Create a WhatsApp chatbot in 5 minutes | Whatsapp ChatBot Menu

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This video will help you to make a WhatsApp chatbot menu in 5 minutes only,
You can use the Ultramsg demo data to easily test and build the menu quickly .
You can also build a WhatsApp chatbot from scratch using any programming language you like, Ultramsg supports webhook & professional WhatsApp API to build an advanced chatbot

00:00 create simple whatsapp ChatBot Menu.
02:40 create whatsapp ChatBot using Ultramsg Demo data.

Create a free trial account!
and You can try right now to full unlimited access to receiving and sending WhatsApp text messages, media ...etc through the Ultramsg REST API for.

- fixed price.
- no hidden fees.
- unlimited messages.
- no cost per message.
- Quick Onboarding less than 5 minutes.

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