Roger Waters explains Comfortably Numb meaning

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“Is the revolution around the corner? I effing hope so!”

Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters returns to Useful Idiots as bold and funny as ever, with takes on the UK’s new “self-serving Nazi” Prime Minister Keir Starmer, the meaninglessness of the Trump assassination attempt, the real devastation happening everyday in Gaza, Julian Assange, and so much more.

Roger laments that our leaders are “Joe Biden, who thinks he rules the world” and “Keir Starmer, who's a self-serving, career Nazi. They would do anything, tell any lie, adopt any position that can give them power and influence.”

Waters asks what would have happened if the assassination attempt on Trump had been successful: “Nothing. There'd be another puppet there instead. It doesn't make any difference.”

Which is why Roger believes working hard to get these people, Trump and Biden, out of office is so important. “You have an opportunity now to take part in the existential battle for the human soul that Aaron and Katie and I and millions, billions of people all over the world are engaged in. Because we care about right and wrong and we care about human rights and we care about our brothers and sisters.”

And if we don’t? “We are heading towards World War Three very, very fast.”

Last week, Aaron appeared on Piers Morgan in a debate with two very angry Zionists. The week before, Roger debated Piers himself. The two trade stories of the frustrating environment and how blatant lies (beheaded babies, evidence-less sexual assault of Israeli women), and propaganda (the covering up of Israel’s mass violence of its own people on October 7th) are being shoved down our throats.

“People on this issue just repeat again and again claims that have been debunked. They've been doing it since Joseph Goebbels and Herman Goering suggested it in the late 1930s. The bigger the lie you tell, the better it is. You just have to keep repeating it.”

Subscribe to hear the full interview with Roger Waters where he shares stories of his meeting with Julian Assange, a song from his upcoming album, the fascist uniform he wears for his live shows, and what he does every day to make a difference in the world.

“It's not easy. We all of us wake up in the morning and burst into tears, and then think ‘All right pull yourself together you big lunk. There's work to be done.’ And we think what can I do today to to make a difference? However tiny it is, what can I do today that is not standing by, silent and indifferent? What can I do?”
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I saw my brother come back from 5 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan “comfortably numb” and honestly it broke my heart. It took 15 years to get half of him back


"If you have feelings, treasure them" 💔


Comfortably Numb is auditory mental health therapy, well delivered.


Thank you Roger for conveying such a strong message. Your music is timeless, deeply connected to it. Love that you continue to speak on humanity. Thank you.


The Van Morrison version of Comfortably Numb is just beautiful. It’s just epic.


He has his reason for living, to fight for those who are silenced.


For me, the song was about gaining perspective through detachment, so I could manage my own feelings in stressful situations.


💯💥💔💔 I read Caitlin Johnstone's daily emails ! Love her, Love you, Roger 🌹✌️✌️✌️🍉🍉🍉


We love you Roger! I cry & am so 😢 devastated because of the genocide!!


Thank you Roger. Keep telling the people. We need your voice now more than ever.


As numb as I get to the suffering in Gaza, the poem Oh Rascal Children of Gaza by Khaled Juma always gets me.

Oh rascal children of Gaza.
You who constantly disturbed me
with your screams under my window.
You who filled every morning
with rush and chaos.
You who broke my vase
and stole the lonely flower on my balcony.
Come back,
and scream as you want
and break all the vases.
Steal all the flowers.
Come back..
Just come back..


Yes, we can normalize genocide from seeing dead children every day on our screens. My feelings were leaving me but after a few days break my feelings returned. I do breakdown and cry when talking about what’s happening to the Palestinians. I heard how people in north Gaza had to share a can of food between 5 people so when I sat down to lunch I burst out crying and my husband said what’s wrong? I told him how lucky we are to have food to eat.😢🇵🇸


Dear Roger, I'm crying every day and do treasure my empathy 😢😢


Didn't the Palestinians vote Hamasaki as their govt.


We live in an era of corporate monopoly tech induced anesthesia and amnesia. Resist the conformity, because it IS killing everybody.


The images that come out of the unspeakable place are so tragic.
Everything is so censored now a day's


It was a gunshot to the head, not an owie on his ear. Yes, a shrapnel riddled baby is an awful thing that should never ever happen but neither should an assassination attempt.


At this time we are all into our comfortable numb. We have lost our sesibility, that it determined us like humans. I again burst in tear when i see scenes about Gaza or other massacres that come and i keep strong this feeling


It was the guitarist Roger. Nothing else


Roger Waters is and will always be admired by me. First as an artist, and second as a human being.
If there is a God, please BLESS HIM!