Mili - In Hell We Live, Lament feat. KIHOW from MYTH & ROID / Limbus Company

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Lyrics: Cassie Wei
Music: Cassie Wei & Yamato Kasai
Arrangement: Yamato Kasai

Mastering: John Davis (Metropolis Studios)

Artwork & visual composition direction: JNTHED

Special thanks: Project Moon, CAT Entertainment, ODEN STUDIO

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#Mili #LimbusCompany #KIHOW #MYTH&ROID
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Korean subtitles are now available! Translation by Project Moon 🌙


This is truly the song for downloading a 5 gb update


Me when someone tells me I'm a salary worker and not a hero


When Limbus company reaches its end I'll be there to say "The Odyssey really had a purpose"


How many noticed that the lines "If you wanted me to X" fits perfectly with the next time they say "Why X"?
If you wanted me to speak Why’d you make my voice stutter?
If you wanted me to think Why do truths never matter?
If you wanted me to carry on our dreams Why’d you curse me with “you’re a natural born genius”?
If you wanted me to live Why do deaths end my torture?
If you want me to forgive Why can’t anyone feel my hurt?
If you want us to pretend like we’re civilized human Why’d you crown the most violent to be champions?




The pre-chat spamming vroom vroom and lament gives me life.


On the fact Dante is inspired off of Dante's Inferno, the character doesn't have much backstory, so I thought that was the surface level of why Dante has amnesia and PM was just going to use it as a plot device to take creative liberties with. However, I then decided to take a peek at their source material because "Why not?", and "Maybe this will help with characterization!"

It was far more than that.

Firstly, it has to be acknowledged that Dante in the books is just a self-insert character for the author himself. Whatever backstory they can be given has to be inspired off the real deal. Secondly, the Divine Comedy (the book trilogy written) is set in a time not in the present of the author, but quite a bit before (more on this later). Theoretically, the manager we are seeing post-amnesia and are going to see pre-amnesia are just the equivalent of this relationship between character and irl Dante respectively. Let's call pre-amnesia Dante by the name Durante for short.

Instead of actual time travel into the past or just seeing divine prophecies in the present, we're in a bit of a limbo (get it?). Dante themselves is back at square one, no memories and no progress to define themselves as a person-- an effective metaphor turned literal on the Inferno being set in the past. They could very well be the core essentials of their character before the City happened. But time waits for no one, and Dante is no exception. They "live outside of time" with their clock head, Serpent has yet to be relevant (yet), they clearly had enemies, but everything else remains in the present except them. Because the story was being written in that present about the past. PM are actual geniuses for being able to make such an intricate metaphor, but there's more.

Technically, that present day is their backstory. Because pre-amnesia Dante is the author, with the way PM is handling this. And we already know that PM is not afraid to reference real people. Hermann is the irl name of the father of The Metamorphosis' author, Franz Kafka (who had daddy issues). We are following the character's journey to recognizing and rejecting sin, our manager of Limbus Company Dante, but are they the same person as Durante?

They are *technically, * but *before* things went wrong.

I went to read the Wikipedia page for the author, Dante Alighieri, and I was baffled at how well this could fit into a PM backstory?? Like, this man was living a drama, and for what? The plot?

He fought (only in one battle, but it was an important one!), he joined a Physicians' and Apothecaries' Guild to sell books and poems (lol), and was engaged in politics. This was intense. I didn't know half of what I was reading either without going down a rabbit hole of links and tabs, because these aren't in my history or literature classes (it should be, it's crazy to the point it's interesting). And this isn't even the stuff PM could use as backstory.

So I'm going to touch on it.

Durante was considered a "bigwig" in the past, but no one knows what that means and everyone is theorizing about it. I firmly believe Limbus Company is still part of or relevant to the L District outside of the Golden Boughs. And by that, I mean a majority of their backstory or upbringing may have happened in the L District.

It fits most with whatever was going on with irl Dante while still keeping them separated from the Smoke War (because Outis and Gregor would know them if that was the case- they were a big deal). They could have easily been caught up in the aftermath of the collapse of the Library as it was the equivalent of the Wing of the District, and people would be fighting over who got the power to... well, power the District. Political parties could form, turf wars could ensue, and it's *just* tame enough to not participate in after the first battle (to be more detailed, go to the Battle of Campaldino).

