Science and Spiritual Practices - Dr Rupert Sheldrake
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The effects of spiritual practices are now being investigated scientifically as never before, and many studies have shown that religious and spiritual practices generally make people happier and healthier.
In this talk, Rupert Sheldrake will summarize the latest scientific research on what happens when we take part in these practices, and suggest ways you can explore some of these fields for yourself.
In particular, the talk will focus on how science helps validate seven practices which underpin all the major world religions, and discuss some of them in more detail:
- Meditation
- Gratitude
- Connecting with nature
- Relating to plants
- Rituals
- Singing and chanting
- Pilgrimage and holy places.
For those who are religious, you’ll learn about the evolutionary origins of your own traditions and gain a new appreciation of their power. For the non-religious, the talk will show how the core practices of spirituality are accessible to all, without the need to subscribe to a religious belief system.
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake is a biologist and author of more than 85 scientific papers and 13 books. He is a leading researcher into anomalous phenomena and was among the top 100 Global Thought Leaders for 2013, as ranked by the Duttweiler Institute, Zurich, Switzerland’s leading think tank.