Feng Shui does makes sense! The basis of how to plan your home for comfort and practicality

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Feng Shui is alot about energy and Chi(Qi) now what is this? I will try to explain it to you in a very simplistic way that get you started so that you can understand why this artform is relevant and important in space planning no matter where you're from or what you believe in.

p.s. energy is NOT = to circulation but circulation is. only one of them.

p.s. again I have a great respect for the art of Feng Shui and I do not mean any offence by simplifying in this way. I appreciate that there is alot more to this, and have much to learn myself. being an architect and space planner myself, I appreciate the importance of balancing these.

Still I hope you will find this helpful! find me on tiktok or Instagram under @dearmodern #fengshui #interiordesign #spaceplanning #furnitureplacement #small spaces space planning furniture placement interior design architecture room layout small spaces
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I have a visual impairment and mobility problems. I've been using feng shui to plan my home furniture for years because when you use feng shui there are clear short paths between everything in your home and it becomes a lot safer and easier for me. The principles behind it are very helpful for accessibility for the disabled!


I always love videos like this. One of my favorite things about ancient history is that, regardless of how rituals and mystical ideas worked, they did work. Vikings added their dead warrior's bones to their iron because they thought it imbued it with the strength of their fallen comrades. It did, because they were making steel. Prayer is basically meditation and gives you space to think things out and calm yourself down. You can't catch swine-borne diseases if you aren't allowed to eat pork. The list goes on. Humans aren't dumb -- they do things because they work.


If more people studied urban planning, we'd have better interior designers 😂😂😂 I loved the conceptualization of chi as traffic! It's so easy to visualize in any space!


I discovered this channel earlier this year and i love it! I can see how the presentation has morphed over time. now has more formal-stye room maps, more furniture models, lots of mentions of monkeys and ninjas and such, bouncier cadence when talking, and all that good stuff. but this is still the same channel! i love going back to the early days :)

As part of my career, i often do workflow assessments of clinics and hospitals. That includes spaghetti diagrams of the physical space, which is exactly this same thing. Putting functional areas in logical geographic proximity while optimizing pathways and minimizing distance for clinical and support staff. This video made me realize that Feng Shui is ancient process mapping. Nothing mystical about that! just practical.

so now you know! :)

ps: Odd that the bathroom is in the kitchen....but i'm assuming this is a nyc apartment that costs 18k a month.


I've always believed in the efficacy of feng shui but never believed the supernatural/metaphysical "chi" aspect of it. But it totally makes sense to maximize space for the "momentum" of the room to guarantee that you have ease of focal attention to items you will be using throughout your space and keeping a considerations for obstacle/issues that could detract from ease of space/view and securing comfort. "Chi" energy might not be scientifically provable but if instead of seeing it as "making a good chi flow" you just see it as "that feeling of relaxation you feel when you are in a comfortable space" then feng shui makes SOOOO much pragmatic sense. Overall, super informative tips, I really love this method of interior design!


This is literally just like the sims! Experienced builders constantly have to think about how their sims route from room to room, and position their furniture in a way that is most beneficial for gameplay. A good house has a nice flow where everythone is moving smoothly, everything is reachable and nothing is obstructed.


This just makes sense to me. It's just the kind of "vibe" or natural energy you get from having things in the right places.


outside of the "mysticism", Feng Shui makes a lot of practical sense.
"energy" is just a way to solidify that practical sense into a more tangible concept.


This genuinely helped me understand why my apartment stressed me out so much. Unfortunately, there's very little I can do due to size and I'm moving in a month but I'll take these principles into my next apartment when deciding how to arrange things.


You’ve explained it really well. I’ve always kind of intuitively preferred having my bed far away from but facing the door but never thought about this for other spaces. I just came across your videos and am moving to a new apartment soon so I’m excited to apply some of these principles to hopefully make a nice space!


I thought feng shui was all nonsense, but you've inspired me to rearrange my workspace. Now, it feels much more relaxing.


In simple terms this video can be summarised as "don't allow furniture from becoming obstacles in your home"


While I may not believe in the spiritual aspect, I cannot deny the benefits this process has to the psychology and practicality of it all. These videos have been really helpful in helping me choose what apartment floor plans will work best for me as I start the process of moving out. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us all!


As a property designer I've been practising feng shui my entire working life without actually realising it
There are many design "rules of thumb" that I have adhered to which can easily be interpreted as Feng shui.
For instance I always ensure bedroom doors "cloak" the room making sure there is an Inate privacy to the room.
As he says it's 90% common sense


This was probably the best run through I’ve had. That visual really did it for me. Game changer! I’m so motivated to run around the house figuring out how best to arrange my new home.


Just whipped out the floor plan for my apartment in MSPaint and starting drawing and now I'm realizing that most of our decisions make sense except for a few!


I have a story about feng shui that was actually really helpful and pretty funny. My mom always said you want a mirror at the end of a hallway because of feng shui (not sure if it is actually a feng shui though). At my Dad's house, she placed a mirror at the end of the hallway on a closet door. Full body mirror. One night, my sister and I and a few friends had some drinks and smoked. A friend of my cousin's boyfriend fell asleep in a chair after drinking vodka. It took us forever to wake him so he could go home with his GF. When he finally woke up he went into a black out rage and started yelling and stomping out of the room. He forgot which way to go to leave so instead of going left he went right down the hall towards the mirror. My sis and I were immediately terrified because our dad was back there sleeping in his room. After a few seconds he came stomping back down the hallway really quickly and left the house. He ended up breaking his GF's car windshield when he made it outside and it took them a while to calm him down. Later on we asked him about him stomping down the hall way and he said he was terrified because all he saw was a dark figure stomping towards him super quickly in the dark and it freaked him out so he did a 180 to get out of there. 😂

So, moral of the story, always put a mirror at the end of the hallway, it makes great drunkard repellent. And also, don't wake a sleeping drunk if you can prevent it, lol.


Omg you should analyse the Feng Shui of horror film/show bedrooms to explain why they feel uneasy in a room XD


these videos have really helped me break out from my conventional preferences, and figure out what I actually enjoyed the most and what gives me the most joy when I'm in my room. My room has become exponentially more comfortable now thanks to watching your Youtube shorts. I don't know you'll ever read this, but thanks, man.


This is an awesome explanation! Saw your videos on TikTok and immediately had to subscribe. Keep up the work these explanations and perspectives will bring many subscribers and views! Gotta add the feng shui to my room
