la bruja de su mamá, Ruquia apesar de todas las amenazas, es mejor vover a tu casa, ahora pon una denuncia de todos los atropellos de este tipo y su madre, y con las pruebas que tiene el señor camarógrafo, no te pasara nada, se fuerte y defiendete, y deja de llorar que con llorar no arreglas nada, todo en la vida tiene solución, y no hagaches la cabeza, que tu no haz hecho nada. Bendiciones para ti y tu niña y ten fuerzas para enfrentar a esto criminales, bendiciones señor camarógrafo por ayudar 😊y aconsejar bien a Ruquia, ayudala por favor. 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤❤❤❤


You complain that you are tired from walking, you know that it is difficult to walk especially since you know you are going nowhere, asmah is the most pitiful


Stop your whining, you knew mersad would destroy home, he told you he would, now get up and move on, either sue them and have them imprisoned or sell and move away, you know it will never stop


You should counter sue them for pain and suffering. Show them
All the videos you have. Tell the elders how he tried to use his daughter to get money because he is an addict and his mother knows this. You have to fight back. Do not give up.


senhor operador muito obrigado por vcs nunca ter abandonado Ruqiya e asma que Deus abençoe vcs e seu trabalho ❤❤❤


Mi niña ese llanto que se te vuelva fuerza y sigue luchando por ti y hija dios te bendiga siempre ❤🇨🇱🙏🙏🙏


If Ruqiya is moving deeper and faraway from her dwelling, how is it that operator is able to visit the shop daily


Mais uma vez uma injustiça foi feita contra essa mãe ! O que acontece com a justiça desse país ? Os demônios foram vencedores mais uma vez ! Como pode ser isso ? Ninguém consegue defender essa mãe daqueles demônios ? Meu Deus ! Corram em ajuda a ela . Constante vítima de injustiças e crueldade, como um martírio eterno . Sr. Operador, você é homem e tem nos parecido muito justo e honesto . Você também é muito inteligente . Procure, por favor, meios legais e justos que possa livrar essa mãe de tantas injustiças e maldade . Isso precisa parar, ter um fim . Que Deus a ajude !


Hai sbagliato a costruire una casa vicino a loro non ti lasceranno in pace ti daranno sempre fastidio stanno facendo di tutto per farti tornare a casa loro per fare tutti i lavori che loro non fanno, chiedi il divorzio e vai via con questa povera bambina, torna da Saleh ❤❤❤❤
