7 HIDDEN Expenses Tesla Won't Tell You About

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Tint/PPF - Studio A in Louisville, KY does AMAZING work! (Tell them Jeremiah sent you)

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These are 7 Hidden Expenses and Costs to Tesla Ownership that Tesla will not tell you about and that I had to learn after almost 3 years of owning a Tesla.

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⬇Must Have Tesla Accessories⬇ Code: CYBERLUV for 15% OFF ENTIRE PURCHASE at Tesstuff until 2/19!

Tint/PPF - Studio A in Louisville, KY does AMAZING work! (Tell them Jeremiah sent you)

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


Here are the key takeaways from the video on hidden expenses of Tesla ownership:

1. Maintenance costs:
- Cabin air filter replacements (every 2 years)
- AC desiccant bag replacements (every 4-6 years)
- Brake caliper cleaning and lubrication (yearly or every 12, 500 miles)
- Brake fluid checks/replacements (every 2-4 years)
- Tire rotations (every 6, 250 miles)

2. Tires:
- Wear out faster due to vehicle weight and "electric foot" (frequent rapid acceleration)
- Can be expensive to replace ($250-$350 per tire)

3. Accessories:
- Many essential accessories not included (e.g., floor mats)
- Recommended accessories: screen protector, all-weather floor mats, mud flaps, storage inserts, jack pads

4. Post-purchase features:
- Premium connectivity ($10/month or $100/year)
- Full Self-Driving (expensive subscription or one-time fee)
- Acceleration boost ($2, 000 for some models)
- Rear heated seats (for some older models)

5. Charging costs:
- Home charging installation costs vary
- Supercharging is not free and can be expensive (around $25 for a full charge)
- Idle fees at Superchargers if you don't unplug promptly

6. Insurance:
- Generally more expensive than comparable gas vehicles
- Costs vary based on factors like age, location, and driving history

7. Registration and renewals:
- Many states now charge extra fees for EVs to compensate for lost gas tax revenue
- Fees can range from $120 to $200 or more annually

Overall, while Teslas have lower running costs compared to gas vehicles, there are still various expenses to consider beyond the initial purchase price.


Former insurance underwriter here ...ask for a quote for any vehicle before you purchase it so you know what the cost will be. Insurance premiums will continue to rise because of more vehicles on the road and more weather related claims. Do not cut coverage to the bone for liability, especially if uninsured and under insured limits are tied to the liability limit. The number of people driving without any insurance is well over 10 percent so you need that coverage.


I bought my tires at Costco for $917. Top brand tires and mount/balance is included. Highly recommend!


I didn’t buy a Tesla to save money. I knew I had to get a new car, did my research, and chose a Tesla. It costs some money to upgrade and install a home charger, but wow. The convenience is worth it.


I owned a 2018 Model 3. My maintenance over 5-1/2 years of ownership was AC filter twice. Tire replaced once $1200. Nothing else you mentioned is not really necessary. Tire rotation is one thing not needed. Tesla’s vehicles are very well balanced. My tires wore evenly, never rotated. One thing that surprised me, is never having to change wiper blades. How they last so long is truly amazing.


Great video. Thanks for the tips. Just wanted to add that most towns/cities have a Discount Tire. They rotate for free. Make an appointment online and run by and you're done. It's that simple and free.
For the brake lubrication, that's just not necessary. Just tap your brakes from time to time and go about your day. Maybe in a blue moon drop by your local brake shop and ask for them to lubricate your calipers pins and components for a nominal fee...and you're done. Your air filter you can do yourself. The desiccant bag...take your Tesla in for a full once over to have peace of mind if you want, but it's not really necessary to replace it. Tons of car's use these bags and the original ones are still in them after 10 years of usage. It's a pointless thing honestly.
For the most part it's so much less maintenance for a Teala then an ICE... there just isn't a comparison.
Tires/Tyres...yah, it's the lead foots that destroy your tires/tyres not the car's weight. Thank you for pointing that out.
Basic floor mats come in all car's even Tesla's. The factory ones are always...mehhh...and most drivers know this. This is not a hidden expense in my opinion.
Tons of charging options...it varies so much from person to person. Same principle to cheap non bonded gas vs bonded gas...so why bother mentioning.
Great video overall. Thank you.


As far as insurance goes, I got some good news, I switched to Geico and saved 50 percent on my car insurance. ( All kidding aside, I asked for a reduction with All State, they denied me a reduction, I switched to Progressive and my premium dropped almost 90 bucks per month ) Definitely a good idea to keep your eyes wide open with those insurance companies and take advantage of the cheap rates when switching. ( We pay about $1100 per year for two cars, complete coverage. Drive safe out my Tesla friends.


Best way to own an electric car is to have solar at home (sized for charging a car) and do most of your charging at home. We upsized ours to handle a full electric and a plug in hybrid. Mostly charge at home and still get approx. $300 check from the electric company every year for my overage. It has been nice having a $25 elec bill and being able to pass the gas stations.


I live in Fresno, CA I tried a “special rate plan” and paid $15 a month to have, it turned out to be more expensive than supercharging, I was paying .37 a KW at home now i am paying 23-35 cent a KW at a supercharger, I just leave for work early, I spend 30 mins charging every few days. I just receive my 1st registration renewal, you are correct …it’s $700😊 I love my 2023 M3 and would purchased again, no regrets. My tire rotation at 6250 mi was $65, when the tech arrived at my home he said he did not think I needed it and asked that I make another appointment at 8000 mi.


Incorrect. Average Tesla owner is 48 years old. 55 for S model. You must mean Tesla owner YouTubers


One huge cost that few people are mentioning is depreciation. On a 2021 Model Y LR that cost $60k in October 2022, Tesla is offering $21k trade in...yikes!! That kinda wipes out any savings over ICE cars 😢


At least you’re being honest unlike most Tesla owners saying absolutely no maintenance what so ever. 👍🏻✌🏻


Putting the pedal to the metal at junctions and traffic lights will *NEVER* wear off 😂
Incidentally, used base M3s do come with all heated seats and EAP as standard (at least they did when I purchased mine in the UK last November).


20% extra for charging in the winter. I am outside and preconditioning takes up to an hour so about 3-5 kW per day just to precondition. Preconditioning uses more than my 3.8 kW/ 16 miles per hour range charge rate. So I can leave with less miles than when I started preconditioning. Will not get a positive charge rate while plugged in for the first 45 minutes.


i'm paying $0.17 per kwh charging at home with a wall charger which costed $681 to have an electrician installed 6ft from my breaker box


I am never paying $2000 to INCREASE my 0-60 by 0.5s


LOL that you think most Tesla owners are guys in their mid-twenties! That’s way off. The median age of a Tesla buyer is 48. 74% are male and 97% are homeowners, which rules out most guys in their mid-twenties. The demographic data I found sums it up thusly: “The typical Tesla customer is a white male, about 50 years old, who owns their home and has a high household income.” So yeah - definitely not guys in their mid-twenties! Another interesting data point - Teslas have the highest accident rate of ANY car brand at 23.54 accidents per 1000 drivers. If you want to see this data, just Google “what are the demographics of US Tesla buyers.”


America’s tire/Discount tire does free tire rotations. Also, if you purchase your tires there and get regular rotations done, they will get you an instant credit for the miles you didn’t get (stated warrantied miles) at the time of replacement towards your new set.


This was a list of very obvious expenses that every car owner is aware of, unless you’re totally brand new to owning a car. The last item - All EVs might have an additional fees, the calcuation and names of the fees vary based on how your state wants to disguise it.
