Why I Hire Only Genius People - Elon Musk

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Elon Musk's interview process is very special. There is one genius question that Elon Musk asks his interviewees in the Tesla and SpaceX. This is a question that can't be predicted or expected, but can you answer it?


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I once applied for a job (I´m a carpenter). At the interview the interviewer handed me a bunch of nails, while we were talking. Suddenly he said: You are hired ! Surpriced I asked why- he didnt ask many questions ? - You unconsciusly sorted the nails in your hand into the right direction while we talked and not even lookad at them while doing so. It shows me, you can do more than one thing at the time and you dont waste time. - I worked there for almost five years.


“Why do you want to work here?”

*Well, I’ve always been really passionate about not starving to death.*


I asked my 5 year old son this question and he said “can you just drive me because it’s too hot to walk right now…”. Pure genius


My greatest engineering challenge and how I overcame it: got a software engineering job halfway across the country by answering "can you do the job?" With "yes, " and then spent the two weeks I had before driving out there teaching myself as much of the job requirements as I could bc I pretty much only knew about 10% of what I needed to know for the position, and then once I got there did everything in my power to become at least as good as my average coworker before anyone realized I walked in first day having almost no clue what to do. The first month sucked, the second was good, and by the end of the third I was getting praise from even the couple coworkers that figured out that I walked into that job not knowing WTF I was doing.

It was the best job I've ever had.


I put this question to my Wife who was passing thru the living room from one chore to the next. She paused for two seconds, wondering my intent, and answered correctly without hesitation. She went on to say why it could not be the South pole, as well as other relative matters leaving my comprehension fluttering in her breeze as she left the room. She is raw genius. The world may have Musk. I have my Wife.


My dad worked in a competing company who also built rockets, and he would get a lot of resumes from SpaceX engineers. When he'd interview them he'd ask why they are leaving such a great company and almost every single person told him, "Elon works 16-20 hours a day 7 days a week and sleeps in his office as he has no time for his family or anything else. And the issue is he wants his engineers to work the same. They have a MASSIVE burn out problem over there. If you want to work at SpaceX, be prepared to leave your family because SpaceX is now your entire life and I want to be able to see my family more."


Roughly $120K in my portfolio are in tech/TSLA stocks, can I get an advice on any other stocks that I can acquire to diversify my reserve across multiple markets while creating a comprehensive portfolio allocation that balances my concerns of risk aversion and returns that meet yearly inflation.


He hires people that are smart, something our government and corporate America forgot about. I saw coworkers, and wondered how they even got through the hiring process. Musk is smart.


I was eating dinner at a Taco Bell once. I noticed one of the employees sweeping the floor absolutely amazingly. I mean this guy put his all into it he's swept every last piece of cheese up. His attention to detail was far beyond what any normal person would do. When I got up and I was going to leave I gave him my business card and said if you ever wanted to work with me give me a call. I would be glad to interview him. Ended up working for me was one of my best employees ever. If he paid that much attention to sweeping cheese off of floor I know he would do great things. When somebody treats the most menial tasks with such great enthusiasm that's when you know you have some one special. Nobody works for me they work with me I've been known to do over 20 hours a day. It's a blessing and a curse.


I think Elon Musk advances his own knowledge through asking these questions when he studies the answers - clever indeed.


I was at an interview at a major sales retailer and it just so happened the district manager was in the room. I could not have known who he was. They were discussing there standard customer greeting, "Do need any help?". I told the DM he was wrong asking that. The best way to approach a customer is to ask, "Are you finding everything ok?" My reasoning is, a "yes" is the best first word out of a customer's mouth rather than "no, I am fine". I got the job immediately.


Reading books has really skyrocket the way I think about investing. Indeed, no one has ever got rich by saving money. In this new year, If you want to become financially free, You need to Invest. I've come to realize that the key to amassing wealth lies in making sound investments.


Riddle: "You end up exactly where you started. Where are you?"
Me: "exactly where you started."


Critical thinking skills is not taught in schools, which means anyone who possesses this skill seems to be a genius.


I used to work as a recruiter, interviewing people all the time. I couldn't stand the word "passion". I don't know why so many people use that in interviews. It's not like they use it normally in their lives. "I have a passion for..." (Yeah, whatever. Sure you do.)


A group of individuals, all applying for the same position, were in a room together. At midday, the company provided burgers, fries, and drinks. One prospect unwrapped his burger, grabbed the salt shaker, poured salt all over his food, and began eating. The interviewer said, "Sir, you may leave! We don't need your services!" After the man left, the remaining applicants looked on apprehensive. The interviewer explained, "That man salted his food without tasting it; perhaps it was already salty enough. He has no forethought!"


My answer would be "standing on the surface of the earth". That's exactly where I started and that's where I am now.


I really like the interview question "What is the hardest problem you have solved and how did you solve this". It's a brilliant question.


Well, I now know that I am not a rocket scientist
