Mili - Mortal With You ('Vermeil in Gold'/Kinsou no Vermeil ED)

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Lyrics: Cassie Wei
Music: Cassie Wei & Yamato Kasai
Arrangement: Yamato Kasai

Strings: Atsuki Yoshida EMO strings

Artwork: Ao Fujimori

Mastering: Akihiro Shiba (TEMAS)

■Digital Single "Mortal With You"
Track 1. Mortal With You
Track 2. Mortal With You -Japanese ver.-   
Track 3. Mortal With You TV size ver.
Track 4. Mortal With You Instrumental

■Anime Information
Anime "Vermeil in Gold" (aka "Kinsou no Vermeil") airing starts July 5!!


©天那光汰・梅津葉子/SQUARE ENIX・「金装のヴェルメイユ」製作委員会

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#Mili #金装のヴェルメイユ #vermeilingold #kinsounovermeil
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The part is the best thing ever. The chills and goosebumps still lingers even after the part is gone. Been replaying this part nonstop im addicted


So many chills when she sang "Not all blossoms spark"! the eerie chanting in the beginning, and the epic and grand orchestral feeling in the chorus makes this song feel so powerful and otherworldly. I can feel the magic with each note.


"Does it get easier with time for the immortal?"
Somehow I felt that line told me everything I needed to know


"Together we'll be older, older
Our hands will have saggy skin
And our ashes golden
The perfect end for us"

Omg my eyes filled up with tears, it will be perfect end of me too. T Tb


Vermeil's whole life story is conveyed in the song


Mili is that one hidden gem in the world that should've been well known due to immense talent.


Yay a new Mili song that gets to be in an anime :3. And this means another anime I'm obligated to watch, just like with The Executioner and her way of Life which was amazing btw. Ty for the amazing music as always!!!


Anime is okay but your song definitely caught my attention. Especially with the visuals. Absolutely love it. 💓💓💓


Despite the fan service, Vermeil in gold was surprisingly wholesome and a good watch and of course this song is a straight up banger


This song is BEAUTIFUL and it gives me some vibes from Kokia--another band I'm EXTREMELY passionate about. I think I might give the show a try purely based on how beautiful this sound is... I can feel the yearning, wistful melancholy in my chest.


>You're on your tippy toes
>Kissing what is yours
>My everything's yours


seriously the way you have put vermeil's centuries of loneliness in a song is just ME IT REALLY IS


Mortal With You

Does it get easier with time for the immortal?
If I was born normal
If I become normal, can I stay close?
With the children, we link our arms
Make a circle and sing a song
Knowing there was no chair for me all along

You locked me into the dark
I'm your preserved flower
The world is too slow to understand
Not all blossoms spark
And spikes may be sharp
They want to see just the beautiful parts

Sitting in a shower of scarlet rain
It all use to be ours
I'm counting the hours
Hours that stood between us like a river
Once I crawled through the water
All I ever knew have become distant past

Then a beam of golden light enters in to my pupil
Is it all unreal?
Tell me that it's real cause I can't hold back
The tears spill onto your arms
Turn around. close your eyes, count to ten
You never fail to find me where I was hidden

Now I don't know what to wish for anymore
Other than I'd like to meet you sooner
We may not be born the same
But I'm happy we could die together

Take my hand
Pull me from the dark
You're my only treasure
History was too stubborn to let me be
A regular girl in a regular world
Regular thought, regular love

You're on your tippy toes
Kissing what is yours
My everything is yours, yours to clam
Together we'll be older, older
Our hands will have saggy skin
And your ashes golden
The perfect end for us


*Mortal* *With* *You*
*당신과* *함께할* *필멸*

Does it get easier with time for the immortal?
불사자에게도 시간이 약일 수 있을까?

