Genius Propeller Is About to REVOLUTIONIZE Ships, Here's Why

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In engineering it isn't every day that one component can increase efficiency by 105%... most changes are small and subtle... but a new toroidal propeller design from MIT promises to do JUST this! And it doesn't require any changes to infrastructure or engines, just a drop in replacement. And while companies are showing results, it's almost too good to be true. So what's the deal, and how big an impact can this propellers have on ships and planes? Let's find out! Ships Are About to Get WAY More Efficient, Here's Why




0:00 - Introduction
1:00 - Claims
1:30 - History
4:07 - Toroidal Propellers!
5:00 - Efficiencies
6:45 - Costs
8:30 - Patents
9:30 - Why it matters
11:15 - Airplaines?
12:00 - MIT Design
13:38 - Difficulties
15:00 - Conclusions


what we'll cover
two bit da vinci,toroidal propeller,toroidal prop,turning mit toroidal propeller into a fan,toroidal drone propeller,toroidal propeller design,toroidal propellers,toroidal propeller drone,toroidal propeller vs standard propellers,mit toroidal,mit propeller,custom propeller,toroidal propeller boat,toroidal propeller plane,toroidal propeller drone sound,toroidal propeller fan,toroidal propeller test,Genius New Propeller Will Transform Cargo Ships & Planes but, Ships Are About to Get WAY More Efficient, Here's Why
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Props to this channel for propelling this revolutionary technology to the masses!


I'm writing this in my 38ft liveaboard boat lol. 2x 380hp Volvo diesels, planing Hull, and 25 knots. The same engines are rated at lower hp and rpm as you move from 15 tonne pleasure craft to commercial vessels, and in my case I can only use full power for a short time. So while more speed is ALWAYS nice, I'd pay a LOT if I could use my current top speed constantly, using less fuel which isn't just a saving but my range increases. There are way more benefits then cost, an engine working less hard will last longer. I'm super pumped - thank you! Hey I wonder if prop walk is reduced? 🤔


I work in patents, and I do a lot of work in helicopters and UAVs. Toroidal props are definitely not a new discovery by any stretch. I was reading a patent from 1895 the other day that was pretty good prior art against MIT's toroidal propeller patent. I've seen lots of other patients in my work over the last few years to do with toroidal, loop, and other tip-joined propellers


I can think of an area where lots of drones are used where efficiency may take second place to sound reduction. Think of where a stealthy drone could deliver a payload without alerting the recipients. In this area, the drones must be flown at a relatively high altitude to avoid detection which then reduces the accuracy of the drop of the payload. Reduce the noise, reduce the altitude, increase the accuracy.


If you look at water pumps, there are two types of impellers. Closed impeller like the torodial boat propeller and an open design normally used for trash water pumps. The open design is lower pressure but is less prone to trash being stuck in the flow through impeller. However I think this guy deserves all the applause he can get for his observation and application to improve boat propeller design.


Swap-on improvements are some of the most impactful, especially with the impressive gains these props bring.


12:30 - a "high pitched buzzing sound" is also called a "drone"


The knock on effects of this could be massive. Cutting shipping costs is huge


It blows my mind props for boats havent been majorly improved for so long. I just assumed there was a lot of rnd, with wind tunnel tests etc


One thing that is promising about this design is that it isn't that complicated. It definitely isn't as easy to manufacture as the traditional design, but I don't see anything in there that couldn't be cast or injection molded. It seems like the $5000 price tag isn't going to be the price forever, right now they can charge that much because they have no competition, but I suspect that similar designs will soon offer similar benefits at much lower prices, and they will bring the price down.


As being a swede I was surprised to hear, for the first time, that John Ericsson was not from sweden.


Will also be interesting to see if a type of this can be applied to windgenerators too


I wonder if this is related to the efficiency increase of ducted fans over open circumference fans (in both motors and generators). A propeller forces the fluid away from the propeller shaft, wasting energy. If a cylinder around the propeller blocks this and forces the air to go parallel to the shaft, then there is a more efficient transfer of energy. (If I remember correctly, ducted fans are twice as efficient.)


Amazing prop development! However, for many boaters who have to keep replacing damaged props, it would simply cost too much


Patents by Myers/Davies (1892 - Jan 19 and 26) and Sugden (1967-70) show great insight into the state of the art - long before CFD was available.

Propeller thrust is highly speed relative.
ie, at Zero speed - static thrust is of dubious relevance depending on the design metrics (static thrust is really measuring pumping efficiency - mass of fluid accelerated to some final velocity, [general derivations, Force = mass * acceleration, power = Work/time = (Force*distance)/time = F*Velocity ]-- no transport work is being performed), at some design "speed" - Power being defined as Velocity multiplied by force (m/s * Newtons = Watts) it would be interesting to see comparison velocity vs thrust curves.

$5k for a replacement propeller. The recreational user will only get bragging advantage - at a great cost.

The problem with Rotorcraft "loop props" - flow vectors are much more complex than for an axial "airscrew" /water screw / prop as used on- aeroplane or conventional boat. With all rotorcraft, (unless converting to fixedwing in level flight) propeller advance ration have no relation to the aricraft's forward velocity, tips which are not functional - in the thrust vector direction, most likely only create drag and not the stated benefit - unloaded tips - streamlines conformal to path vector - are more important for multirotor "vortex reduction" than boats or fixedwing aeroplanes. Variable flight regimes further complicates optimal design (ie stable hover - with low translational speeds through to high vertical speeds and transitioning to high forward velocity).


This will hopefully make electric ships viable. Hydrogen will problably be the fuel to start with but for short trips and small boats battery will be cheaper.. Also in combination wuth using modern sails will drive the cost of shipping down.


I've seen a number of people on YouTube talking about this propeller design, but I think you're the first to really delve into the history of similar prop and screw development. This was a very interesting and informative viewing experience. 😃👍


I imagine this could significantly increase the capabilities of military submarines. If the new propellers generate less cavitation, which they seem to, it would allow submarines to move more quickly while remaining quiet.


Would love to see the effeciency on something like a hydrofoil boat with a Toroidal Propellers. See if if the efficiency is exponentional once it comes out of the water. Such a great breakthrough!


When you consider how long we’ve used propellers, it’s madness to think we’ve only just discovered this
