Atheists Have MORE FAITH Than Christians Do!

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Atheists Have MORE FAITH Than Christians Do!! During this Q&A on a college campus. Atheists believe the universe in it’s entirety completely established itself out of pure chaos, Which completely violates the laws of physics as we know them. But is it that they don’t think there is a God? Or is it more likely that they just don’t like Gods rules? And just like petulant children that throw tantrums, atheists choose to rebel. They would rather try and convince the world that God isn’t there, that way they can feel better about the sins that they elevate over God. The choice is theirs, but in no way does it mean that God isn’t there. It only shows the immaturity of atheist mentality.

#shorts #Christianity #Atheism
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The issue is our common sense is founded on our common experience. Human beings do not intuitively understand much about the very small or very old. We are apes that became really good at coordinating with other apes and throwing rocks in parabolic arches at food. Our common sense misleads us much of the time.

Cliff has no point of contrast. He cannot point to anything in the universe that wasn’t designed, because he believes it is all designed. I would ask cliff, what kind of universe he would expect if it wasn’t designed, and how the hell could he know?


Reasoning like a child while comparing atheists to children... yep...
And no, ignorance is not evidence


Snowflakes have both order and design but do not require a mind


This is a core reason I am continually amazed that so many in Tech reject a creator. Nothing happens in their field without a creator, but they attribute all we can see to "time and chance". Takes more faith to believe that than I have!


Just show love anyway. No matter what they believe or how they go about it. Just show up, do our part and stop talking about it.


AMEN!!! we all take responsibility for our actions!


Atheist here, we have faith in what exactly?


Yeah and if we ever found a natural mountain that actually resembles four faces this would be a valid argument


Yikes, this guys vids are so far off from biblical. This is one of his better ones tho. Cliff is fantastic.


AMEN 🙏 and this old born again Christian believes that we’re all going to be bending those knees and bowing those heads and tongues confessing that Yeshua/ Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords very soon too ! That’s the part that many never seem to realize or think about or consider ! We’re all going to live for all of eternity ! But the decision is ours where we choose to live out all of eternity Heaven or Hell . And when my Bible tells this old dying man that a single day is but a single day to God and a thousand yrs is only a day to God it really makes you think and consider. Think about this for a second and really let it soak in. Yeshua was crucified in 70 A.D. that’s 2000 yrs ago !Well if a thousand yrs to God is but a single day then it’s only been two days ago since Yeshua/ Jesus was crucified ! So when you hear people making comments like yeah I know but my grandpa told me the same thing and it still hasn’t happened yet. Just remind them of this old man’s story.


Amen, i will NOT sugarcoat the gospel either!!


I can agree to the first parts, but the last part of bending knees to Jesus is not going to happen.


You don't understand the meaning of the word "Atheist". It means we don't believe in ANY gods. Not the Christian god, Allah, Zeus, Jove, Odin, Ra or any of the other imaginary gods that have been worshipped down the centuries..


Saying that because there is a (for example) 1/1, 000, 000 chance for something to hapen in one sample and therefore it cannot happen without interference uncovers a fundamental misunderstanding of basic statistics.
I’m aware that for a planet (or set of laws) the probability of sustaining life is small (not in that it is unlikely to happen but that it is a small subset of possibilities), but his argument is akin to accusing a chess player of using external assistance when they score a few 1/10, 000 win streaks after playing 50, 000 games.
We don’t know enough about reality to conclude how unlikely our circumstances are in the first place, so I’d either keep my speculations to idle conversation or admit that my convictions were only convenient fantasies. (And yes, I am aware that religion isn’t necessarily bad, but people still need to keep in mind that it is nothing more than a cultural ritual and not representative of reality.)


Romans 1:20 destroys Atheism... "For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made,  so that people are WITHOUT excuse." So atheist can play dumb all they want, in their heart at very minimum u know their is a Creator


That doesnt make sense. You know how many painters creared beautiful work from chaos? There are so many works of art from nonintelligent people. Then, if you go by creator/creation argument, the only thing creator tells you is some thing created the universe. It doesnt tell us who. It doesnt point to religion. No christ. No bible. Creator creates. Thats it. Plus. Calling it creation doesnt make it so. Its a name chosen to fit the religious narrative.


What comes first in chicken's, the hen eggs or rooster😅.
Laughing is free in free will 😜
The truth the way remains eternal forever Christ way 😊
God is good ✌️♥️🌍


As if paredolia doesn't exist. Order and design are human constructs.


I don’t want to start a fight by any means, I may not be a religious man, but I don’t think that gives me the right to attack people who believe in their own religions, but I have a question, what does this prove at all?
Sure, Mount Rushmore wasn’t an accident, but do you have a thing to link that point to? If you claim humans can’t have been an accident, well it took us more than millions of years to evolve, similar to how a river slowly changes through time. If you claim the exact circumstances of the universe, well I strongly believe if gravity were slightly stronger, planets would be slightly farther and life itself probably would never have formed, so we are indeed lucky, but we aren’t the result of ORDER by any means nor do I believe it was one specific DESIGN that cause all of this.


Amen. And as a prior atheist, he’s totally right.
I just didn’t like the rules.
