Build A Notion Task Manager! #3: Recurring Tasks & Project Templates

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This Notion training series will help you build A complete Notion setup through step-by-step build tutorials so you can master Notion fundamentals from - databases to formulas, and join the digital second brain revolution!




00:00 Notion Tutorial: Build A Task Manager From Scratch
01:50 1. Notion Weekly Calendar View & Deadline View Build
06:06 2. Creating a Filtered Project Template Page In Notion
07:41 Filtered Task View by Project Template & Status Updates
12:19 Adding Notion Buttons! Create Easy Automations to Project Templates!
14:55 Progress Report Views For Tasks: Text Report & Percentage Complete
19:23 3. Add Recurring Tasks In Notion & Recurring Task Template
22:25 Notion Recurring Tasks Setup: Filtering Dashboard Views
26:22 Displaying Recurring Tasks without A Linked Project
27:33 Your Notion Second Brain & Notion Sub-Tasks

Hi, I'm Simon and I'm collecting great ideas, tools and tech to help you live your best productive and creative life: On this channel you'll find all things Notion, well designed productive tech, & great ideas on business & self development. Other than doing this, I work as a freelance creative in theatre and film and love motorcycles, coffee and minimalist design.

#notion #productivity #BetterCreating
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Can you post the new formula for the “do date formula” field? It also changed with the update?


helped me a lot, not only with setting up this OS, but with understanding Notion way better. Thank you a lot!


Nice Video! For the recurring template you can bypass the step with the "created time" property: When editing the template you temporarily change the due or do dates (or both) into text fields, write @Today, then change them back to date fields. The text @Today disappears but now each time the task is created it will be populated by the correct date. And then you still use the formula to populate the calendar with both do dates and deadlines: if do date is empty then take the deadline, otherwise the do date. Added a formula showing the state in relation to the due date and you know if the item in your calendar only has a do date or has a due date which is overdue or on spot (today) or in the future.


Thanks for a very helpful set of walkthrough. I've tried to follow along and tweak when appropriate 🙂.
At 19:00 you're modifying the "Projects in Progress" view from the the "Live Projects" section from the Dashboard. I went back watching the previous videos in this series but I couldn't find where this section was initially built. Could you please point me in the right direction?
Again, thanks, and continued success!


MIND BLOWN @ ~13:23 ! This is so powerful thank you for sharing the builds, I love learning along with you!


Sweet an other episode ! Great series for people like me who like to create our own notion and not using one already made ! Thanks Simon not forgetting us :D


Wonderful work around idea on the recurring tasks by a new status. Totally genius! Thanks for the tips, you totally got me unstuck & inspired!


Thank you for making this Simon! Appreciate it. Can't wait for more!!! <3


Thank you for these videos Simon, they have been so helpful for me, a Notion beginner, and have really helped me to stay organized! It seems Notion went through a formula update, and I am having trouble with the Do Date Formula. Do you have an updated formula? Thank you!


Simon, when I create a project it will fall into one of 3 or 4 overreaching categories, and I'd like to have recurring tasks set up for each of these categories, but AS A CHECKLIST. I think it could work at as a button, so that when I create a new project, then I would click on the button New Video Tasks or New Pop-Up Market Tasks, and then those tasks would populate, much like your Overview and Objectives. The checklist would work best for my brain, as these are typically tasks that need to populate a calendar with a due date, but I don't need tons of extra stuff. Any thoughts?


Allways nice to start the weekend with some Notion inspiration. Thanks. (And don’t you hate it when you ready with your template (incl video) and Notion changes the fundamentals?… now I procrastinate on publishing an updated version for months now😅)


Hey buddy, loving this series! Just a thought... Where you made the recurring tasks, but couldnt have them show up in the home page... Could you not create a seperate tab on the home page just for recurring tasks? So I can see daily recurring stuff? and be notified?


Great videos in this series! Can't wait for the next one on subtasks and dependencies. Do you have any thoughts on templatizing more complex projects? There seems to be some limitations in Notion surrounding this.


Hello!!! Thanks for all your content as it is helping me a lot to make my own build for CRM & Project Planning in my work.
I have a very specific question... I have created a recurring template for Weekly reports, filling information about status of leads, opportunities and projects within the week. I send it out each week, but after I do, if I update any progress in any lead or project, the report updates it as well. I don't want it to keep updating. The intention of the report is to be a screenshot of that moment in time without changing later on.
I have tried locking the databases within the report template, but still I haven't found a way to block all the content and avoid any futher change.
Please let me know if you have any idea that might help. Thank you very much!!


I am receiving an error when trying to execute the concat formula at 17:02 of the video. Was there an update?

"Argument of type text does not satisfy function concat" Please see the formula below.

concat( "✅ A Total of ", format(prop("Total Tasks")), " Tasks")

Any help would be greatly appreciated! These videos are awesome.


I just realize there's one caveat with switching the 'Group By' of the calendar view from Do Date to Do Date formula. By grouping the calendar view using the Do Date formula, the database no longer allows you to drag and drop a task from one date to another. Instead, it can only dropped at the top or the bottom of the database. The only way to switch the date is to go into the page and change the Do Date, which is slightly inconvenient.


Does anyone know which video he created the “Live Projects” on the Dashboard? Ive rewatched the whole playlist and I cannot find where he made it


These are great! For some reason my calendar view is not showing current week, its showing two weeks ago...not sure how to make calendar view current.


Simon what do you think would be a good app to use for writing medium length content. Say 1200 - 2500 words. Good editor and something that does not make you want to fiddle with it (looking at you Obsidian) handles images would be best. Craft, 'One Note, IA Writer are in the race. What do you think, the notion editor is horrible.


You meantioned your icon pack?
I use windows. Can I still use your icon-pack only for notion itselfe?