This could also explain them being confident in taking down Wolf, Panther and Lion if not for their amnesia when even the Sinners' combined effort couldn't (on their own no less) while supporting their current not-knowing-how-to-fight circumstance. They weren't well-versed in fighting as a profession or commonality, but well-acquainted enough to fight in a full-blown battle for territories and Wings. It would be no wonder then that they thought they could solo the trio if well-equipped. Dante (irl) fought in the frontlines on horseback. They *could've*, just if they had *anything at all* to fight with. Keep in mind, we find them unarmed. They could have been inexperienced (fighting only once), but they could've been powerful too, and just caught off-guard. They fixed a head to themselves while running from the trio and (implied to be) fatally wounded.

This could be exactly how they gained their notoriety. Keep in mind, one of Dante's thoughts is also something along the lines of a faint memory urging them to step in as a manager with dignity and grace. Durante could have been a manger in the past. Not for Limbus Company, but still a manager. It was either their participation, or their later leadership role after the initial battle(s) that made them so popular. And when the Wing to your District has fallen twice in a row, you tend to appreciate a good leader.

However, this is where things hypothetically went wrong. They could've been exiled. At least, that's what happened to irl Dante (search up his wiki page!). He was exiled from Florence by, get this, a faction that branched off of the group he fought for. Talk about betrayal! This could also explain their UI being ??? in place of where we now see Manager. Durante wasn't Manager at that time-- not anymore. Though this is vaguely concerning. They could have just given themselves another title outside of "Manager", but they *don't.*

This could also mean the way Dante pre and post amnesia could be foiling each other. After all, they seem to have gained confidence in themselves. Dante's main sin (as said in Purgatorio) is Pride. That's right, the thing they objectively lack most when they first interact with these people! Plot twist!

But they may have both lost themselves. Recall Dante in Canto 5 taking a harpoon to the shoulder for Smee, and just saying the clock head was fine. They only see their worth as attached to their clock head and their role as manager, no matter how much necessary suffering it puts them through. Could Durante have been the same with the ways of the City, only seeing their worth as attached to their contributions- or worse yet- sacrifices? Is that why they have no title without their role? Because, outside of being a manager, they have nothing else to define themselves with?

This could be an Outis ("I am... nothing at all"?? See it?) parallel, which leads into our next point.

Their song (In Hell We Live, Lament) could give us some insight too. More specifically, through the verses several people have attempted to link to the Sinners. I believe there will be more than the song that will foil them and the Sinners. More specifically, now that we've got their backstory sorted, there's a glaring parallel I'm seeing.

Gregor foiled them in terms of the helplessness and lack of confidence in the situations they've been placed in (lack of info and amnesia on Dante's end, Gregor literally having a filter with the apples and being controlled for war). Rodya foils them in terms of thinking they were special (Dante being manager- essential for revival- "special" but not seeing themselves as such, and Rodya *wanting* to be special). Sinclair presents Dante's inexperience with the world, the hatchling imagery, etc. Yi Sang lost his coworkers, Dante lost those they wanted to protect (in a less literal death way). Ishmael couldn't see a reason to keep going after Ahab, literally claiming she would just die after avenging the Pequod crew. Dante claims they are "the lost leading the lost", and the UI filled with question marks doesn't give any good impressions either.


Their voices are so different yet complement each other really well. Hope this will be releason on a CD


Fun fact for the comments:
In Hell We Live, Lament and String Theocracy were both released on the 20th, both being theme songs for Project Moon games! It's been over a year since String Theocracy, but the teamwork between Project Moon and Mili is still going strong. Let's look forward to what they both have in store for us next!!



If you wanted me to speak <=> Why’d you make my voice stutter?
私に話して欲しかったのなら <=> どうして私の声を詰まらせたの?

If you wanted me to think <=> Why do truths never matter?
私に考える事を期待したのなら <=> どうして真実は重要ではないの?

If you wanted me to carry on our dreams <=> Why’d you curse me with “you’re a natural born genius”?
私に夢を見続けて欲しかったのなら <=> どうして「生まれつきの天才だ」なんて呪いを掛けたの?

If you wanted me to live <=> Why do deaths end my torture?
私に生きていて欲しかったのなら <=> 死はどうして私を拷問から解放してくれるの?

If you want me to forgive <=> Why can’t anyone feel my hurt?
私に許してほしいのなら <=> 私の痛みを誰も理解してくれないのはどうして?

If you want us to pretend like we’re civilized humans <=> Why’d you crown the most violent to be champions?
私たちに文明人のフリをしてほしいのなら <=> いちばん暴力的な人間だけを王にするのはどうして?


