Yahweh, Elohim and El Part 2

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It seems that the Canaanites and the Israelites were intertwined in many ways.


Sad that we fight wars over religion when in fact we believe in the same God.


Well done , yet again. Thank you for your teachings. May ELOHIM bless you .


I like your follow ups. People bring up some interesting questions.


It is apparent that the god Baal was also worshipped throughout the Mediterranean.


You should do longer Q&A sessions and have people call in.


I used to get confused with all these names for god. Thanks for a good explanation.


2:32 : just read John 1:3. thanks for opening my eyes.


I was surprised to learn how these gods are all connected.


Confusing with all the names for the Jewish god but you made it clear.


I had no idea that such names for God existed.


Very good Q&A. I especially learned a great deal from Part 1.


Interesting to see how the god of Israelites evolved into one supreme God.


I thought Elohim was plural for all the gods combined. The sky council.

Then who is Elyon?


Did God tell Abraham my Name is El Shaddai? Or did he not


You do a very nice Q&A. You should do more.


Thanks for the video, but why the horrible screeching sound effect? It’s baffling to me why you would include that unless you want people to click away.


These is poorly done. I wish people would read what the Bible actually says. YAHWEH, EHYEH, JEHOVAH, EL, GOD, ANGEL OF THE LORD, WISDOM, SON OF MAN, SON OF GOD as used in the Bible they are one and the same.


Keep in mind that a lot of the claims to make him a god, was made by himself, nobody else, as he first idol-worshipped Baal to the extend that he took on his personality, and then exalted himself to god-status. Now who was accused to have done the same? One other name for yhwh is SATAN. Jesus proclaimed yhwh to be the devil. Please also read the part you don't like, or which makes your own narrtive uncomfortable. That is the only way to live truthfully, and not desire constant escape.


Hello, my name is Arnold J. Bur and I am an Elohimist.

Allah is Elohim
Same God. Different Religions.

Allah is 'not' the 'name' of God. Allah is the Arabic translation of the Hebrew "word" Elohim (Eloheem).

In English and in Hebrew, 'Elohim' is translated as God in the plural form: Gods. The only time that God was One Being was in the Beginning, when everything was 'within' Elohim.

Genesis 1:1-3
In the Beginning Elohim created the Heavens and the Earth.

When Elohim said, Let There Be Light! Or, Light Become! Or literally, Light Be! Elohim became Yahweh (Genesis 2:4) and His "Words" became The Light of the World. John 8:12 The First Born of All Creation. Colossians 1:15 The Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and she conceived The Word: emmanuel; another Hebrew 'word' that means: God with us and they named Him Jesus. (Yasu in Arabic)

Sura 4:171 The Messiah Jesus, son of Mary is a messenger of Allah, a Word "spoken at a command" and directed to Mary.

The Word became flesh: Son of Man. Man has His own spirit. Roman 8:16 After Jesus was tortured and crucified for "our" sins, He gave up "His" Spirit and died. Our God and Father raised Jesus from the dead and exalted Him to the Throne.

Revelation 3:21 To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My Throne as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His Throne.

John 1:1
In the Beginning was The "Word" and the Word "was" God/Elohim and (then) the Word was "with" Elohim.

Deuteronomy 10:17
Yahweh is elohe of elohim...
Yahweh is God of Gods and Lord of lords...

Revelation 17:14 Jesus (Yasu) is Lord of lords and King of kings...

Notice that They are both Lords because They are both God. Father and Son. And, the Holy Spirit make Three Spirits who are God. God is a Kingdom and The Kingdom of God can be within you. Luke 17:21

Psalm 82:6, 7
I said, You are elohim, sons of the Most High but you will die like mortals, like sons of a King.

I am no longer calling myself a "Christian" because many so-called "Christian" Churches are ordaining openly gay ministers. Also, Catholics are Not Christians because they follow a pope instead of Christ.

Believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and confess Jesus (Yasu) as Lord and you will be saved. Ask God the Father to forgive you of your sins and to fill you with the Holy Spirit in the name of the Lord Jesus, Amen. Praise God! Halleluyah!

All the Law and the Prophets hang on Two Commandments: Love God and love your neighbor. Matthew 22:37-40
