The Treatment for Tooth Decay that Reversed my 5 Cavities in 3 Months!!

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Learn the treatment for tooth decay how to heal cavities. Most people don't know that you can reverse cavities, heal tooth decay and other dental problems such as gum disease and bad breath at home.

Many people have reversed their cavities and in this video you will learn the tooth decay treatment that I used to reverse five cavities in three months. To date I have been blessed to reverse six cavities with the x-ray's and dentist statements to prove it. Once you understand what causes cavities you will be able to understand how to reverse them.
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19:40 coconut oil pulling
21:35 essential oils
Coriander, Rosemary leaf, Broom Weed, Cinamon, (Oregano).
done only for short period, not to kill off good bacteria.
alternate between plain coconut oil and coconut/essential oil mixture.
1 week on/1 week off
26:41 Antibacterial mouthwash after a meal
27:51 good dental habbits, brush your teeths, scrap your tounge
29:20 make your teeth strong:
Minerals, vegetables, juicing,
40:43 Dr. Weston A. Price,
45:50 Vitamin D, calcium,
vitD 6600-7100 IUs daily for 8 weeks
01:07:22 grape juice (natural fluoride)
grape seed extract


A dentist told my daughter she had 15 cavities. She claimed my daughter needed several root canals etc. She was doing the first root canal and it took hours, literally. I kept asking what is taking so long. My daughter told me later the "dentist" was referring to her manual as she did it. Then she finally came out and said she couldn't finish it that we needed to go to a specialist. I was livid. She even charged our insurance for a root canal she couldn't finish. We went to a specialist of our choice, then to a different dentist. They told my daughter she had one, yes one small cavity!! not multiple. What a racket!


After I STOPPED going to the Dentist & the Dr. I've NEVER BEEN HEALTHIER..
I EDUCATED MYSELF & OTHERS & I'll be 56 this year & on NO drugs or medications.


Never tell your dentist that you havent been to the dentist for years cause then theyll just tell you you have a bunch of cavities


I have spent years as a Biomedical Research Engineer with Publishings. I promise you, that the body as a whole, is a healing mechanism. Good job!


Our family moved to a new town and we had to establish with a dentist. At the time (2003)My three teenage daughters had no cavities so you can imagine my shock when the new dentist told me each girl needed $6000 work!!! I phoned their old dentist in the other town and asked him to view the X-rays- he did and called me back saying “your daughter’s don’t have any cavities, that dentist is scamming you”- wow!! unbelievable dishonesty.


Come to Africa to learn about how one's whole body can heal itself, with what God has provided through His creation, the herbs/plants/spices etc.we dont go to the doctor for each and every little thing.And its not because of lack of funds for us in Africa, its because we are close to nature and have a relationship with it.


Hi Gabe
I've been an holistic dentist for 12 years now and just wanted to compliment you on your in-depth research. This is very valuable content for lots of people, as you have covered most of the important topics.
If you want another interesting rabbit hole to jump into concerning this: I've found that lots of my patients also have problems with cavities because of a mouth breathing habit or an inability to close their mouths because of orthodontic problems. Explaining this in simple terms: open mouth habit or mouth breathing = mouth dries out = no saliva = no remineralization. Luckily there's training you can do. Have a look at Dr. Mew's videos. Have fun deep diving ;-)


I lived in the US for a couple of years, got a gum problem (related to my pregnancy). I went to the dentist my health insurance advised me. He told me I had 7 cavities. I used to go to the dentist once a year in France (each time a different one) and none of them found any cavity since my childhood. The American doctor asked for 1500$ : « You’re lucky, Ma’am, you have a very good health insurance ». I did not have the money and decided to take care of my teeth once back in my country (where a cavity was cured for 28€ only, plus fully reemboursed by social security). I was anxious, went to the dentist. She checked my mouth, then said sadly : « I am sorry to say that you have 0 cavity. You only have a few black stains. If I treat them, it’ll harm you. I saw at least 3 other dentists since then who told me the same. I am sad to hear today that this is usual in America. I thought I was unlucky… Too many doctors are obsessed with the money… Wish you the best. God help us.


One reason why fruits and vegetables do not have the nutrients and full bodied flavor is because they are removed from the vines and trees many weeks before they actually ripen.