If you wanted me to speak - yi sang
If you wanted me to think - sinclair
If you wanted me to carry on our dream - don quixote
Why'd you make my voice stutter? - rodion
Why do truths never matter? - meursault
Why'd you curse me with "you're a netural born genius"? - faust
If you wanted me to live - ishmael
If you wanted me to forgive - heathcliff
If you want us to pretend like we're civilized human - hong lu
Why do deaths end my tortune? - ryoshu
Why can't anyone feel my hurt? - gregor
Why'd you crown the most violent to be champions? - outis


Streaming will be available at 0:00, Dec 21 in your own time zone! 🎵🎵🎵


自分用 英語歌詞&字幕(JP)
I walked down a path
Leading to the past
Stole from the tree's hands
A regretter's friend -- the forbidden fruit
 後悔者のお供 禁断の果実

I bite off the skin
Chewing on its tender flesh
Quaff down its lukewarm pus
You became the "me" who you despised
We swallowed the time
Let us rewind

If you wanted me to speak
If you wanted me to think
If you wanted me to carry on our dreams

Each loop we live through
(Each loop we live through)
The standards inside me
The line I drew for me
Lowers to the earth

Why'd you make my voice stutter?
Why do truths never matter?
Why'd you curse me with "you're a natural born genius"?

Endless inferno (inferno)
Counter-clock we rose
 僕らは立ち上がった 反時計回りに
Counter-clock we reload
 僕らはリロードされた 反時計回りに

Tick, tick, tock
 チク チク タク
Re-played thoughts
For-get me not
I'm inside the emphatic light

I bite off your skin
Exposing the angels on your ribs
They stare at us
"Hello, How may I help you today?"
 「こんにちは どのようなご用件でしょうか?」
Please, a one-way ticket to heaven
 天国行きの乗車券1枚 片道でお願いします

Buckled up on velvet seats
 シートベルトを締め ベルベットの座席
Sceneries were passing by
Not so different from our hell
Not so different from our home

Then I realized
Someone's heaven could be the source of my torment
Life is allowing yourself
 生きるとは 自分を許可すること
Allowing yourself to step on fire. Shed tears on bloodied routes
 炎を踏み 血まみれの道筋で涙を流す自分を許すこと
(Life is to consume)
 生きるとは 消費すること
(Life is to become food for each other no matter evil or good)
 生きるとは 善人でも悪人でも 他人の餌になること
Eternally in hell
 奈落の底で 永遠に
(Life is fairness, life is inequality)
 命は公平 命は不平等
We Live
(Life is in the motion)
By Default

If you wanted me to live
If you want me to forgive
If you want us to pretend like we're civilized humans

Each loop we die through (Each loop we die through)
The justice inside me, the ego fending me
 僕の中の正義は 僕を守ってくれる僕のエゴは
Rationalize my sin

Why do deaths end my torture?
Why can't anyone feel my hurt?
Why'd you crown the most violent to be champions?

In this inferno (inferno)
We built for ourselves
 お互いのために 僕ら自らの手で
Reviving each other in this hell
 僕らは僕らを蘇り続ける この奈落の底で


I guess there's some chanting at the end? It doesn't seem to be a real language, but instead pulls from many Latin-based languages? The lyrics in the video are:

Nell inferrna
Ques te anim?
Ques sej mentalle?
Ques io fuocca?
Ques qui Diavola?
Cossa non naturha
Via si violenzalle
Bruschia sej diva
Verha ignisa
A! Lamenta, Lamenta
Cis senza
Lamenta, Lamenta, Lamenta
Nell inferrna

I tried to translate it, but I only got as far as:

In Hell,
What is happiness?
What is insanity?
What is my purpose?
Who is the Devil?
This is not natural
This way of violence
The divine are burning
Watch them burn
Oh! Lament, lament
Without thought
Lament, lament, lament
In Hell


That line of "Allowing yourself to step on fire" hits like a truck musically and meaningfully. You must set the old you on fire to lay a path for the new you. Sow the bitter seeds that only the future you will benefit from.


2:51 can’t believe they reference the Project Moon fandom


I'm guessing this is Dante's past and present selves. One voice is cynical and violent and the other is more innocent and questioning, but in the end they're the same person.

Great song as always




I would have never expected this! MYTH & ROID and Mili??? Absolutely stunning vocals and one hell of a song, thank you!!!
