Feng Shui Made Easy: Beginner's Guide To Harmonizing Your Home (Feng Shui 101)

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Feng Shui Made Easy: Beginner's Guide To Harmonizing Your Home (Feng Shui 101)

Feng shui is all about creating balance and harmony in the home to energize your health and well-being. I’ve been practicing feng shui for over 20 years and I’m sharing simple and easy tips to help you get started. There is so much information out there, but I’m breaking it down for key areas in your space.

Do you have any questions when it comes to feng shui tips for your home? Let me know in the comments below!

To learn more about the basics of Feng Shui, catch up with my previous videos below:



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#Fengshuitips #fengshuibasics #FengShuiJulieKhuu

0:00 Introduction
1:16 How does Feng Shui help your energy?
2:12 ENTRY
10:35 OFFICE
15:03 RECAP
Рекомендации по теме

Idk if i believe in the whole spiritual “good fortune” aspect of feng shui BUT i do believe that feng shui seems to admire the “momentum” of the potential attention to the focal points of objects within a space. Instead of seeing it as “chi energy” you could view it as “potential traffic for item use” in a home. And instead of feeling “good fortune”, you get “a satisfying feeling of comfort when you’ve maximized your space”. Even if you dont believe in the metaphysical aspects of it, there’s a lot of pragmatics behind the method making this a WONDERFUL technique for interior design. Absolutely love feng shui!


After hurricane Katrina destroyed our city, my husband and I moved to a new town. I hired a decorator to design my new home. She asked what I wanted in my new home, I told her I wanted to feel serene and positive, The home I wound up with has great chi.


Would love a video series on “how to add water element”; “how to add earth element” etc.


That desk tip is the best thing ever. Some of the other tips I had already been practising without knowing much about feng shui. But ever since my desk faces the door I feel a lot less nervous and jumpy because my bf cannot sneak up behind me anymore 😂


Me: looks at all the clutter everywhere in my home and wonders if this is directly correlating with the scattered feeling I get when thinking about my life.


I heard about Feng Shui back in 2001 in a game called Animal Crossing. I had zero clue what it meant but adding a plant in a certain area gave me more points on home design. 🤷‍♀️.

As a homeowner understand the importance of a home’s flow and zen. Our house was built before home recording was a thing and built in additions in the 60’s-70’s. We have low ceilings and not a whole lot of windows. Long end of it: Your videos have been helping out a lot!


DEFINITELY, I would LOVE an entire series in a playlist, so I could binge watch them all!!! Thank you!!! I have to decorate our new house, which will be finished in a few months, we hope... It's a 5, 600 SF - 8, 000 under roof. It has a huge balcony, a large deck, a two courtyards and patios. When designing the floorplan for the house, I worked so hard to follow the bagua, however I failed. There were rooms that needed to go in certain areas, and couldn't so it was a disaster, and I was disappointed and gave up. Now I have to find a way to still feng shui the house, especially with the issues we are having with EMF - How does it interfere with the chi?
So, I'm grabbing my pen and note book, and waiting for a long list of videos on the subject. Thank you!!! 😍🏡🔥💧🌬⛰


I grew up watching my mother practice this concept. When ever something was going on with her she would rearrange the furnishings in the home; say days we would come home and think we were in the wrong home. Yes; I would love to hear moor; I even look at whether my home is the tallest home on the block. So, yes, as a practicing student of TCM and Martial Arts, I Am hooked. I love your style and attention to detail. Thank you so much.


I have used some principles of feng shui in my home for about 25 years and have let things slip. My anxiety and struggles have increased. Thank you for reminding me of how important this practice is. Please make more videos.


Thank you for being a fellow “toilet seat & lid DOWN” person 🙏! I was brought up to always always always close the toilet lid, (After Use & Before flushing), from little on I embraced this very important hygiene & Feng Shui concept. The lid is there for a reason guys !! And it is super unhygienic to leave it up ( watch YouTube videos on toilet hygiene if you don’t believe me). Who really wants “poopsicles” spraying up in a micro mist that goes up to 2 m high and settling on ALL your bathroom objects ( fancy farticles having a party on your tooth brush, 🤢 ???) tell your man ( or male flat mates) to take a seat and stay seated throughout the whole of the performance so to speak, because: sprinkles are for cup cakes 🧁. Thank goodness my partner and I are on the same page there. Here is to breaking bad habits and establishing new good ones. Lecture over, 😂 thank me later 😉


I am extremely interested in Feng Shui and how it affects energy in the home
Would love to see more videos on this
Thank you 🙏🏼💗


Hi Julie, please do more feng shui videos I’ve watched other similar videos but come back to yours again and again as there so friendly and useful and not overwhelming great knowledge and tips delivered in a non judgmental way 😊


Julie I absolutely love this video about feng shui and I think you should break it all down like bedroom kitchen bathroom lounge room back door balcony front door.


Yes, more Feng shui if you can. I like your presentation, it's energetic for the topic, but not superior and mandating the tenants of FS 😂 being in a tiny space I appreciate your acknowledging the reality most of us live in 🤗


I’m glad you did more videos on feng shui and I can’t wait to watch them all


Yes, would absolutely love more detail on Feng Shui! This was so interesting and I learned that some of the things I already have incorporated in my home but there are others I need to change. I love your videos. I just discovered them yesterday and I think I've watched ten so far!


Love Feng Shui! Please give us more videos. I'm Buddhist too. But did Feng Shui years before I converted because it just sets a zen, comfortable home. We waste so much time caring for junk we never use.


I would definitely want to see more on Feng Shui.


Very interested in more videos like this. Thank you!


Hi Julie, would definitely love to see this as a series. Thanks
