TES: Morrowind - Retrospective Review

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Talking about my experiences with Morrowind after finally managing to finish it and taking a look at all of it's side content!

00:00:00 Intro
00:01:08 Things I Am Aware Of
00:03:53 Technical State
00:08:29 Story Set Up & Thoughts
00:17:12 Character Creation
00:23:27 Progression Systems
00:38:40 Gameplay & World
00:54:51 Daedric Quests
00:56:24 Factions
01:07:57 Combat
01:13:48 DLC
01:22:20 Steam Deck
01:23:07 Positives/Negatives
01:26:10 Conclusion
01:28:03 Wrap Up

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I like how Morrowind reviews are a whole genre of Youtube video that I never get bored of.


Getting rid of acrobatics was my biggest elder scrolls gripe. Being a khajiit thief who jumps to the roof to escape was amazing.


I think Morrowind was the last game my parents drove me to buy, so I spent time reading the manual in the car while they shopped for vacuum cleaners or something.
That stands out distinctly in my mind.


This game somehow made effective navigating—via silt striders and mage guilds—incredibly satisfying to master/learn


My absolute favorite part of the main story is that it’s an open question whether you are truly Nerevar reborn, or just an imperial stooge who is using the prophecy to manipulate the Dunmer.


I find the fact that you can find powerful artifact in random dungeon, great experience. It makes me want to explore each dungeon because I never know what I can find in the very next one.


This review really gets it: Morrowind is loved because its lore and its story make an engaging whole, featuring one of the most genuinely fantastic settings in the history of video games to this day and a substantial main story which is unafraid of complexity, and because its gameplay is less restricted than that of its successors. These days I wouldn't play it without heavy visual modification and a few quality-of-life mods, but it holds it own compared to modern games in those aspects I care most about: worldbuilding, story and the ability to do things without being overly restricted by the game's systems. Every single Morrowind game I ever played was plagued by bugs more than most other games, but it was all worth it.


I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this, but one of the OG devs for Morrowind, Douglass Goodall (who hasn't been at bethesda for years), went back and added some starter quests to Seyda Neen to ease the transition into Morrowind via a mod called AFFresh in 2023. You *could* technically consider it an official DLC of sorts.


Another clever thing Morrowind does to make the map 'bigger' is to make impossible to travel in a straight line between two points on the map, because the center of the island is either dangerous or sealed off you have to travel around the map. It kind of encourages you to travel the entire length of the map during your playthrough.


Personal favorite game. Got the game early 2003 when I had just turned 13.
Changed my life, man.


I first played Morrowind in 2021 when I was on temporary disability for tearing my bicep tendon. Like you, I had given it a few tries in the past, but it never landed. When I was able to sit down and really get into the lore and world of Morrowind, it struck me just how amazing this game is. It made me re-evaluate every other Bethesda game. Morrowind is hands down their greatest creation.

It's crazy to think that Morrowind is where Todd Howard started when you look at where he is now.


I like how in Morrowind, jumping over mountains with insane stats/spells is normal. And yes, that's how I usually traverse. I leap across the island.


Sujamma ruined my life but I regret nothing.


My all-time GOAT. I've still to this day never found a world as immersive as Morrowinds


There is an unwritten rule that every retrospective youtuber has to make a video on Morrowind


One of my favorite mechanics is the fact that there are no quest markers and you have to ask people for directions and use landmarks to know where to go


I have to hard disagree on the part about daedric artifacts seeming misplaced just laying around or in possession of NPCs and mobs. To me it makes the world feel more alive because it shows I am not the only person going around doing things, there are other adventurers, other important people doing the bidding of daedra, grabbing their items and possibly losing them in the wild for whatever reason may lead to that.

One of the reasons people tend to talk about Oblivion and Skyrim as theme parks is because everything can feel like a ride designed just for you, the world stays still with bated breath until you come with a ticket for your ride.

I'm not just here to dunk on you though, this review is great and I love that you mentioned the part about Vivec talking about the houses of Morrowind. Good stuff!


Mark and Recall were game changers in regards to *traversal*.

Great retrospective as always! You got pretty indepth as well. My dad got my morrowind when I was younger by asking a walmart employee what are some good RPG's (he knew what they were because he did talk to me about games I played)

That employee gave him morrowind, and knights of the old repulic.

I don't know WHO gave him those options, but salute to him and my dad :)
Besides nostalgia Morrowind holds up but like you said the barriers would prevent people from playing.


Omg, thank you for pronouncing Caius Cosades correctly!


I have been playing Morrowind since the original Xbox released and I still sat here for an hour and a half watching a video on it. It is so intrinsic to who I am as a gamer and influenced so much of my gaming since it came out. Thank you so much for such a delightful video on one of my all-time favorite games.