If I was born normal
만약 내가 평범하게 태어났다면
If I become normal, can I stay close?
만약 내가 평범해진다면, 네 근처에 머물러도 될까?
With the children, we link our arms
우리는 아이들과 함께, 팔짱을 끼고
Make a circle and sing a song
원을 그리며 노래를 불렀어
Knowing there was no chair for me all along
나를 위한 의자는 없다는 걸 알고 있었음에도

You locked me into the dark
너는 나를 어둠 속에 가두었어
I'm your preserved flower
나는 너의 가공된 꽃
The world is too slow to understand
이 세상은 이해하기엔 너무나 느려
Not all blossoms spark
모든 꽃들이 빛나지는 않았고
And spikes may be sharp
너무 날카로웠던 가시도 있었어
They want to see just the beautiful parts
그들은 아름다운 부분만을 보고 싶어 해

Sitting in a shower of scarlet rain
진홍빛 비를 맞으며 앉아있어
It all use to be ours
모두 우리의 것이었는데
I'm counting the hours
나는 시간을 세고 있어
Hours that stood between us like a river
우리 사이를 강처럼 흐르던 시간을
Once I crawled through the water
내가 강바닥을 기어 겨우 건너갔을 때에는
All I ever knew have become distant past
내가 알고 있던 모든 것들이 먼 과거의 일이 되어있었지

Then a beam of golden light enters into my pupil
한 줄기 금색 빛이 내 눈동자를 비추네

Is it all unreal?
이 모든 게 허상이었나?
Tell me that it's real cause I can't hold back
부디 이게 현실이라고 말해줘 더 이상 참을 수 없어

The tears spill onto your arms
눈물이 네 팔에 흘러내려
Turn around, close your eyes, count to ten
뒤돌아, 눈을 감고, 10초만 세어줘
You never fail to find me where I was hidden
넌 반드시 내가 숨은 곳을 찾을 수 있을 거야

Now I don't know what to wish for anymore
이제 더 이상 바랄 것은 없어
Other than I'd like to meet you sooner
그저 너를 조금이라도 빨리 만나고 싶어
We may not be born the same
아마 우리는 같이 태어날 수 없겠지만
But I'm happy we could die together
적어도 함께 죽을 수 있다는 것에 행복해

Take my hand
내 손을 잡고
Pull me from the dark
이 어둠 속에서 나를 꺼내줘
You're my only treasure
네가 나의 유일한 보물이야
History was too stubborn to let me be
역사는 나를 내버려 두기에는 너무 고집이 센가 봐
A regular girl in a regular world
평범한 세상의 평범한 소녀
Regular thoughts, regular love
평범한 생각과 평범한 사랑

You're on your tippy toes
너는 까치발을 들고
Kissing what is yours
너의 것과 입을 맞춰
My everything is yours, yours to claim
나의 모든 것이 너의 것. 너의 권리야
Together we'll be older, older
우리는 함께, 함께 늙어갈 테고
Our hands will have saggy skin
우리의 손등에는 주름이 지겠지
And our ashes golden
그리고 우리의 재는 황금빛으로 물들어
The perfect end for us
우리를 위한 완벽한 결말


This song hits different after 11th episode


--옛 산쵸의 자아

이상-마치 황금의 결실인듯 금빛으로 가득하구려, 속내에는 고통을 껴안고 곪아가고 있었으면서...

돈키호테-내가..과연 하는것이 정말로 정의인가...마치 나의 마음속 무의식을 꽤뚫는것 같소..

히스클리프-그러니깐 저 기사 같이 생긴게 옛 산초의 자안가 뭔가라는거지?
저렇게 입으면 안 더울려나, 뭐, 두들기다 보면 깨지겠지 뭐.

제압 후-

돈키호테-결국엔...누가 뭐라하든....내가 실현하고자 하는 정의를 실현할 걸세!
관리자 나리!

이상-속은 곪아 있었어도..
꽃을 피우는 방식은 참으로 아름답구료...

돈키호테의 마지막 보스하고 굉장히 잘 어울릴거 같은 느낌이네요!
마치 노래의 분위기가 돈키호테의 E.G.O.이름인 산쵸의 피와 같이 옛 기사인 산쵸를 모티브로 하고, 돈키호테가 산쵸를 모방하고 있는듯이 행동하는 것과 같이
이미 산쵸는 죽었음에도 노래에선 이를 부정하듯 놓치지 않으려는 묘사를 하고 있다는 느낌에서 굉장히 유사성과 적절성을 느꼈습니다!