Dr. Price used cod liver oil for vitamins A & D3 combined with concentrated high vitamin butter oil from cows grazing rapidly growing green grass for K2 (which many believe is his X-Factor).


Very interesting. I have not had a cavity in over 50 years (74). I heard about the coconut oil treatment but I only did this for a few months since I don’t have cavities, I did not think it was necessary. I floss daily, and have a dish of baking soda in my cabinet and take a pinch daily in a glass of water and rinse my mouth out after brushing, and rinse before bed. Baking soda neutralizes all acids caused by any bacteria, foods, or drinks even vinegar. If I feel any tooth pain, I add a 1/4 tsp of hydrogen peroxide in my water pick and spray at low pressure between teeth, and all gum pain is gone, then coconut oil. But oral care must be ongoing daily!. P.S. Celtic Salt is one of the best salts to use. It contains about 80 trace elements your teeth require for proper formation. Plain salt contains only sodium and Iodine and nothing else, but is very salty flavored, highly processed, but lacking.


I am 64 years old and living in Latin America, I found that the coconut oil pulling and essential oils only controlled some deep infections that I had in my jaw from diet mineral deficiencies. For me I found the Lugol's Iodine on dental floss made a huge impact so I began adding 1 drop to an ounce of water and dipped the toothbrush in it and after brushing I even swallowed the iodine solution on the brush. I then started taking kelp as well to address an iodine deficiency. That worked pretty good and I also read that Colloidal silver worked great for deep cleansing old standing infections throughout the body, so I began taking a maintenance dose of a teaspoon daily. At that point I began seeing real healing taking place. I went on a diet including liver and seafood and raw eggs and the pain and sensitivity that I had in 5 teeth rapidly diminished. The diet works well and the idea is the same, kill the infection and make certain you go on a high mineral, high vitamin A and D diet with lots of healthy fats and oils to support tooth and bone growth. I got a lot of info from Ramiel Nagel's book Cure Tooth Decay. Due to my age I also adjusted the protocol so as to focus as well on increasing testosterone which also made a huge impact. Do teeth heal? Yes. But the diet needs to focus on ocean foods that have high mineral content. Where I live, the coastal people are famous for great teeth, but they live on mainly what they pull out of the ocean. Its the one place companies like Monsanto have not yet destroyed, but they are are certainly working on it.


I went to 3 dentist's in about 3 months and they all said I had different number of cavities. I found out that cavities are a suggestive diagnosis.
I did not know. I would have thought either you have a cavity or you don't !

I think 95% of dentist's like doctors do what's best for business not necessarily the victim (patient)


3 years ago I had tooth pain, 53 years old. For other reasons I changed my diet. 10 veggies, barley steamed, almost crunchy, a little beef, eggs, fruit, organic peanut butter n cocoa powder+ other ingredients for my snack, skip a meal, eat from noon to six. Anyway no more tooth aches plus prostate problems went away. I will never got to the doctor again, hopefully just drop some day. Don't want to have cancer, open heart surgery, all the problems I have seen in friends and family.


Xylitol also kills the bad bacteria in your mouth and helps in the mineralization of the teeth as well as fixing gum recession. Chewing xylitol gum is an easy way to do this.


My sincerest condolences on the loss of your wife. Thank you for delivering to us your findings in the midst of your grieving.


1.Coconut oil as rinsing/oil pulling 15-20min, 1-2 times every day.
2. Essential oils; oregano cinnamon coriander rosemary leaf broom weed (add small amount to the coconut oil).
3. Alkaline antibacterial mouthwash after lunch.
4. Good dental habits; brushing twice a day, once a day flossing.
5. Tongue scraping every morning.

For strong teeth:
1.Key minerals from vegetables and plants every day by juicing (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium etc.)
2. Fat solulable vitamins to absorb and utilize the minerals (6000-7000 IU of vitamin D per day).


I broke off the corner of one of my bottom front teeth, i started oil-pulling 3x/day, increased D3 to 20, 000 iu and vitaminK2. Used OnGuard essential oil each morning. 1 week later, tooth was repaired perfectly. True story. I told my dentist what happened and he looked at me like i was cray.


None of the dental professionals could tell me how to prevent teeth loss let alone reverse the cavities! So when I heard in this video "I prayed asked God's help", I really related and identified with this presentation