I absolutely love Vermeil in gold. When you first start it, it seems like one of those generic "mage boy summons sexy powerful succubus who loves and protects him" anime where the main heroine exists solely to bolster the male protag and embody a wish fulfilment fanservice fantasy for the audience, but then it turns the tables on you, and it slowly becomes clear that Vermeil is who the story is ACTUALLY about. It becomes clear that she is a complex, deeply traumatized person who was prosecuted and rejected for things about herself that are outside of control, but also simultaneously USED by people like Obsidian who wanted her power for their own selfish purposes.

With regard to Vermeil, people want to have their cake and eat it too. They want to be able to use her, they want "to see only the beautiful parts", but are unwilling to accept the demon part of her, the part of her that is dangerous and unpleasant, to the extent that they will attack her and push her over the edge, and then seal her away for lashing out in response.

Vermeil in Gold, to me, reads as a commentary on the objectification of mentally ill women. She's introduced as this manic pixie dream girl character who is confident, attractive, and devoted to the MC, and while she IS those things, this appearance is also largely just gold plating. Underneath is a small, damaged girl who desperately wants someone to accept her for who she is, but also keeps the world at an arm's length out of fear that she'll never have that, and because she knows the damage her nature can do to people. She knows that even if they like what they see on the surface, which they will, chances are, the danger she presents, the ways in which her condition could make a relationship with her turbulent, would drive them away.

She has been kicked, scorned, and cast out for what she is, for her thorns, but also desired and lusted after; for her surface-level appearance, by the audience and characters in the story, and for her demonic nature by Obsidian. Honestly, the desire Obsidian has for her, if i want to make an irl parallel, sort of feels like people who explicitly fetishize mentally ill women, or at least the aesthetics associated with them.

Alto sees past the veneer though, and is still able to love her truly and completely, both the beautiful and the ugly. He loves her as a full person, not just the facade that she projects outwards, not just the part of her that we, as the audience, were attracted to when we were first introduced to her, and not for some perverse idea of her like Obsidian. He sees the silver underneath the gold, true vermeil, and thinks its even more beautiful that way.

I also love the way they use immortality and mortality as a way of representing vulnerability. Vermeil is a character who, again, keeps the whole world at an arm's length, she projects her bubbly, confident, flirty, and carefree persona as a shield. She takes nothing seriously when we first meet her in order to deflect sincerity and hide her real self from people, but she also clearly craves intimacy and acceptance, and cares deeply about Alto. She desperately wants connection, but deprives herself of it with her shield. Immortality, i think, is a great parallel to this.

When you're immortal, nothing can hurt you, you are immune from harm, and above death, but you are also incredibly lonely, doomed to walk the world entirely by yourself as everyone and everything slips away between your fingers. Vermeil for the longest time has, both physically and emotionally, been protected by a shield that keeps her safe at the expense of making it incredibly difficult to connect with people, and its only by choosing to make herself mortal, by tying her life to Alto's and putting herself at risk that she's able to start breaking down her walls and have a sincere, vulnerable relationship with him.

To be vulnerable is to open yourself up to hurt and to damage, its to put your trust in someone and place your well being in their hands. That's the foundation of every human relationship. In order to have connections, in order to give and receive love, you need to make yourself vulnerable, you need to make yourself MORTAL, and i think the way they conveyed that was so, so, incredible.


"History was too stubborn to let me be a regular girl in a regular world " hits a lot harder when you know her origin. From the first episode I knew there had to be a dark past for Vermeil because of how sad the lyrics were, and boy did the story deliver


Coming back to this song after a year and realizing just how perfect this song is for Vermeil in Gold. Just never gave it that much thought but it's beautifully crafted for this story and really adds to my love and enjoyment of this song.
*Spoilers ahead obviously for anyone coming before finishing the anime*

I mean, right from the beginning with the title of "Mortal With You" with how Vermeil gives up her immortality to save Alto and linking her life with his.

"You locked me into the dark" referring to her being sealed when "Then a golden beam entered into my pupil" which is Alto unsealing her and her finally getting to be free. Then the final 3 verses are a perfectly adorable summary of their relationship. Even a reference to Vermeil's heartbreaking backstory with "History was too stubborn to let me be a regular girl in a regular world."

Just a lovely song and my favorite part is that, while it does fit perfectly to the anime, most people can probably relate to it as well from some point in their life


I can't believe this banger of a song was made for a anime of a high schooler getting harassed by a big titty demon girl.
